What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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hundreds of thousands of small businesses like restaurants, movie theaters, hotels, hair salons, florists , construction companies, plumbers, electricians etc can just close up shop and telecommute I guess after they buy a hydrogen powered car and the economy and people's lives can return to normal.
I know you're trying to be smart here, but I very obviously stated that not everyone can stay home and work. There is a huge number that can which will lower the conjestion during rush hours. Just having people with web based jobs (which there are many) arbitrarily come in everyday isn't beneficial to anyone. Having people travel all over for meetings that can almost certainly be done through telecom and VTC is another arbitraty thing that doesn't need to happen either.

Fossil fuel reliance is the product of financial influence, not technology.
I'm sure the leadership of places like MI, NJ, and NY will make rational decisions once given the long term authority to limit citizen movement. We can all agree........

Once again, you are proving my point. So I really appreciate it.

Your comment has absolutely nothing to do with my comment but its a place to grand stand, twist and turn words to fit a narrative.

If someone says that maybe people will realize they dont need to drive as often to the store and you twist that to the government is going to restrict travel...rational thought has already left the conversation.

Before all this happened my wife got up on a Saturday, drove to do grocery pickup, drove home to drop the groceries off. She was home for less than ten minutes and turned around and drove to hobby lobby to get some stuff and was back in less than 20 minutes. Hobby Lobby is right next door to the damn grocery store. It took her longer to drive back and forth than it would have to just stop on the way.

The other day a kid I work with walked to his pickup, got in it drove to one end of the parking lot to get some food and drove back. He literally walked an equal distance to and from his pickup as it would have been just to walk to the store.

Simple things like that would reduce the amount of fossil fuel consumption and have zero affect on the economy minus the fuel companies.

Not saying we need to shut down every damn travel, get rid of all fossil fuels and fart ******* rainbows but I can hope that people will recognize what we truly need after all of this.
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Once again, you are proving my point. So I really appreciate it.

Your comment has absolutely nothing to do with my comment but its a place to grand stand, twist and turn words to fit a narrative.

If someone says that maybe people will realize they dont need to drive as often to the store and you twist that to the government is going to restrict travel...rational thought has already left the conversation.

Before all this happened my wife got up on a Saturday, drove to do grocery pickup, drove home to drop the groceries off. She was home for less than ten minutes and turned around and drove to hobby lobby to get some stuff and was back in less than 20 minutes. Hobby Lobby is right next door to the damn grocery store. It took her longer to drive back and forth than it would have to just stop on the way. Simple things like that would reduce the amount of fossil fuel consumption and have zero affect on the economy minus the fuel companies.

Not saying we need to shut down every damn travel, get rid of all fossil fuels and fart ******* rainbows but I can hope that people will recognize what we truly need after all of this.

So random Sunday drives are off the table? What about driving to hunt? Seems kind of a waste from a purely cost/benefit standpoint.

Just trying to get an idea where I stand. See, what I consider really important someone else is gonna see as wasteful and frivolous. "There should be a law!", isn't far behind.
So random Sunday drives are off the table? What about driving to hunt? Seems kind of a waste from a purely cost/benefit standpoint.

Just trying to get an idea where I stand. See, what I consider really important someone else is gonna see as wasteful and frivolous. "There should be a law!", isn't far behind.
Good lord dude. If you want to go for a ******* drive go for one. I did that last Sunday with my wife. I drive my ass of looking for deer and elk but taking 10 seconds took look at things that you do in everyday life and finding ways to eliminate them isnt a bad thing. No where in this discussion has anyone said it needs to be a law or advocated for one. In fact you are the only one that seems to think this should be a law for people to do it. You know that whole idea of self regulation and taking initiative seems to only be a thing when it fits your narrative. Please for the love all that is holy, point out anywhere that someone has said that you cant do anything you keep saying they have?
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So random Sunday drives are off the table? What about driving to hunt? Seems kind of a waste from a purely cost/benefit standpoint.

Just trying to get an idea where I stand. See, what I consider really important someone else is gonna see as wasteful and frivolous. "There should be a law!", isn't far behind.
My goodness...
Beaches can be opened here at noon tomorrow. The Gov. has left up to the individual towns to decide, but also can include piers, docks, ect...All social distancing still applies..no non family groups larger than 3.

Also non essential stores can open based on the 20% capacity rule. Specifically listed are the following.
  • Furniture and home-furnishings stores
  • Clothing, shoe, and clothing-accessory stores
  • Jewelry, luggage, and leather goods stores
  • Department stores, with the exception of hardware and home-improvement stores
  • Sporting goods stores
  • Book, craft, and music stores
  • Flea markets
  • Florists and flower stores
SC shut down everything down 4-1...public boat ramps were open back up last week.

Barber shops, restaurants, and gyms still closed and stay home if you can order still in effect.

By no means are we out of the woods but we are starting to see light at the end of the tunnel and I dont think it's the train.
I know you're trying to be smart here, but I very obviously stated that not everyone can stay home and work. There is a huge number that can which will lower the conjestion during rush hours. Just having people with web based jobs (which there are many) arbitrarily come in everyday isn't beneficial to anyone. Having people travel all over for meetings that can almost certainly be done through telecom and VTC is another arbitraty thing that doesn't need to happen either.

Fossil fuel reliance is the product of financial influence, not technology.

Commute traffic in San Jose, CA is roughly 1/2 of normal on Fridays as so many people work from home. If productivity working from home was even close to that of working in the office, employers would gain massively by having those folks work from home on a permanent basis. The amount of real estate they would need to lease/buy would reduce, lower utilities, and employees could spend the time they would otherwise spend commuting doing something productive. It certainly wouldn't work equally for all industries, but many companies and some roles in virtually all companies could be transitioned to a work from home environment.

I will say however, from a sales perspective nothing beats in person meetings.
Commute traffic in San Jose, CA is roughly 1/2 of normal on Fridays as so many people work from home. If productivity working from home was even close to that of working in the office, employers would gain massively by having those folks work from home on a permanent basis. The amount of real estate they would need to lease/buy would reduce, lower utilities, and employees could spend the time they would otherwise spend commuting doing something productive. It certainly wouldn't work equally for all industries, but many companies and some roles in virtually all companies could be transitioned to a work from home environment.

I will say however, from a sales perspective nothing beats in person meetings.
I used to have to work at Moffett all the time so I'm very familiar with San Jose traffic.

The average one way commute for the folks that worked on base was 90 miles and most shops started at 4am so they could beat traffic in and out. It's funny that is the only installation in the DoD that volunteered to be BRAC'd lol.

When I am dealing with a senior leader at the Pentagon, Crystal City, or at a 4-star command it's nice to at least go physically meet them once, but after that the isn't there. I'm sure sales would be similar.

There are so many advantages for those that can telework for both the employee and businesses. The reasons why they aren't being maximized in my experience is because of the attitude of older management. I had a supervisor level guy in my agency tell me that if you're not there you're not working. Definitely part of the problem. Our agency was mandated to telework at least one day a week last year and of course have been 100% telework through all of this. It's the way of the future for sure and I think it will be one of the positives that come from this virus.
I agree.

Just hopeful that some of the unnecessary travel will be realised, and reduced.

Some people can work from home vs that 2 hour commute in city traffic both ways.

That business meeting can be done remotely, instead of flying everyone from around the world to one place.

You don't need to go to the grocery store everyday, etc.

Sent from my F1 using Tapatalk

AOC is ecstatic the world oil market just nose dived causing millions of job losses.

I hope you folks that want less fossil fuel used are not hypocrites. No motor vehicle, no heat or hot water other than solar or wind produced, definitely no ac or even going into anyplace that has ac.... Show me.....the way....

aoc, the folks behind her idolize pol pot....she/them are bad news.
AOC never fail to seize the opportunity of acting nuts, things will go back to normal and she will resume her usual rants.
You guys see the price of oil? -36 a barrel. Oil companies pay to ship their oil.
More government bailout to prop up the economy. More inflation. If we strip away the BS gold is at about 20k an ounce while silver sits at 2400 an ounce. Basically if you have neither when the "everything bubble" pops, I hope you have a sustainable lifestyle with no debts because this is going to be extremely bad.
O and Mark Suckerburg is outright openly denying certain posts facebook deems false information. We are living in Nazi Germany and the technocratic operation is in full swing.

I hope you folks that want less fossil fuel used are not hypocrites. No motor vehicle, no heat or hot water other than solar or wind produced, definitely no ac or even going into anyplace that has ac.... Show me.....the way....

aoc, the folks behind her idolize pol pot....she/them are bad news.
Major difference for "wanting" less and none.
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Don’t wanna say told you so......my guess it will be worse then what they are projecting. We will look back at this and ask if it was worth it, I think we will say no.
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