Weight loss meals

I have a question about the 0-10 calorie water flavor packets that you add to a regular bottle of water. Do those actually hinder wieght loss other than the 5 or 10 calories that are in them? I just don't see how a 0 calorie lemonade flavor packet will hurt wieght loss. If it hinders it in the way that it makes you want to eat more and you do eat more becauseof it, then I am not worried about that. The feeling of wanting to eat more doesn't go away anyhow. So I figure I might as well be able to something with a little flavor once or twice a day. Thoughts?
For me, I have to weigh myself every day and plot it. Salty foods makes a spike in weight even if you’re really going down in fat - the graph keeps me positive seeing a downward trend. The only thing that curbs my appetite is an hour of working out or two hours of walking.

I dropped a pound every day walking 5 miles, eating a single bagel for breakfast, a single Taco Bell taco for lunch and salad at night.

Clean eating also works well - don’t eat any processed foods, beef or dairy and see what happens. Menu items can be hard at first and you cook a lot, but it takes your mind off a lot of crap.
I operated on 1000-1200 calories a day for 6months or better. It did not end well for me. They wouldn't even let me donate blood.

Your body does not respond well to this and you will regain the moment you stop starving yourself.

Figure your base metabolic rate and subtract 500 calories. Increase clean protein and reduce sugar/alcohol. Exercise should be anything you have time for...doesn't need to be intense but weights doesn't hurt
I operated on 1000-1200 calories a day for 6months or better. It did not end well for me. They wouldn't even let me donate blood.

I hear you. In the field, I operate on 2,500 to 3,000 calories a day and I still look like Skeletor the Stick Man at the end of 6 months (lol).
It's all about calories, there are plenty of calorie counter apps and websites out there. Start with a food log where you write down everything you eat during the day and then in the evening go online and figure out how many calories you had vs the number of calories you need to eat at your height/weight in order to lose weight along with moderate exercise. Simply taking a half hour walk every evening will make a significant impact.

I'll add that simply removing anything with sugar in it from your diet will produce results without even trying anything else.
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Worked with a gal that did the fitness, bodybuilding competitions, got real good at it.
Boy she could get mean though the closer she got to a show and was changing her meals to get lean.
True... my wife starts prep for a show in Sept. Then maybe another in October. It won't get bad until late August...

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I have a question about the 0-10 calorie water flavor packets that you add to a regular bottle of water. Do those actually hinder weight loss other than the 5 or 10 calories that are in them? I just don't see how a 0 calorie lemonade flavor packet will hurt weight loss. If it hinders it in the way that it makes you want to eat more and you do eat more because of it, then I am not worried about that. The feeling of wanting to eat more doesn't go away anyhow. So I figure I might as well be able to something with a little flavor once or twice a day. Thoughts?
As I understand it, although they're better than consuming sugar, artificial sweeteners can still cause problems since they tend to mess with metabolic function by affecting things such as insulin and blood sugar levels.

If you reduce your intake of sweetened foods and drinks, I find that there's an adjustment period, and then you notice how sickly sweet so many processed and convenience foods really are. The amount of sugar that's pumped into so much of North American food and drink is especially noticeable after extended travel to other countries.
Here is what I do to drop about 15 lbs as I get ready for Sept. Take it as you will. Feel free to enter the protein source you may want. I know this sounds wrong but you have to eat more and more often to lose weight.

Every three hours you should be eating. Keep that moteblisam up. I've done keto, i've done intermitted fasting. Diet is everything. All those diets are great, but nothing has worked more for me than this method. I'll share my eating today to you.

I drink two shakes, three meals for the day.

6am- Protein shake in 8oz of 2% milk

9am- 1 egg and 1 cup of egg whites with 2 slices of turkey bacon or 2 fried eggs and 2 slices of turkey bacon.

Noon- Ezekiel toast with tuna fish salad. 6-8oz approx.

3pm- 1 honeycrisp apple and 1/2 cup of zero protein yogurt.

6pm- 8 oz of protein (chicken this week) and salad and 1/2 of white rice.

9pm- Protein shake.

Drink a lot of water after your coffee during the day. Get good sleep. You will feel empty in the morning and pounds will drop. Give it a try.
6 eggs and bread breakfast
Protein shakes and snacks cheese/ rice
Chicken breast and broccoli for dinner
Agreed. There are a ton of other variables at play but in the simplest terms, if you are admitting to over eating, eat less.

A simple rule of thumb is to start eating 13 calories per pound of body weight. Yes, there are macros that you can focus on and yes, protein intake should be at least .5g/ pound of bodyweight but if this is the first time you have tried losing weight just start simple and keep an eye in the calories. Stick to the 13 calories per pound of bodyweight for about a 2-4 weeks. Once you see a trend in your bodyweight which should be decreasing, reduce your intake to 12 calories per pound. Following this simple approach you should be able to regain some control over your diet.

There are a variety of acceptable solutions to help you. Find the one that seems most reasonable to you and and that you are willing to see through without quitting. Good luck!

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Man, 13 cals per pound of body weight would blow me up like a twelve year old dachsund at my age!
I have to keep it at 8-9 cals per pound just to maintain and not gain!
Man, 13 cals per pound of body weight would blow me up like a twelve year old dachsund at my age!
I have to keep it at 8-9 cals per pound just to maintain and not gain!
I plugged my numbers into a calorie calculator. It says to maintain I need 2350 calories a day. That would currently be 14cal per lb of body wieght.
I am 37yrs old. I am pretty sure I know where the wieght is coming from. I have no self control when I get to eating. I can pretty much eat until it gets hard to breathe. And I enjoy eating like that. I can get to a good wieght and stay there with no problems as long as I stay disciplined. I will use the diet I mentioned above to get target wieght and then increase is to around 2000cal/day. I can maintain my wieght as long as I stay around there. But the urge to eat until I am sick never goes away. Like drinking Mt.Dew, I can stop drinking pop for six months. But the "want to" to drink one doesn't get any better in that six months. Eating is the same way. Losing wieght is the easiest yet most miserable thing to do.
Do you watch TV when you eat?
Here's one that's worked for me in the past. It's called the "No White Diet". Basically it's cutting out the carbs. No sugar, bread, pasta, beer, potatoes, or flour. Diet will consist of eggs and fruit for breakfast, vegetables and protein of choice for lunch and dinner. No processed foods. All natural.