What are your thoughts on the Kung Flu?

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I've been saying that all along. This has been here for quite some time. I've been sick, my wife, my friends, my family, Some got as bad as pneumonia. Sore throats, severe congestion, fever, chest felt like it was on fire, etc... I'm speaking for people in three different states. Which ironically are turning up fewer cases with extremely low mortality rates. My dad, his wife, and my step sister went on a cruise in December. Most of the boat got sick. When they got home, got tested for the flu. Negative. Upper respiratory infections for all. All negative for the flu, strep, etc. Just told viral infections.

I can't prove it was covid 19. This was happening before it ever appeared as a real threat to this country. Its just my opinion and belief. Which is why I felt the way I did about it. I think this thing has mutated and is hitting the hardest with a souped up strain. That's the way I feel. I've been told I was stupid for that belief. But, I'm guessing if the CDC wants antibodies, come to WV, south western VA, and NC. They'll get all they need.
that same thing made it's rounds here too, and it was nasty. 2 guys I work with got it, and it was bad and lasted a long time. I started getting it then it petered out with me, I got off easy. I have been saying the same, I think there is a good chance it's been here a lot longer than we believe.... not positive of course, but a hell of a coincidence. I got lucky on that deal, but the 2 guys I work with had it for a long time, and a deep cough that stuck around after they felt better.

they both worked through it (really no choice) but I could tell they were felling rough. both had pretty bad fevers too for a few days
I am not being a wise ass. Just tossing some food for thought to the crowd that thinks this has been here for months. Take a look at the current case timelines for this virus, then try to extrapolate what that would mean if this was actually secondary out break like your implying.
My wife just admitted a fellow Dr in to ER yesterday, and an hour later she was sent to ICU. 24 hours earlier she was 100% healthy. This woman was former army, the picture of perfect health. She has been absolutely leveled by this virus.

No one knows how or when she was infected. No one knows how many she has infected. To say the rest of the hospitals stress level has been taken to 11, would be an understatement.
Sorry to hear that. I hope she recovers quickly. My daughter is a med surgery nurse. She just found out 3 of the anesthesiologists that she works with have tested positive. My mothers neighbor died yesterday of the virus and his wife is quarantined. Thankfully my mom has been holed up for 2 weeks with no contact with the neighbor.
I am not being a wise ass. Just tossing some food for thought to the crowd that thinks this has been here for months. Take a look at the current case timelines for this virus, then try to extrapolate what that would mean if this was actually secondary out break like your implying.
I have thought about this exact scenario for a couple weeks now, hell who knows at this point, I don’t really think the CDC really knows right now, they put reports out then back track or give a different reason why it changed, I read a report earlier today (try to find it) scientists now think there’s 6 different strains of this crap going around the world right now, tomorrow they’ll say 3 and 5 more days they’ll tell us 10, at This point I guess anything is possible.
Archery Talk is the hunting forum for you if you want to blow off.
On average, 2,000 New Yorkers die every year from flu. Coronavirus deaths are at 500 something in New York. It is possible that coronavirus (or at least some strain of it) has been around longer than we know. The death rate is a little over 1% but that rate includes ALL the people that died while infected. It does NOT include the probably very large number of untested infections. With that taken into account, the death rate is probably well below 1%. Without the media coverage, coronavirus would easily pass as a bad strain of flu. The 1918 outbreak had a death rate over 2%.

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Veterinarians have been vaccinating cattle for Corona for 10-12 years. There’s been 18 strains of it. Far as I know, none of them were transmittable to humans. Maybe one of the docs can speak up and clarify but the way I understand it, a virus never really dies, just mutates to survive, and that creates the new strain? Hope I’m not talkin out my ass. My brothers the Vet, that’s just my cliff notes version of what gathered listening to him.
I have thought about this exact scenario for a couple weeks now, hell who knows at this point, I don’t really think the CDC really knows right now, they put reports out then back track or give a different reason why it changed, I read a report earlier today (try to find it) scientists now think there’s 6 different strains of this crap going around the world right now, tomorrow they’ll say 3 and 5 more days they’ll tell us 10, at This point I guess anything is possible.

There are 5 identified mutations, its relatively stable which is great news. A strain is slightly different and cant be equated to a mutation. Lets for simplicity say not all mutations will make a new strain.

If your " early version " of covid was anything like this covid 19 then there would have been wide spread infection, that is a given with its R0. Infection and exposure leads to resistance....if this a secondary out break of your " early version"....then we a ucked with a capital F, because nothing like this was taking place in November and December. And it implies that we are now less resistant to it vs more resistant to it.

I think its way more likely, that the current timeline for this is correct and that the "early verison" was something all together different.
Something I’d like to see is if there’s a correlation between air quality of these hot spots versus other areas. Seems to be lots of older folks that are in that real danger zone on age that shake it off, and then seemingly healthy younger people that it just levels or kills. I can’t imagine the air quality in downtown NYC is good fuel for your body. 1st positive case in my county popped up yesterday.
In our area, I would guess it was a below average year for respiratory infections, especially up until we started seeing a bit of influenza A in February.

Our clinic, like most FP or int med clinics probably, has many COPD patients that are just hanging on by a thread each winter. I can't remember many at all being admitted to the hospital this winter though.

I doubt the novel coronavirus was around our area this past winter. It is just too contagious and affects some younger people more seriously compared to influenza for it to have been around and went unnoticed I suspect.
I am not being a wise ass. Just tossing some food for thought to the crowd that thinks this has been here for months. Take a look at the current case timelines for this virus, then try to extrapolate what that would mean if this was actually secondary out break like your implying.
Yes, we know your not a WISE ass.
Sorry, just couldn't resist.

I don't want to start another argument, but have none of y'all realized that the number of positive test results kinda runs with the number of people tested? In November and December, how many people were tested for Coronavirus?

0. "We don't have any viruses we don't know about because we don't know about them. There's no bear in the woods if you haven't seen it.

In January, a few tests, and a few positives.

In February, a lot of tests, many negatives, and a few hundred positives.

In March, hundreds of thousands of tests, with around 100,000 positives.

My point is, the severe virus/bacteria infection that some people experienced in 2019, wasn't something that was common at that time, it wasn't the normal flu. While we can't prove it one way or another, to adamantly proclaim it wasn't coronavirus is like saying the receptacle in the wall doesn't have any voltage. You don't know without some kind of test. But if the receptacle looks normal, and the rest of the house has power, there's likely to be voltage. If the symptoms looked like coronavirus, and it was highly contagious(a lot of people got IT, whatever IT was) it is not illogical to say it COULD HAVE BEEN coronavirus.

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Previous epidemics start at the coasts and work towards the middle. If people need proof, unfortunately it is probably coming your way.
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Deaths today I read were about 350. That puts the rolling average about 180 I believe. I saw a lot of posts about how car crashes and the flu have more average deaths per day. Not anymore.

A few observations. We had our deadliest day after mass efforts to slow this virus. What if we were just carrying on as if nothing is happening? These numbers are from a population that is barely even exposed as a whole. The flu infects every corner of the country by the end of the year.

I am not saying we should have or should not have done things differently. Those decisions are above my pay grade. However, it is obvious this virus is much more dangerous than people like to, or want to, admit.
I had that December-January bug as did most everybody where I work. I and several were tested and we all confirmed it was the flu. Dammit, no C19 immunity for us.
"However, it is obvious this virus is much more dangerous than people like to, or want to, admit."

You can't say that without the true infection rate being known. It may be far less deadly than influenza if the infection rate were know. Could be equal or much worse as well.

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Yes, we know your not a WISE ass.
Sorry, just couldn't resist.

I don't want to start another argument, but have none of y'all realized that the number of positive test results kinda runs with the number of people tested? In November and December, how many people were tested for Coronavirus?

0. "We don't have any viruses we don't know about because we don't know about them. There's no bear in the woods if you haven't seen it.

In January, a few tests, and a few positives.

In February, a lot of tests, many negatives, and a few hundred positives.

In March, hundreds of thousands of tests, with around 100,000 positives.

My point is, the severe virus/bacteria infection that some people experienced in 2019, wasn't something that was common at that time, it wasn't the normal flu. While we can't prove it one way or another, to adamantly proclaim it wasn't coronavirus is like saying the receptacle in the wall doesn't have any voltage. You don't know without some kind of test. But if the receptacle looks normal, and the rest of the house has power, there's likely to be voltage. If the symptoms looked like coronavirus, and it was highly contagious(a lot of people got IT, whatever IT was) it is not illogical to say it COULD HAVE BEEN coronavirus.

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The origin and time line been pretty well accepted in the scientific community at this point, you might even say they substantiated it.

You have a home depot example.

I think i am going to stick with the experts that actually mapped the virus. Just a hunch that they might have a little better undertanding of viral origins then us rokslide posters.
I am not being a wise ass. Just tossing some food for thought to the crowd that thinks this has been here for months. Take a look at the current case timelines for this virus, then try to extrapolate what that would mean if this was actually secondary out break like your implying.
No offense taken here. Just looking for reasons and explanations. However, no one truly knows the incubation time. No one knows if people haven't carried it for quire sometime as carriers. Or, I'm not certain anyone knows enough to say the people it doesn't hurt initially, truly develops an antibody that will protect them long term. etc... one knows if it has mutated to more severity. There are simply to many unknowns.

Maybe I'm wrong. But, until I see something that for sure says that, I can't rule it out with what I have seen.

Anyways, good luck in staying healthy. I'll continue prayers for All of America..
There is no doubt that many areas have not experienced direct exposure, our history shows a pattern of how viruses spread in the USA, ideally we get it under control. That being said, prepare. The impact is real and when people , family, friends starts to get sick snd pass, the idea of letting the old die so business can continue changes. The vulnerabile are not just 80 yr old sick people.
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