Western Hunt Expo

I personally don't apply for any tags while I'm there. However, they are only $5 and somebody has to win it.
If you’re already in the Utah game then yes. If you’re buying a qualifying license then it gets $$. Oh and “somebody” seems to be YouTubers. 😂 🫣
Pump the brakes, it was not at all directed towards you! Sorry if you took it that way. Believe it or not you’re not the only veteran owned company making products 🤯

I’ve done my research and been in their facility(ies). So it’s not a defamatory statement.

You can apologize anytime 🤣
Like I said previously. I'm wrong a lot haha!

My bad. But, there are very few hunting companies in this industry that are Veteran Owned and also claim Made in the USA, but I do think I know what one you are talking about....

I completely agree with what you said though.

look at the odds. They’re worse than any western Big game tag out there! 1 - 3000-7000? Why would anybody pay for a .02% chance?!
Only every hunter in the state of Washington. Our odds on most decent or OIL tags are pathetic. But we keep feeding the state's coffers.
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50/50...if we come we will probably attend one day and then go to Park City. Where we live its only snowed in 1989 and 2017 since we've been alive.
We're out.

The logistics from here to there don't seem worth the squeeze with current flight choices.
Flying in and out on the 13th. Looking forward to raffle tickets and checking out gear, maybe one year I will win a raffle tag.... I better start Youtubing!
Seeing if this storm is affecting any of you guys attending? We flew in early to do park city with the family and thankful for that. Makes the trip cost efficient.
I have hit ice and snow twice in the past several years driving from South Dakota. Hitting ice at 65 mph and having your 16 foot trailer start dancing is always a pucker factor.

This show is always good. If anyone is coming...you can check out our gear at booth 1333!
I have hit ice and snow twice in the past several years driving from South Dakota. Hitting ice at 65 mph and having your 16 foot trailer start dancing is always a pucker factor.

This show is always good. If anyone is coming...you can check out our gear at booth 1333!
The first time I went to the Expo I drove from Washington. When I left on Sunday, I was in 4 wheel drive from SLC to about Boise, doing 35mph and still sliding all over the place. Never again, lol.
The creative hunter

Check this out this versatile sun shade- can do spotter scope or binoculars

[email protected]
Red patch outdoors

New company out of montana
Have a bow sling
Bino harness
Bugle tube holder
Reed holder

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I say the same thing about people who play the lottery. But somebody’s gonna win.

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I do know a few regular guys who have drawn tags. Mostly late elk and bear. There are oodles more “celebrities” that do win the high profile tags. Enough for me not to have second thoughts about not going. It is too far and too expensive for me. I’ve been once and it was definitely worth going but there are too many reasons not to go to that one, no matter how bad I want to get back one of those stolen NR tags.