Weight loss meals


Mar 6, 2023
intermittent fasting works for me. Try doing an 18 hour fast 5 days a week, eat low carbs and see how your body reacts.


Jun 19, 2023
Brother I can do what you do at times. Especially with junk food
if I am bored I am eating and that is usually at night
one thing you can try I drink a big glass of water before a meal. It might fill your stomach up
not sure if snyone suggested this too you in the response. I am not reading all them
but people showed you there results in some of there response.
take it one day at a time. Even if you have too do it in minu or seconds
Jun 3, 2018
North Carolina
I am 37yrs old. I am pretty sure I know where the wieght is coming from. I have no self control when I get to eating. I can pretty much eat until it gets hard to breathe.
Bingo, you will greatly help yourself for the rest of your life if you can change your mind set. Instead of thinking "I want another or bigger serving of that" try to think, "I can get by with a smaller serving and no 2nds."
I got up to the heaviest I had ever been at 58 years old, felt like crap, clothes didn't fit and decided to do something about it. I lost 38 pounds in 6 months by just cutting serving size and drinking water instead of drinks with sugar. Nobody said it would be easy but you don't have to always eat what you don't want, just eat less of what you do want. I am 68 now and have kept the extra off for 10 years.


Mar 2, 2023
Anyone have any good wieght loss meal ideas. I am the heaviest I have ever been and an elk hunt for my son in 3 months. I have been a 32x32 pant size since junior year of high school (21yrs ago). That allowed me room for thick thermals and still wore a belt. Currently still wear the 32x32 but thermals wouldn't even begin fit underneath and don't need a belt.

I need to lose 15lbs to get back to my original wieght. I have had to lose 6-8lbs several times and it isn't bad. But this one is going to suck. Here is what I have done before. But dang it gets old. I keep it at 1000cal/day. It works good. But looking for some other ideas

1. I never eat breakfast but drink a big cup of coffee. If I eat anything at all for breakfast I am STARVING all day. If I skip I can easily make it to lunch without eating.
2. Lunch consists of a Progressive light soup with a half of a can of green beans mixed in, a piece of fruit like an apple, pear or orange and a few pieces of a fresh veggie like cucumber, carrots or bell peppers
3. Supper is a can of green beans or spinach with enough broiled chicken breast, grilled deer or something like that to get me to 1000cal
100% do keto or carnivore and you will lose the weight quick. Lost about 50 pounds in 2-2 1/2 months.

D S 319

Jan 17, 2021
increase your protein intake. Aim for 1 gram per lb body weight it’ll fill you up quicker and help eliminate cravings. So many resources online now a days to help out.

Mike 338

Dec 28, 2012
I lost a bunch of weight at one point. For me, it came down to skipping meals. I'd have a very late 600 calorie breakfast and a regular dinner without seconds or dessert. No booze, soda or dessert. I probably drank to much coffee. Get to bed super early. I even got to where I'd only eat dinner, which I got used to. Loosing weight is the easiest thing you'll ever do. Requires no money and no effort.


Jul 12, 2023
Everyone has a different experience and it seems the key is to experiment and find what works for that person.

I can try all sorts of things, but nothing so far has reduced my appetite except a cardio workout of some kind. Just walking, biking, jogging, some weird cardio machine at the gym, going extra hard up stairs during the day, or short hikes.

To keep motivated I have to see some small improvement - a really accurate scale and a monthly chart shows slight downward trends and thats all I need - just some validation it’s working. I can still have pizza or whatever, but I never realized how salty some foods are. With pizza my weight jumps up like 3 or 4 pounds with retained water and takes 4 or 5 days to drop back to normal. If the chart wasn’t there weighing a day after salty food would make it seem like going backwards.

I always thought “clean eating” was just a fad bs diet, but my wife’s all girl gym did a clean eating challenge and with no change in their workouts this group of middle aged gals lost a ton of weight. Essentially it’s no sugar, low carb with no processed foods. Just eliminating processed foods means a lot of cooking which takes time and effort, but some of the meals are really good and we still cook them to this day. Just with spaghetti sauce, the processed stuff in the jar has twice the calories and doesn’t taste as good as fresh - those kinds of easy changes really add up.


Aug 7, 2023
It's all about what you take in vs what you expend. Use online BMI calculator, then consume 500 less calories per day than that number.


Dec 20, 2018
N/E Kansas
Started carnivore on 7/1, was 216. Yesterday was 198. I have been mostly eating in a 6-8 hr window with a few 24 hr fasts.
My chronic inflammation issues seem to be getting better. Have cut back some on my nsaid medication. The muscle knots in my legs (been going on for 9 months constant) were gone in a few weeks. Sinus is clearer than it has ever been. Leaky gut seems to be healing and bp is below normal.
I need to keep at it, in this for the issues with my body. It has not been to difficult at all to stay on track. Will update in Sept.


Jun 6, 2018
I was down to 166lbs but I was on the verge of going insane. So I took a 1 week break and just ate whatever I wanted. Put me back up to 170lbs. Back to the meat and eggs with a few veggies. Going to try and do it for the next 4 weeks


Jun 1, 2023
North AL
One thing I have noticed is that you have to be somewhat reasonable with yourself. If the diet is too rough, cheat meals or cheat drinks happen all to easy.

As others have said, operate on a caloric deficit, mix in something to burn some extra calories (running is terrible, but walking, stair master, etc. may be more reasonable), and finally get good sleep and you'll knock the weight off slowly but surely.


Mar 14, 2017
One thing I have noticed is that you have to be somewhat reasonable with yourself. If the diet is too rough, cheat meals or cheat drinks happen all to easy.

As others have said, operate on a caloric deficit, mix in something to burn some extra calories (running is terrible, but walking, stair master, etc. may be more reasonable), and finally get good sleep and you'll knock the weight off slowly but surely.
Why is running terrible?

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Jul 1, 2022
Started trying to be like @Jbogg after he told me about the calcium test. Basically doing carnivore: daily carbs no higher than 20, usually less. Haven’t shed a ton of weight, but feel great. Feel sharper. Strangely, feel like I remember things better. It’ss as pretty easy diet and fortunately family-both nuclear abs extended- don’t seem to mind. I’ve done this before but with two toddlers… it got tough.


Aug 23, 2024
I’ve been trying to lose some weight and needing to keep things interesting. What’s helped me is switching up my proteins and veggies so I don’t get bored.
Nov 22, 2023
1. Stay well hydrated at all times, as this can help to curb hunger. This doesn't mean to just drink water all day, but fruits and vegetables are hydrating and satiating.
2. *Timing* of meals is important - don't eat dinner at 8:00 then hit the sack 2 hours later. If you can do some light physical activity after dinner (taking the dog on an extra long walk) and get to bed at a decent time before you start feeling hungry again, all the better.
3. If the term "cheat meal" is in your vernacular, then drop it. There is no such thing. Barring certain medical conditions (uncontrolled diabetes), small portions of anything (donut!) on occasion (once a month) are generally not going to hurt anything.
4. Be mindful and intentional about eating. As humans, we don't need nearly as much food as we think. Healthy snacking should be done strategically to bridge the time in between meals, not just for fun. Skip the empty calories, and better yet, *don't have them in the house* (at Superbowl parties - OK - go nuts).
5. Recognize the difference between "hunger" and "appetite." They are not the same. Hunger is a signal from the body, whereas appetite is a largely a brain thing. You can have one without the other, and both can be "trained," which is why it is extremely important to develop healthy eating habits from a young age (and stick to them for life).


Dec 26, 2023
dump all carbs for 30 days. 40% or so calories from protein and the rest from healthy fats. eat only natural foods. nothing processed at all...not even cold cuts.
I had gotten to the place that I needed to lose weight. I try to eat extremely low carb. I grill venison wrapped in bacon mostly. Eggs and any other kinds of meat. Some low carb vegetables, spinich ,broccoli, saute onions and mushrooms. You can lose weight doing this and never be hungry. Eating like this it is important to take in enough fat.


Dec 26, 2023
I've been doing this several weeks. Lost 20 pounds at a rate of about 1.5 to 2 pounds per week.