What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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4th day in a row total cases are down. Now we plateau for about a week and then they start dropping. Basically following the exact same curve as Italy for cases based on population as we have been since the start. Their death rate based on population is 6.5 times higher.
4th day in a row total cases are down. Now we plateau for about a week and then they start dropping. Basically following the exact same curve as Italy for cases based on population as we have been since the start. Their death rate based on population is 6.5 times higher.
I’m cautiously optimistic that you’re right. However, with our stats so concentrated in a few hot spots, I fear that those hot spots will have plateaued, and that smaller cities will be swamped like New York in a few weeks. I live between Baltimore and DC, and it’s a possibility here.

I’m not a doctor, and I don’t study these things for a living. Just a dude who geeks out over data.
I went to my favorite restaurants right until they were forced to close. I’d be going and sitting down in them today if they were open. I suspect that my two favorite restaurants will never reopen. Makes me sad for the owners , employees , and myself.
I'd be willing to bet there's some sales on really cheap cruise tickets today. You and everyone who thinks this way should jump on one.
Gates company has a patent on a carona viris and ties in to Wuhan China he also stepped down as chairman for Microsoft to do things for the greater good of mankind. He is spearheading this vaccine for clovid-19. I have seen several videos etc that show lots of crazy stuff out of his organization. Some talk of everyone having a digital marker that shows you have been vaccinated or have immunity. Basically a way to track everyone on the planet. Also I have read several other countries isreal etc that are making everyone down an app that bluetooths location to see if a person has been in contact with someone carrying the viris. It's over my head but if it is true I don't like it. Also have read that the new 5G network whatever that is is starting in Wuhan china sorry I may have spelled wuhan.
I can't tell if this is serious or full of sarcasm. Either way, it is physically painful to know there are people who believe all that.
I never imagined that during a global pandemic, that as an emergency nurse, I would be worried about getting hours to work. Yet, here I am, cut back to 24 hours this week, unable to use PTO to make up for the missed hours, getting ready to get sent home for 2 weeks without pay.

My sister in law went to NYC on one of those crisis nursing jobs. 6 days sitting in a hotel room, yet to step foot in a hospital. Company has told her she may not even be needed, along with the several hundred others that went up there with her. WTF?
I never imagined that during a global pandemic, that as an emergency nurse, I would be worried about getting hours to work. Yet, here I am, cut back to 24 hours this week, unable to use PTO to make up for the missed hours, getting ready to get sent home for 2 weeks without pay.

My sister in law went to NYC on one of those crisis nursing jobs. 6 days sitting in a hotel room, yet to step foot in a hospital. Company has told her she may not even be needed, along with the several hundred others that went up there with her. WTF?

My wifes hours are also reduced with no elective surgeries going on.
Not to derail the thread too much, but some quick research on this Gates issue. Seems like he wants to help solve global health issues like this. I’m good with that. However, he also seems to think there’s a viable role for surveillance in that effort. I disagree whole-heartedly there. In the States, privacy rights matter, and there are even more protections for things like medical information. I suspect any use of surveillance to trace or forecast the movement of a pandemic will not pass muster with the judicial system. But this is for a while other thread.
Yup, they will start with a non-removable wrist band and then got to a chip.....
Why all the extra hardware? We all carry the perfect tracking device with us willingly since the FCC mandated GPS tracking for mobile phones in 1996. I am not even gonna get into FB and other SM...The conditioning of the general population started a long ago.
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