What are the odds this is a micro-chipped Antler?

CPW loves an ambush. They thought my camera flash was a suppressed gun when I stopped at their roboelk and took pics. In a mad minute my truck was surrounded with drawn guns, screaming at me to drop the gun.

I asked one of them to take my pic with robo elk, I was told to leave immediately. Funny thing was I had my pistol on my hip concealed and they never checked me, just dug thru my long guns making sure they were empty.
No shit!??????????????? That's crazy. Those morons need to do their jobs and stop the entrapment shit.
I glassed up an elk antler in some heavily posted property with absentee landowners a couple years ago. Antler was gone within a week

I also spotted a moose shed the other day that’s maybe 20 yards behind a no trespassing sign. Maybe 30 yards off a well traveled road. I bet I’ve driven past it a few hundred times over the years without seeing it
Bugle magazine had a story 20 yrs ago on a chipped antler that someone took home in an area with a season date. Was very funny and well ahead of the curve on antler hunting.
Lol. The antlers in the stash I found were not in great shape anymore and looked like they had been there at least a year. It was clear that whoever stashed them either forget where they were or never came back for them.

Probably found too many brownies and had to ditch the chalk and whites. Hanging them in trees is a thing….. just like Newburg does.

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It would be pretty funny if someone figured it out and parked and ran 50 feet off the centerline and started lighting it up.

I’ve heard a story of this happening on the DNR’s fake bear in Georgia.

The bear was setup a little over 50 yards or so off the road, guy spotted it glassing from the truck a good ways away.

He hopped out and put a stalk on it, making sure to get to a spot where he’d be legal and the bullet wouldn’t cross over the road.

Wardens came running once he shot it, but everything was in the clear.

First person to ever legally shoot the Georgia DNR’s best decoy, so the story goes.
Chipped horns have been around for a long time. Moment they move, warden gets a notification and can track it. They are used all over the Jackson area this time of year to catch all the shit heads that come and poach the forest and refuge before may 1 each year.

Idaho guy was just sentenced 6k fine, 3yrs loss of hunting worldwide..1yr not allowed in Wyoming public lands. One thing I know for sure from my warden friend around here, they are doing more and more to catch and prosecute with hunting license suspensions to try and prevent it.

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That’s awesome. Was it realistic? Bull or cow? Was it on private or were they just trying to get people shooting from the road? It would be pretty funny if someone figured it out and parked and ran 50 feet off the centerline and started lighting it up.
Ha! That idea right there is almost enough for me to schedule an out of state once in a lifetime roboelk hunt! I would have to get an AR with multiple magazines so I could really give him hell before they got to me.
If that is on private in CO it could be picked up.
And this is where the state's so-called logic goes south. They seem to think that shed antlers are still wildlife and fully under their control even on federal property, yet it is illegal to shoot their wildlife on private without a license. But it's OK to pick up shed antlers on private......even though they still seem to think that sheds are wildlife that they control? This law has never passed the smell test.

I wonder if just picking up a shed and then putting it back down would be considered harassing wildlife? I bet most dog walkers, etc, have no idea at all about CO's shed laws. And I bet they'd get prosecuted/fined less than a hunter.
And this is where the state's so-called logic goes south. They seem to think that shed antlers are still wildlife and fully under their control even on federal property, yet it is illegal to shoot their wildlife on private without a license. But it's OK to pick up shed antlers on private......even though they still seem to think that sheds are wildlife that they control? This law has never passed the smell test.

I wonder if just picking up a shed and then putting it back down would be considered harassing wildlife? I bet most dog walkers, etc, have no idea at all about CO's shed laws. And I bet they'd get prosecuted/fined less than a hunter.

Agreed. The other dumb part of it is the possession of antlers on public lands portion. A law enforcement officer who is unfamiliar with hunting could read it and think someone picking up their taxidermy and on an interstate highway is in violation.

I just wish they'd make it illegal to sell antlers and almost all of these problems/dilemmas/drama/misunterstandings would go away.
THIS is THE solution right here. This solves literally everything regarding sheds. Sure recreationals will go out and get a few but the volume will be diminished and won't be digging through every nick and cranny.