Weight Loss For Hunting in 2024


Jan 5, 2024
I started MTNTOUGH Preseason Prep 2.0 earlier this month and feel great. It's probably the toughest programming I have ever done. Sticking with it until the truck heads west on 9/11!
Jun 28, 2024
The things that have worked best for me are the ones I will do everyday. I will put on lbs when I am getting busy an not prioritizing health. A combo of doubling down on my workouts and focusing on two things for diet. 1. Keeping from over eating, 2. up the protein. That recipe has worked for me and isn't super extreme. So I keep at it.


Jan 12, 2024
I am down exactly 100 lbs as of this morning. I was 300.2 lbs in late August of last year. I leave for the NWT in 42 days for my first sheep hunt. I am 12 pounds short of my goal but I feel really good physically. I cant wait to see that first digit turn to a "1" next week. Thankful I did not wait any longer to retake my health.
Down 106.2 pounds. Six away from my original goal. Over did the training though. Cortisone shot in my knee on the 3rd and getting it drained/aspirated (Baker’s Cyst) on the 5th. Leave for the NWT in 16 days so this won’t stop me. I feel very ready physically despite the knee issue. Came a long way over the last ten months. Good luck to everyone else as your hunts come up.


Jul 30, 2019
Down 106.2 pounds. Six away from my original goal. Over did the training though. Cortisone shot in my knee on the 3rd and getting it drained/aspirated (Baker’s Cyst) on the 5th. Leave for the NWT in 16 days so this won’t stop me. I feel very ready physically despite the knee issue. Came a long way over the last ten months. Good luck to everyone else as your hunts come up.
Awesome job! I bet you are feeling a million times better without all that weight. What is really an eye opener would be for you to load up 100lbs on a bar or grab a 100lb medicine ball and pick it up. Then imagine carrying around that weight all the time 24/7. Really opens your eyes!!


Oct 20, 2020
Turned 39 in first week of May. The last 6 years my numbers at my annual biometric screening for health insurance have all gradually, maybe not so gradually, gotten worse.

Told myself when I turned 40, it would go the other way.

Made gradual changes. I track everything. I weigh/measure everything. Haven't eliminated anything other than sweet tea (my kryptonite) and sodas, both which I cut out prior to that.

I log it all in LoseIt.

Down 22.2lb since then. Fairly easy. I just track everything and replace foods with long lasting/filling foods, done eating hard stop (unless there are extenuating circumstances, which has happened once since May 6), by 8PM, usually 7PM, and dont eat breakfast again until 9:30AM or so. Helps cut down on a lot of the snacking I did when I'd eat at 6:45-7:00AM.


Jan 12, 2024
Down 106.2 pounds. Six away from my original goal. Over did the training though. Cortisone shot in my knee on the 3rd and getting it drained/aspirated (Baker’s Cyst) on the 5th. Leave for the NWT in 16 days so this won’t stop me. I feel very ready physically despite the knee issue. Came a long way over the last ten months. Good luck to everyone else as your hunts come up.
Last update. Last few weeks prior to the hunt didn’t train cardio at all. Had knee drained on July 5th (it started to fill with fluid again 3 days later). Then got Covid 12 days before my flight to base camp. Made it there okay. Hunted hard for 6 days. Legs and lungs were good. Knee gave me fits but just pushedIMG_0796.jpeg through, as too much went into this to let it be the deciding factor. I’m sure I got down to my goal of 188 lbs during the hunt. Total weight loss of 112 lbs. but it doesn’t matter at all now. Attached is my ram.


Feb 21, 2023
Down 106.2 pounds. Six away from my original goal. Over did the training though. Cortisone shot in my knee on the 3rd and getting it drained/aspirated (Baker’s Cyst) on the 5th. Leave for the NWT in 16 days so this won’t stop me. I feel very ready physically despite the knee issue. Came a long way over the last ten months. Good luck to everyone else as your hunts come up.
Wow, that is amazing! Congrats and keep it up!


Mar 24, 2021
Awesome job Congrats on the nice ram.

My weight loss has slowed but still going down. I'm down 50lbs since January. I ran my first 5k race 2 weeks ago. I've also been dealing with some knee trouble after the race. I think its taken care of but tomorrow's run will tell me for sure. I've also had tennis elbow since spring. It has been a struggle to shoot my bow. I'm definitely reaching into the cookie jar to move past these minor things. I've got my vacation time in for Colorado and I can't wait to hit the trail.


Jul 30, 2019
Absolutely awesome on both the weight loss and the beautiful Ram !!


Apr 17, 2020
I'm down 41 pounds since January and made it to my original goal weight. I feel better than I can ever remember. Now I have adjusted my goal weight to drop another 5 pounds down to 189. That will put me at my lightest weight since I was 18 years old (38 years ago). No hard core hunts this year, but New Zealand next May is on the horizon.

One drawback is my hunting clothes don't fit right and my pack either needs a new waistband or it needs to be replaced. Good problems to have I guess.


Oct 1, 2014
Last update. Last few weeks prior to the hunt didn’t train cardio at all. Had knee drained on July 5th (it started to fill with fluid again 3 days later). Then got Covid 12 days before my flight to base camp. Made it there okay. Hunted hard for 6 days. Legs and lungs were good. Knee gave me fits but just pushedView attachment 744067 through, as too much went into this to let it be the deciding factor. I’m sure I got down to my goal of 188 lbs during the hunt. Total weight loss of 112 lbs. but it doesn’t matter at all now. Attached is my ram.

So awesome. Beautiful ram and incredible story!!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk


May 17, 2022
Ontario Canada
Have been around 287 for past few years, got sick of it. Started mid May and have been dieting hard, I’m down 40.
Currently at 247, I’d like to see 235.
Been mostly carnivore/Keto
Lots of chicken and tuna.


Jun 29, 2022
Last update. Last few weeks prior to the hunt didn’t train cardio at all. Had knee drained on July 5th (it started to fill with fluid again 3 days later). Then got Covid 12 days before my flight to base camp. Made it there okay. Hunted hard for 6 days. Legs and lungs were good. Knee gave me fits but just pushedView attachment 744067 through, as too much went into this to let it be the deciding factor. I’m sure I got down to my goal of 188 lbs during the hunt. Total weight loss of 112 lbs. but it doesn’t matter at all now. Attached is my ram.
Get’R Done! I got caught in an office job and ate like I was still in the USMC, found myself way over weight and discovered Keto. Best way to lose weight for me was to keep myself accountable every day by weighing myself. I didn’t need to lose all the weight the next day, but I just wanted to be better that I was the day before. You climb a mountain one step at a time


Jul 18, 2014
Last update. Last few weeks prior to the hunt didn’t train cardio at all. Had knee drained on July 5th (it started to fill with fluid again 3 days later). Then got Covid 12 days before my flight to base camp. Made it there okay. Hunted hard for 6 days. Legs and lungs were good. Knee gave me fits but just pushedView attachment 744067 through, as too much went into this to let it be the deciding factor. I’m sure I got down to my goal of 188 lbs during the hunt. Total weight loss of 112 lbs. but it doesn’t matter at all now. Attached is my ram.
Beautiful ram, congrats. Good job on the weight loss too and achieving your goal despite the hurdles. I’ve lost about 70lbs this year so far with more to go. Seeing others pushing through ti their goals is helpful.


Oct 20, 2020
Turned 39 in first week of May. The last 6 years my numbers at my annual biometric screening for health insurance have all gradually, maybe not so gradually, gotten worse.

Told myself when I turned 40, it would go the other way.

Made gradual changes. I track everything. I weigh/measure everything. Haven't eliminated anything other than sweet tea (my kryptonite) and sodas, both which I cut out prior to that.

I log it all in LoseIt.

Down 22.2lb since then. Fairly easy. I just track everything and replace foods with long lasting/filling foods, done eating hard stop (unless there are extenuating circumstances, which has happened once since May 6), by 8PM, usually 7PM, and dont eat breakfast again until 9:30AM or so. Helps cut down on a lot of the snacking I did when I'd eat at 6:45-7:00AM.

Well I've hit a "stall". I started adding in 5/3/1 on MWF, with a 1.5mi run/jog (1mi with 0.5mi warm up/cooldown) afterwards, and a 3.7-4.0 (depending on route), run/jog on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Stall appears to have started around Aug 18 th (towards the end of my second full week of working out). Weight has fluctuated +/-2lb since then. Caloric budget during that period was 2200ish and now is upper 2100s.

Next week is 5/3/1 deload week. I don't feel any sort of inflammation, which I initially attributed it to, but now I'm not so sure. I'll get through the deload week, and see if it drops, and adjust from there.

35.4lb down since May 6.
6'1 230.6

Mirror, clothing, and fitness/endurance told me things were improving some during the "stall", but now I'm frustrated because I've got plenty left to lose, even if there is some muscle gain.
Feb 20, 2024
Well I've hit a "stall". I started adding in 5/3/1 on MWF, with a 1.5mi run/jog (1mi with 0.5mi warm up/cooldown) afterwards, and a 3.7-4.0 (depending on route), run/jog on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Stall appears to have started around Aug 18 th (towards the end of my second full week of working out). Weight has fluctuated +/-2lb since then. Caloric budget during that period was 2200ish and now is upper 2100s.

Next week is 5/3/1 deload week. I don't feel any sort of inflammation, which I initially attributed it to, but now I'm not so sure. I'll get through the deload week, and see if it drops, and adjust from there.

35.4lb down since May 6.
6'1 230.6

Mirror, clothing, and fitness/endurance told me things were improving some during the "stall", but now I'm frustrated because I've got plenty left to lose, even if there is some muscle gain.
When I start lifting or exercising more, weight loss often stalls. Exercising hard can actually hurt weight loss believe it or not.