Nothing like a few Trump quotes mixed in with a good dose of leftist propaganda.
Does Trump talk out his arse some times? Absolutely, and I wish he didn't. With that said, you should thank your luck stars we actually have a president that is better at DOING than TALKING. Yes, communicating to the American people is important, but it will never be more important than the actions taken. We have had way too much of that in the past.
Early on in this crisis, many of the so called experts talking to Trump, along with China, likely fed him some faulty information. In case you have not noticed, take a look at how wrong pretty much everybody has been about this virus to this point. Even Fauci and others have been drastically wrong with their models. All of this does not let Trump off the hook for his early statements, but it definitely needs to be taken in to consideration.
You say the economy was forced to tank due to a lack of testing, and this was Trump's fault? I certainly don't believe it was the lack of testing that has forced the economy to tank, but moreover, Trump is not responsible for the lack of testing. The CDC put us behind the eight ball when they sent out faulty test kits in early February across the entire country and this lead to nobody being able to test! As a result of that, all of the initial testing could only be performed by the CDC for weeks. This entire fiasco cost us at least a month.
Next, you assert that the early lack of testing led to a forced closure of the nation. If that is the case, why are large parts of the nation still closed now that we have testing? We know where the hot spots are now, and the nation is still closed.
You also assert that Trump abandoned the WHO and early intelligence and this also caused the health and financial crisis. Sure, he was advised of the possibility of a pandemic as I am sure many other presidents were in the past with H1N1, SARS, and turns out that this one, combined with some bad actions by China led to a crisis. I am sure Trump wishes he would of taken it more seriously, but absolutely nobody believed it would turn in to what his has. Knowing about it and talking about the "possibility" are two different things.
In my opinion, If Trump was not president right now, you would be looking at a worse financial situation.
I don't particularly care for Trump, and especially the way he speaks, but I will take a doer over a talker any day.
At some point, you need to become an objective seeker of the truth, and quit seeking only the information that supports your idealogical postions whether you are left or right. #HATE BLINDS
I think you make some good points, I also believe that its always unfair when there's finger pointing, second guessing, etc.
That said, it goes with wearing the Daddy pants, no matter who is wearing them. All Presidents and administrations are quick to take credit for anything good, and reluctant as hell to take any criticism when things go wrong. IMO, you take the good and the bad with equal doses of humility.
Also, if you're the Captain of the ship, the buck stops with YOU. That includes who you choose to work for you. It includes having the back of the people you supervise, and if it goes bad, it means going down with the ship.
I find it appalling as all get out, that this administration says, "we have the best people, we know more than the experts, nobody knows more, blah blah blah"
Ok I believe you, you picked what you thought were the best people. Then the fertilizer hits the ventilator, pun be intended, and you fire all your experts, all those "best people" they bragged about last week...stomped into taco filling without even batting an eye today. Not because they weren't very good people, but because somebody needs to be thrown under the bus. That's not leadership in my book.
The truth is, this hasn't been handled perfectly, there has been huge mistakes made by the Administration, by States, by Governors, etc. There will be more mistakes made. They're in a true no win situation.
That's OK. Many, including Trump, simply don't have the experience to draw from to handle this perfectly, I don't know that anyone does. Just don't blow smoke and lie to everyone saying you are handling it perfectly. If you handled it perfectly, there wouldn't be 450,000+ people with it and over 16k dead.
What I would like to hear, just one time, is the gdamn truth that we just did what we thought was right, made some mistakes, made some good decisions, and will try to learn from both. We'll try to be fluid with what we learn as we go. We'll be more prepared if/when this happens again.
That's not to say that there hasn't been a lot done right as well. The response by the Trump administration to put together field hospitals, the floating hospitals, get people to the hot spots, and all the equipment there...that's solid work.
Just be honest, that's all I ask.