Voter turnout

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A great part about being in AK is getting to watch it all in real time and not losing too much sleep. The late night coverage was for the most part self reflective and calling out the problems in the blue party with policy. But then the network execs woke up and put them all back in line quickly.

Not long ago this morning there was a panel on NBC asked if this was a policy referendum or a referendum by Americans not ready for a female president. Every single panelist said this is just because we’re all sexist and racist. These dorks are going to lose for the next decade at this rate. I hope Tulsi runs in 2028 and wins 350 electoral votes to become the first female president. Even sweeter juices being she was run out by the blue party’s women.
I tell a lot of folks that had they not run her out of the democratic party and actually ran her against trump, she would have won handily. Hell, I would have voted for her regardless of party.
Facts not racist opinion: in general blacks and Hispanics are not very fond of each other.
Yesterday both NC and SC passed a state constitutional amendment to change "every citizen" can vote to "only a citizen" can vote. Guess someone thought that closed any potential loophole.
oklahoma as well.
Congratulations if that makes you feel better. Open your eyes and ears and see what you learn.
Maybe because Texas had high % of Hispanics for a loooong period of time, the race relations are better than here in South Carolina and North Carolina, but I see and hear it on a regular basis.

You think I have no experience in the South? Wrong.

You made a claim that was false. Not about feeling better, it's about some people's inability to, as you say, "open your eyes and ears and see what you learn."

This map might help you understand:

To me it boiled down to two things first was a vision pushing a positive forward looking agenda over one of fear and vilifying “the other.” Economists said her policies would grow the national deb by about 1/2 what Trump’s would and economists say that his promised tariffs will be detrimental and inflationary to our economy. I believe in science and see the impacts of climate change in my region (Adirondacks) for real. Que the deniers, but I believe in anthropogenic climate change and the need to confront it head on. Climate denialism is counter to accepted science and dangerous for our future and what we will leave behind for future generations. I also believe that the emerging technologies developed in tackling this problem could be extremely beneficial to our economy and allow us to become a world leader in that area. I find his rhetoric, combined with the caution of the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff among other Republicans who served with him, counter to my values as a person and as an American. I believe that we need to tackle
the problem of illegal immigration using a multi-faceted approach using modern technologies and economic tools. Trump killed a bipartisan initiative to do this for personal gain and it served him well. Take a look at the stock market, historic highs. And before the inflation drum gets pounded, do a bit of reading about causative factors. Inflation is a global problem. May sound hypocritical coming from a military retiree, but I’d rather see some money spent on emerging technologies to benefit our society and economy rather than more funneled into the military industrial complex. I do not believe that trickle down exonomics benefits the working American. Look where Trump’s previous tax cuts were focussed and where future cuts will land. You may get a token, but the fat cats will win large. I have worked hard my entire life and have more than I could have ever hoped for, so that’s not jealousy. I live simply and have more than I need or could have hoped for. I just don’t think more of our national wealth needs to be funneled to the money hoarders. To me, Trumps’s platform is one of fear mongering and division, not one of looking to a new, brighter future.

Secondly, and finally, she’s not Trump. If you think January 6th was just a “dust up” or an “enthusiastic voicing of free speech”, you need to look at some real footage of the event with an open mind. Trump fermented that and allowed it to progress. That in itself is disqualifying to me. When I served on my local town board an incumbent Republican had a challenger in the primary. The
challenger died before the primary. He later won both the primary and the general election. The town supervisor wanted to appoint the incumbent to the seat. I opposed that and another board member agreed with me. The stalemate went on for a couple months before the supervisor finally relented. I’ve been in a community where a dead man was chosen over a candidate. I would support anyone, literally anyone including Harris, over Trump based on January 6th alone. I honestly believe he’s the greatest threat to democracy and national security our nation has ever faced. No one has ever worked to undermine the election system or America’s faith in our national systems the way he has.

Just one man’s opinion. It may be different than yours. If this is rambling I’m typing it on my phone as I sit on a hardwood ridge. Magic hour is upon is so that’s it for now. I understand that I won’t change anyone’s mind anyway so I’ve given this enough time. It is worth knowing that not all “never Trumpers” are communists or anti-Americans.

Thank you for your answer..

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I have a hard time grasping why people still vote in person, what is the advantage?

Hmm. My wife voted early, in person, very easy and fast. I intended to vote early, in person, but work life got in the way. Voted in person early in the morning day of and it was a breeze. So it's certainly convenient to vote in person. I also brought my 10 y/o son, and my wife brought our 6 y/o daughter. Just wanted our kids to see the process. I also just like the feel of in person. We live in a pretty blue county and honestly it kinda grounds me to see regular folks who will vote differently than me. Just helps me see them as my neighbors more than some crazy people who are my enemy.
One thing that I would encourage everyone to do, stop trusting the media. Trump is not a racist, rapist, dictator. How can any media outlet pretend to be actual news when they start crying over "their candidate" losing? That's insane. I turned on MSNBC last night and it was CRAZY! Those people are insane. It's no wonder people are freaking out with all the fear mongering. Joy Reid was showing pictures of notorious dictators and comparing them to Trump. WTF is wrong with these people. I'll tell you something and I hope this goes for every American, if you refuse to leave office, we are coming for you. Republican, Democrat, whatever. No real American would stand for a dictator. That's why we have the Second Amendment.
Everyone needs to calm down. They won't be happy until we all start killing each other. I believe there is a machine, deep state whatever you want to call it, behind all of this. Democrats, Republicans and the media are all working together. Just look at all of the corruption and lies. Lies about the wars, our food, the drugs we take, how vaccinations affect our children. They don't want this to change, they are making billions. I truly believe that's why they are all trying so hard to destroy Trump.
Hmm. My wife voted early, in person, very easy and fast. I intended to vote early, in person, but work life got in the way. Voted in person early in the morning day of and it was a breeze. So it's certainly convenient to vote in person. I also brought my 10 y/o son, and my wife brought our 6 y/o daughter. Just wanted our kids to see the process. I also just like the feel of in person. We live in a pretty blue county and honestly it kinda grounds me to see regular folks who will vote differently than me. Just helps me see them as my neighbors more than some crazy people who are my enemy.
I like this. It is a good reminder that everyone is your neighbor. Even in an election where Trump won pretty easily, it is still almost 50/50....
Thank you for your answer..

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You’re welcome. I guess I’m lucky, I’ve worked hard and had a good life, including over the past 4 years. I may not be able to understand why good people didn’t vote against him, but that does not make them stupid, a fascist or automatically my enemy.

Nice to have an adult conversation about the issue without the dismissive insults. I sincerely hope that I’m wrong about what’s to come over the next 4 years.

Best to you.

To me it boiled down to two things first was a vision pushing a positive forward looking agenda over one of fear and vilifying “the other.” Economists said her policies would grow the national deb by about 1/2 what Trump’s would and economists say that his promised tariffs will be detrimental and inflationary to our economy. I believe in science and see the impacts of climate change in my region (Adirondacks) for real. Que the deniers, but I believe in anthropogenic climate change and the need to confront it head on. Climate denialism is counter to accepted science and dangerous for our future and what we will leave behind for future generations. I also believe that the emerging technologies developed in tackling this problem could be extremely beneficial to our economy and allow us to become a world leader in that area. I find his rhetoric, combined with the caution of the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff among other Republicans who served with him, counter to my values as a person and as an American. I believe that we need to tackle
the problem of illegal immigration using a multi-faceted approach using modern technologies and economic tools. Trump killed a bipartisan initiative to do this for personal gain and it served him well. Take a look at the stock market, historic highs. And before the inflation drum gets pounded, do a bit of reading about causative factors. Inflation is a global problem. May sound hypocritical coming from a military retiree, but I’d rather see some money spent on emerging technologies to benefit our society and economy rather than more funneled into the military industrial complex. I do not believe that trickle down exonomics benefits the working American. Look where Trump’s previous tax cuts were focussed and where future cuts will land. You may get a token, but the fat cats will win large. I have worked hard my entire life and have more than I could have ever hoped for, so that’s not jealousy. I live simply and have more than I need or could have hoped for. I just don’t think more of our national wealth needs to be funneled to the money hoarders. To me, Trumps’s platform is one of fear mongering and division, not one of looking to a new, brighter future.

Secondly, and finally, she’s not Trump. If you think January 6th was just a “dust up” or an “enthusiastic voicing of free speech”, you need to look at some real footage of the event with an open mind. Trump fermented that and allowed it to progress. That in itself is disqualifying to me. When I served on my local town board an incumbent Republican had a challenger in the primary. The
challenger died before the primary. He later won both the primary and the general election. The town supervisor wanted to appoint the incumbent to the seat. I opposed that and another board member agreed with me. The stalemate went on for a couple months before the supervisor finally relented. I’ve been in a community where a dead man was chosen over a candidate. I would support anyone, literally anyone including Harris, over Trump based on January 6th alone. I honestly believe he’s the greatest threat to democracy and national security our nation has ever faced. No one has ever worked to undermine the election system or America’s faith in our national systems the way he has.

Just one man’s opinion. It may be different than yours. If this is rambling I’m typing it on my phone as I sit on a hardwood ridge. Magic hour is upon is so that’s it for now. I understand that I won’t change anyone’s mind anyway so I’ve given this enough time. It is worth knowing that not all “never Trumpers” are communists or anti-Americans.
I don’t agree with everything you said but I certainly see your point and my dad feels the same way as you. I appreciate your perspective. Thanks for explaining it that way and glad this is staying civil.
I'm way more excited about the people on his team than I am about Trump. I pray to God he follows through and completely guts the government, FDA and big pharma. Also, if they don't do something about the debt, the country is eventually going bankrupt.


Jamel Holley is a mayor in New Jersey and advisor to RFK Jr.

RFK was in an interview today talking about gutting departments within the FDA.

Be happy. This admin isn’t going to eff around!

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They will be counting the total for days to come. But definitely could be that many Democrat voters stayed home. That's what I saw in my democrat town. Probably 10% of what I saw on 2016 and 2020. Literally 10% at my voting location.

I think voter turnout may have been a little low for Dems. (Can you blame them) Kamala got 65-66 million votes

Now, look at Obama in 2012 and Hilary in 2016 and you will see that Kamala was within 1-2 million of those totals in those years. So… historically speaking Kamala received the same number of votes as previous Dems except 1…

Biden got 81 million votes. (Or at least they counted that many ballots). Even if voter turn out for the Dems was down 10% Kamala still only gets 71-72 million. 10 million short of Biden and the same number as Trump in 2020.

The math just isn’t mathing for the one election that was an outlier. And I think soon enough we will get some answers.

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Starr county in Texas (not a big county is considered one of, if not THE most Hispanic county in America) - Trump flipped it red after 100 years of blue.

**Added: 65K people, 97% hispanic and Trump won by 16 pts.

All of our border counties are majority Hispanic. And almost all of them voted red last night. An improvement since 2020. Texas is now more red than any previous election.

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Should we say the same thing about 2020? Electing a lying, corrupt, dementia patient as president? Who lied about his involvement with his son’s grifting? Who used the DOJ and media as his personal hit squad? Who lied about taking classified docs while NOT even President? Who purposely left the border open to make us all less safe…amounts to treason. Since you brought up women..Biden was accused of sexual harassment and his VP believed the woman. We won’t even get into his daughter’s diary.

Would you like me to keep going?


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