What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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I will stand with what I have said this entire time. At the end of all of this, we will never know if what we did helped or didnt. We dont have a controlled population doing the exact opposite. So when all is said and done, you will have people that say see it could have been worse and you will have people that said the steps taken weren't justified.

I will say this though. Peoples opinions can and will change. You may be right, but the "ha told you so" and "macho man" posting you just did really made you look more arrogant and stupid than you needed too.
Actually with Brazil and Sweden not shutting down we will have some data to compare. They’re not going to be completely comparable but they’re two very different societies on different ends of the economic development scales.
I eat Chic-fil-et everyday after the gym. When all this nonsense started, I thought they may close down temporarily. Thankfully they kept the drive thru open. They had to cut hours back and cut staff temporarily, but I made sure to continue giving them my money and support. I don’t typically have a lot of sympathy for other people, but I do feel bad for all the service industry people that instantly lost their jobs because of all this. I’ll do my best to give extra tips to servers when restaurants reopen.
I was the last customer for a waitress the day the restaurant she worked at closed and laid her off. I’ve eaten there for years and had come to know her and the rest of the crew by name. She sat with me that afternoon and she broke down and cried. Didn’t know what she was going to do. It broke my heart.
Actually with Brazil and Sweden not shutting down we will have some data to compare. They’re not going to be completely comparable but they’re two very different societies on different ends of the economic development scales.
It will give an idea but there are too many differences between the society and other factors to make a valid comparison. The average age, size, density, economy, etc can all make a major difference.
Correlation does not imply causation.

Sweden and UK will be interesting but you can't draw direct parallels.

US 39 deaths per million
Spain 311 deaths per million
Italy 283 deaths per million
Germany 25 deaths per million
France 158 deaths per million
UK 91 deaths per million
Belgium 193 deaths per million
Netherlands 131 deaths per million
Sweden 68 deaths per million

Within the US
New York 280 deaths per million
New Jersey 139 deaths per million
Louisiana 125 deaths per million
Michigan 85 deaths per million
Connecticut 77 deaths per million

No one else is close to 100.

Take New York, New Jersey, and Michigan out of our total and deaths go down 75%. 5% of states account for 75% of our deaths.

There are no valid comparisons to be made at this point.

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I am pretty sure that being concerned about "the doom and gloom" is not a bad thing.....after all this is unprecedented, and a lot of the doom and gloom is not from direct effects of the kung flu but from the process that was implemented to try to slow the spread of it. That process may have been warranted or may not have been a good idea but I am pretty sure that folks would have started freaking out on their own if the governments did nothing and the death toll climbed up.....

I would think that if the world is going up in flames it would be advisable to discuss that issue rather than just act like everything is OK.....and it is hard to discuss something like that in a cheerful manner. I do not agree with everything that has been done but all I can do is discuss it....I do not make policy. I think this whole kung flu mess is going to cause a pretty big problem globally...if sharing that thought is preaching doom and gloom I do not know how to change that perception.

One thing for sure is this will be politicized till the end of time....and the only way they were going to beat Trump was by crushing the economy and guess what?????

No one really talks about the fact that this could have been done intentionally......for any # of different reasons.

Carry on.
One thing for sure is this will be politicized till the end of time....and the only way they were going to beat Trump was by crushing the economy and guess what?????

No one really talks about the fact that this could have been done intentionally......for any # of different reasons.

Carry on.

I would tend to agree with you but to see the whole world shut down for this makes me think that it would be really hard to do this on purpose. You would have to have some serious cooperation to make that work and I dont think that exists in todays world.
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If Trumple-thin-skin had of listened to some of his previous advisers about the threats pandemics pose, and not have financially dismantled the pandemic response, one could argue the economic fallout from this mess would have been far less. Combine that with his bungled testing response, and again a strong argument can be made that he bears the brunt of responsibility for economic disaster this has caused in America. Thanks Trump.
I would tend to agree with you but to see the whole world shut down for this makes me think that it would be really hard to do this on purpose. You would have to have some serious corporation to make that work and I dont think that exists in todays world.
What about a communist country that is hell bent on world dominance by any means necessary?
The global economy is in the same situation, did Trump also cause that?

Like I said earlier, this will be politicized to the end of time and the Trump haters may actually welcome a way to beat him even if it means economic devastation plus economic devastation may further the socialism agenda.....
Correlation does not imply causation.

Sweden and UK will be interesting but you can't draw direct parallels.

US 39 deaths per million
Spain 311 deaths per million
Italy 283 deaths per million
Germany 25 deaths per million
France 158 deaths per million
UK 91 deaths per million
Belgium 193 deaths per million
Netherlands 131 deaths per million
Sweden 68 deaths per million

Within the US
New York 280 deaths per million
New Jersey 139 deaths per million
Louisiana 125 deaths per million
Michigan 85 deaths per million
Connecticut 77 deaths per million

No one else is close to 100.

Take New York, New Jersey, and Michigan out of our total and deaths go down 75%. 5% of states account for 75% of our deaths.

There are no valid comparisons to be made at this point.

Sent from my moto z3 using Tapatalk

Interesting data. As you alluded, I don't think we can compare the US to other countries, or even state by state in the US. The SF Bay area had a lot of business related US-China travel so we had a number of early cases, and the Seattle was an early hot spot perhaps for the same reason. NY has density we don't see elsewhere in the US, and NJ and PA seem to be suffering due to proxemics to NY. FL and LA are suffering due to holiday travel w spring break and Mari Gras. Shelter in place orders were enacted at different times and local outbreaks were at various stages at those times. There has been a wide range of degrees of restriction and adherence to those restrictions. All very qualitative factors which do line up well for quantitative comparative analysis.
I would tend to agree with you but to see the whole world shut down for this makes me think that it would be really hard to do this on purpose. You would have to have some serious corporation to make that work and I dont think that exists in todays world.

Effects may be predicted rather than action taken being coordinated.....and who knows how corrupt the WHO is? We all know the UN is very corrupt.
The global economy is in the same situation, did Trump also cause that?

Like I said earlier, this will be politicized to the end of time and the Trump haters may actually welcome a way to beat him even if it means economic devastation plus economic devastation may further the socialism agenda.....
Look at South Korea, look at China. They've got mass testing in place, and had it in place quickly. Their economy will fare far better than ours will.
I dont see what that has to do with my post but ok...actually just proves ZAP right in that people will use this to push their narrative, regardless of what that narrative is.
Every one of these viruses come out China. They have since Hong Kong Flu in the 50s. That's a fact.
Look at South Korea, look at China. They've got mass testing in place, and had it in place quickly. Their economy will fare far better than ours will.

China welded the doors to apartment complexes shut for months. They just started to 'allow' people to leave those places for 2 hours a day. S. Korea also closed down almost everything in hot spots and tracked down and isolated the infected.....

Now if Trump did those things 'some people' would be saying that was bad.
Every one of these viruses come out China. They have since Hong Kong Flu in the 50s. That's a fact.
And what does that really have to do with anything that I posted?

I posted saying that its would be hard to get the cooperation world wide to destroy Trumps reelection campaign.
China and the EU political body certainly do not want him re-elected.....China and then the EU set precedent for the response. China may have released this.....but that is speculation.....
China and the EU political body certainly do not want him re-elected.....China and then the EU set precedent for the response. China may have released this.....but that is speculation.....
Just seems like a large leap man. I could be wrong but I just dont see anyone getting that much cooperation.
California is an outlier as well. 4th in total number of cases which would be expected due to poplulation. Their case rate though went up quite a bit since the restrictions were enacted. They lagged for a while and then came up. They also have one of the lower death rates at only 12 per million people.

So many variables with all of this I don't think there will ever be accurate numbers to look at. When you get down to the math, garbage in will always equal garbage out. The only useful information they will get is doing widespread titer checks after the outbreak is over and then working it backward from the death rates. The way deaths are being coded, I'm not sure that is even going to be useful.
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