Should I take a loss?

Here's an idea that may cost you a few bucks but makes your life much easier:

I had a few firearms that I wanted to sell. I didn't want the hassle of posting the guns and dealing with all the perspective buyers and their FFLs for shipment.

I took the guns to my local dealer who I've known for years. I asked him to post them to a national gun auction site. He told me that he would want 20% of the sale price. All the guns sold and some sold at prices that surprised both of us. The site got a few % and my dealer got his 20%. For his 20%, he did all the posting, dealt with all the buyers, boxed all the firearms, shipped everything and took care of all the paperwork. It was the best money I ever spent.

I have since brought other firearms to him for resale. Things went smooth and I was very happy with my decision to go this route.
This is what I do as well. He may be a little more willing to do this if you buy that 7PRC from him. May even save you a few bucks compared to Sportsman's.
I'm sure things have changed since I last shipped a firearm, but it used to be that you could personally ship a firearm back to the manufacturer for repairs, but if you were shipping it anywhere else, you had to have an FFL.
I’ve sold several guns on this site and others, it’s pretty painless honestly.

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Personally, I’d just trade/sell to sportsman’s if that’s the direction you ultimately want to go. You could be sitting trying to sell a rifle for a long time.
I'm sure things have changed since I last shipped a firearm, but it used to be that you could personally ship a firearm back to the manufacturer for repairs, but if you were shipping it anywhere else, you had to have an FFL.
FFL's have always had the legal ability to accept a firearm from a non-FFL with a copy of your driver's license. They don't always have the desire to do so though.
Another option is I have no experience with selling guns to them. Their process seems pretty simple and straightforward. Might be worth getting a offer from them.
Check out cash for arms on the interweb. I got a fair price quickly and the process was painless, had money in less than a week. Admittingly I was a bit skeptical, but would definitely sell to them again.
Based on what the new price is from what I'm seeing on the internet, I think that's too big of a loss to take. If you are in WA, you pay sales tax on the difference if you trade it in from what I understand. Also, there's the transfer fee in WA.

I'd look into putting it on consignment at a dealer that has good prices for the gun you want to buy. Even at 20% consignment, I expect you'll do much better than $1300. You/buyer also won't have to pay the transfer fee.
Thanks everyone, my apologies for the latency in my reply…night shift adjusting.

I appreciate everyone’s answers. I do like the 6.5cm, it’s a great round. I personally think it’s a little light for elk past 300 yards. I hunt mid eastern WA, Methow Valley area. I have a 30 Nosler custom gun, but she’s a heavy lady. I can lighten her up a bit, but easily will be in the 9-10 pound range. I know that’s not much, but I learned in Afghanistan that ounces add up really fast.

I may post the Weatherby up and see what I can get. I knew I wasn’t gonna get top dollar for it at sportsman’s, but they had the Weatherby Alpine CT in 7prc in stock. Which is hard to find around here.

Y’all have brought up some great ideas.

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Sell it on Rokslide or take the quick hit @ sportsmans and get what you want. Life is too short to shoot a gun you do not want to shoot.
I’m not too worried about the hit.

Sportsman’s did have a very nice Tikka t3x Superlite in 6.5prc in stock. I played with it a bit. With 156 bergers, that could be a solid option to take as well.
Man when you sell a rifle to a shop you always get ****** and they always say we gotta make money too I understand this and it sucks
Run it on a football pot for $20/, cash, cash and gun on the final score.

I can't tell you how many guns I've off loading like that