What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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My wife's office is considered essential and allowed to do business, but not open sales or contact with the public and everyday she has a few people come to the door wanting to by bills and things. She says everyone of them are 65 or older.

My find this slightly humorous. Actually I find F’ing hilarious. wE hAvE tO tRusT thE exPeRts. 2.2 million dead was the big scary number that got thrown around
this is pretty dang interesting, and I think reality is somewhere in the middle, and hopefully closer to the new projections.

I do think the actual cases are huge in the US.... way larger than the "confirmed" number, and a bunch of people are contracting it daily, because between the incubation period and many suffering zero to mild symptoms, it's going to continue spreading fast, even with the action taken.

with all of that taken into consideration, the death rate is likely super low, it has to be just by the nature of this virus and what it's done.

I know the world is still ending for most, but I hope this new projection gets traction and is right.... regardless, the fear isn't going away for awhile.

as tests become more available, the cases are gonna keep shooting up, hopefully we get some tests that test for antibodies to show how many have had it, not knew it, and got over it.

with an avg of 35k people dying of the flu each year here in the US, non stop news coverage of that would make it seem very serious.... 35k is a lot of folks dying, and I bet there would be a ramp of in cases and then deaths like we are seeing now.... it just doesn't get covered non stop by the media, so nobody seems to pay attention or care unless it directly effects them.
What a shitty edgelord take this is.

I gotta agree with ND guy. Pretty crappy outlook. I can't believe the other 6 or so that liked that statement?? Maybe if it's your family's that become infected or effected negatively by it you'll regret that statement. Remember, you and your family is just another one of the prairie dogs.
Levitt has been saying that. No one pays attention, not good click bait.

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people spend too much time fixated on this being "THE END" I guess?

it does seem common theme to focus on the worst news you can find, ignore anything resembling good news, and condemn anyone who doesn't agree this will be a massacre...
I’m trying not to laugh here but our county and town population is somewhere around 48k, I found out today our local hospital has 10 ventilators........o_O..........go figure......there are 4 cases in two of our neighboring counties...talk about some deep💩 if it gets wild around here.

One other thing the pollen is starting to look so thick around here you could use it for steak seasoning, what do you think people are gonna start thinking when this pollen starts kicking their azz?
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My find this slightly humorous. Actually I find F’ing hilarious. wE hAvE tO tRusT thE exPeRts. 2.2 million dead was the big scary number that got thrown around

Thank you for posting this! Shocking: An expert provides a forecast that a journalist references in an article - then other "experts" use this prediction, assuming it's accurate. Then people in a free country, for some unknown reason, read what the journalist wrote, actually believe it, and go ape-crap about worrying about the prediction - but it turns out to be inaccurate or exaggerated. This cycle repeats itself.

That's never happened before, except always: peak oil, killer bees, global cooling, population growth, the price of gas, how far an electric car will travel, the price of food, the economy, impact of holes in the ozone layer.

A great book why predictions and forecasts rarely, if ever, come true is The Black Swan by Nassim Taleb. I pinky swear, you'll sleep better. Also provides a look into why human beings keep trying to predict things when we've never been able to unless it was a really lucky guess. It's a great book.

"Experts" will keep posting false predictions and people will keep reading them and believing, including me.
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Did you guys not read the revision at the bottom or just the parts you wanted to hear? He basically walks back his whole statement.
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