It's easy to say that when you don't have 5-10K (some companies even more) invested into the Hunt Expo. The reality is, businesses have to make smart financial decisions to stay in business (especially in this economy). It has nothing to do with having a spine or not. Throwing money away to prove the man wrong is a good way to go out of business. Many of us employ dozens of people in our communities, so I'm just giving you a perspective from the reality of business.
As far as the Utah land ordeal. I understand why you are pissed. I would be pissed too. I primarily hunt public lands and do think the state suing the federal government over this is a gross misuse of time and funds. My bet is this is going no where in court. Probably just a politically motivated power move with no intentions of actually winning. I have been wrong before, but that is my personal take.
Lastly, many of us do stop donating to or supporting things that do not benefit hunters, public lands, 2nd amendment, etc.
To say we don't have spines (if that is what you are implying) would be wrong. We can only control what we can control. If I spent my time picking fights with everything instead of running a business..I wouldn't have a business to run.