Wyoming elk wilderness area ?

Looking at a couple units in Wyoming that have a low % wilderness area in them. What is the hunting like in the rest of the unit that would be open to a non-resident because it’s not part of the wilderness area. Anyone have experience, will there be overcrowding or lots of competition. The units are limited draw and we are just wondering if it worth going with not being able to go into the wilderness area.
Sometimes the area outside of wilderness is lower and are mainly good during late season hunts once weather pushes them down from the high country. It’s hard to answer that question without more information.
I hunted a unit in WY last year that had a big chunk of wilderness that we couldn’t touch because we were DIY. I don’t think it hurt us one bit. We looked at some of it, and it was steep. I’m too lazy to hunt that type of terrain. We talked to some residents that said it’s no different from the area we hunted. If you can pick some spots that aren’t wilderness, I’d go for it. Good luck!
IME in Wyoming if there's elk in the area it'll be crowded, if not then you'll have the whole place almost to yourself. WY locals are pretty on top of the Elk movements compared to some other states I've been in. I wouldn't worry about wilderness vs non, just go hunt where it's legal to you and let the chips fall where they may. Be ready to move though if you find places void of other hunters.
Would be a rifle hunt if drawn
There are way more questions than that. What elevations are the wilderness boundary at? Sometimes wilderness goes all the way to the trailhead. Is it an area where the lower elevations are still public or are there a bunch of tracks of private land around where they will migrate to? Like I said, it’s a little bit tough to answer that question without some important details.