I see "blue..." in your handle, so that explains a lot.
Trump DID help the economy crash in the US. He knew good and well what was going to happen if he shut down the US. Health advisers advised him to do so. So he had to make a choice.
Economy=Human life.
He chose to crash the economy for the sake of Human life. Now ungrateful Americans blame him for crashing the economy, and at the same time for not acting sooner and not doing enough. If Trump had not shut anything down, you would have raised cane about him only caring about the economy and not worried about the lives of Americans. The media jumped on that bandwagon as soon as we had the first positive. Then they had to change their tune.
Yes I know that CNN and €£¥₩♧◇♡¡{} news blames the testing thing on Trump. Trump was not sitting at his desk testing tests.To all the haters who say "Trump failed to get enough tests out in time and then made some that weren't reliable."....Quit being a stupid, gullible idiot. The CDC is responsible for making virus tests and the CDC is solely responsible for the flubbed up test that the CDC made. It would make just as much sense to blame Trump for an oil spill!!
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