Weight loss meals

I have found out a lot trying this. I love meat and eggs. But I can only eat enough of just that to get by. There were a few days I only ate 800 calories. I would just rather not eat than just plain meat. Now, put that burger on a bun with cheese, lettuce, pickle, tomato and some mustard I could eat 3 of them. Or that chicken on a bun with ranch amd buffalo sauce and you have a feast. Yesterday afternoon I was not feeling the best. I could tell I needed something a little more. I ate a banana and drank a 16oz glass of 2% milk. Man, that hit the spot. I felt a lot better in no time.
Meth is a better bang for you buck.

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Hell on your teeth and complection though. Probably increases nocturnal boredom too, why else would the neighbors mow the lawn/weeds at 3am? And who really needs to scraps copper in the dark? Weird.

Been doing my best at keto and did a 25 hour fast yesterday. Only felt hungry once, had pretty darn good mental clarity at the 22 hour mark. I feel great about being in control of myself and when I eat. Oh, I cut alcohol out nearly 3 months ago too, talk about being in control!

Portion control, drink half your body weight in oz of water, proteins, stay away from the 3 white devils...flower, sugar, dairy...exercise 40 mins at target heart rate 3 times a week, eat only in a 12 hour window and intermittent fasting is great...skip breakfast, dont eat 5 hours before bed...get your body into ketosis. This is just a very basic set of rules...which I am terrible at following. Ha.
Not eating breakfast is a terrible idea.
I haven’t eatin breakfast in prolly 15-20 years haha. If for 18-20 hours a day. The 3 melas and day and 3 snacks a day American diet is garbage. You can easily take in the 2-4K calories a day that’s needed in a short window of eating a high fat diet.

When you stop eating 'because' it is time to eat, from boredom, for emotional or physical gratification your on the right path to a healthy weight/diet. Ate steak last eve at 8pm which was the last time I ate. Having some ghee with my coffee now, which is all fat and not considered breaking the short fast if I keep the total amount down.

When you stop eating 'because' it is time to eat, from boredom, for emotional or physical gratification your on the right path to a healthy weight/diet. Ate steak last eve at 8pm which was the last time I ate. Having some ghee with my coffee now, which is all fat and not considered breaking the short fast if I keep the total amount down.
Ya I ate a 18 oz ribeye covered in butter at 530 last night. Ate the other ribeye for lunch today at 1 pm, now just scarfed down 1lb of burger. Wasn’t super hungry but don’t wanna go 24-36hrs on a fast when I have a ton of work to do outside, plus workouts in the gym.

This style of eating is simple. Eat high fat, high protien and watch the weight drop off. All of my buddies cant understand how I stay at 150-155lbs and eat all fatty meat, have a six pack year round, tons of energy, and always in a good mood. 100 percent diet related.
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Beef, bacon, butter, and eggs.

Do it for a month. Hell, do it for two weeks.
lost 25 lbs in 2 months doing keto. just ate lunch and dinner. didn't really crave snacks. had a bunch of vacation lined up and got off it for that but going to go back on it again in a week or two.
Ya I ate a 18 oz ribeye covered in butter at 530 last night. Ate the other ribeye for lunch today at 1 pm, now just scarfed down 1lb of burger. Wasn’t super hungry but don’t wanna go 24-36hrs on a fast when I have a ton of work to do outside, plus workouts in the gym.

This style of eating is simple. Eat high fat, high protien and watch the weight drop off. All of my buddies cant understand how I stay at 150-155lbs and eat all fatty meat, have a six pack year round, tons of energy, and always in a good mood. 100 percent diet related.

I eat from 5am-9/10pm most days. Walk around 210-212# year round with a 6 pack and have to wear a belt with 32” waist pants at 5’10 tall. The argument for eating protein more frequently is to maximize muscle protein synthesis. If you are only eating 2-3 decent sized protein meals a day you are only stimulating MPS that many times. I try to eat 25-50gr protein every 2-4hrs. I also leave my house at 5:30am and don’t get home from work most days until 7pm. Just take a cooler to work with high protein foods/snacks.

A lot of ways to get there.
I like to hear what others have to say on here especially their personal experience. It is very helpful.

I started carnivore on 7/1. Had dropped to 202 from 215 a few days ago, last two days were 204 and 206. Energy has been ok but I loose some on longer workouts at the end. Strength is fine and may be up a bit. The severe inflammation in my lower body has gone down. First time since sept that I have no muscle knots in my legs. Up/down the stairs at the gym last eve better than I have been in the last 9 months...last sept I severely overworked my lower body and it has been a huge issue since then...hoping for relief.
Fell right into intermittent fasting within a week. Now eating solid food in a 4-8 hr window daily.
My opinion would be that I am still adapting to using fat for primary fuel...plan to keep at this.

67 yoa:
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Hey zap, are you saying that the carnivore diet has helped to lower your blood pressure? If so, what were your numbers prior to that?
Hey zap, are you saying that the carnivore diet has helped to lower your blood pressure? If so, what were your numbers prior to that?
Last year my BP was 165/115’ish. Was put on BP medication. That it down to 145/95’ish. 70 days into carnivore (still on BP meds) BP was 104/54’ish and doctor took me off BP meds. Holding steady at 115/75’ish of BP medication.
So, how is that going?
Measuring joint pain is a little subjective day to day, but it has definitely improved. The most notable difference which occurred very quickly was improved gut health. For most of my life, I was certain that I had irritable bowel syndrome. The difference was dramatic.

I recently had very detailed labs done, and everything was improved across-the-board. A-1 C, HDL skyrocketed, triglycerides, C peptides… I also had a coronary calcium score done a week ago and scored a zero. Not bad for 60 years of age. A buddy of mine recently asked me if I was trying to stay young forever, and I replied that I just wanted to be able to keep doing what I enjoy doing for as long as possible.
Hey zap, are you saying that the carnivore diet has helped to lower your blood pressure? If so, what were your numbers prior to that?
No, I had been taking an anti inflammatory med for a few months. My bp had been below normal and is now back to below normal. I had to just take a day a week off from that med. Hopefully it will not be necessary for much longer. My severe inflammation is lots better form the c diet and intermittent fasting in 3 weeks. My last bp a few days ago was:

that was my lowest bp last week...

67 in 30 days.
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