What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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And what does that really have to do with anything that I posted?

I posted saying that its would be hard to get the cooperation world wide to destroy Trumps reelection campaign.
All I am saying is it doesnt take world wide cooperation. Only takes one well placed monkey wrench into the gears to start the domino effect.
What about a communist country that is hell bent on world dominance by any means necessary?

Generally I think this screams pure conspiracy (or applying Dave Ramsey debt = bad to macroeconomics). Because China has almost no motive to poison pill the economy of their top export customers. The one motive that would make some sense.... it's amazing how fast the RINO in chief has embraced our lurch toward MMT, isn't it? Let's pray it works because if not we're in for a wild ride when it comes time to pay for this stuff. Does China see their export economy dwindling down as it is? If our government can't fight off the inflation and China doesn't think their economy needs us (or the entire developed world) as a trade partner, then what? That's the only way I can see this makes macroeconomic sense. Otherwise this scenario is more like a restaurant poisoning its own customers as a growth strategy.
Generally I think this screams pure conspiracy (or applying Dave Ramsey debt = bad to macroeconomics). Because China has almost no motive to poison pill the economy of their top export customers. The one motive that would make some sense.... it's amazing how fast the RINO in chief has embraced our lurch toward MMT, isn't it? Let's pray it works because if not we're in for a wild ride when it comes time to pay for this stuff. Does China see their export economy dwindling down as it is? If our government can't fight off the inflation and China doesn't think their economy needs us (or the entire developed world) as a trade partner, then what? That's the only way I can see this makes macroeconomic sense. Otherwise this scenario is more like a restaurant poisoning its own customers as a growth strategy.
I used to think it was conspiracy garbage too but then I started reading the published papers of Shi Zhengli...we need to asking a lot more questions. I usually find the truth is somewhere in the middle...Do I think this was done on purpose? No. Do I think this came from a wet market? No. Was China working on something like this for defense purposes and the was an accidental containment breach and cover up? Very plausible.

So they are cooking the books to increase death numbers and are still not even close.
I have covid19. I drive head long to a bridge embankment. Fed classifies it as a Covid death.
Where’s the chicken littles at?
I feel like starting chant. OVERRATED! Overrated!
Come on @Trial153, @BuzzH join in. Lol
An unprecedented response will probably bring unprecedented results.

Pay Attention: no return to 'normal' until there is a vaccine.....that takes at least 18 months.

Does anybody else get offended by otherwise intelligent experts stating on television "we're starting to flatten the curve"? Didn't we already flatten the curve by pushing down the max # of new cases per day and pushing to the right the # of days by social distancing? Don't they really mean "we're approaching a plateau of new cases per day", where we reach the peak and stop exponential growth?
Had to get that off my chest, thank you....

So they are cooking the books to increase death numbers and are still not even close.
I have covid19. I drive head long to a bridge embankment. Fed classifies it as a Covid death.
Where’s the chicken littles at?
I feel like starting chant. OVERRATED! Overrated!
Come on @Trial153, @BuzzH join in. Lol
You stalking me again?
It worries me that if this happens to be a man made viris they will release the next one soon. Covid-19 being a false flag and then suddenly it "morphs" into a deadlier viris that really wipes us out.
What is gates doing?
Gates company has a patent on a carona viris and ties in to Wuhan China he also stepped down as chairman for Microsoft to do things for the greater good of mankind. He is spearheading this vaccine for clovid-19. I have seen several videos etc that show lots of crazy stuff out of his organization. Some talk of everyone having a digital marker that shows you have been vaccinated or have immunity. Basically a way to track everyone on the planet. Also I have read several other countries isreal etc that are making everyone down an app that bluetooths location to see if a person has been in contact with someone carrying the viris. It's over my head but if it is true I don't like it. Also have read that the new 5G network whatever that is is starting in Wuhan china sorry I may have spelled wuhan.
Gates company has a patent on a carona viris and ties in to Wuhon China he also stepped down as chairman for Microsoft to do things for the greater good of mankind. He is spearheading this vaccine for clovid-19. I have seen several videos etc that show lots of crazy stuff out of his organization. Some talk of everyone having a digital marker that shows you have been vaccinated or have immunity. Basically a way to track everyone on the planet. Also I have read several other countries isreal etc that are making everyone down an app that bluetooths location to see if a person has been in contact with someone carrying the viris. It's over my head but if it is true I don't like it.

YouTube Bill Gates on population control. Several videos available. Also:
Bill Gates' father, William H. Gates Sr., has long been involved with the eugenics group Planned Parenthood, a rebranded organization birthed out of the American Eugenics Society.
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