I think many people on the left have the wrong view of many Trump supporters. I voted for him 3x. I even went to a rally during the 2016 election. I personally think he is an arrogant womanizing ass. I hate how he insults people, takes credit for everything good and passes blame to everyone else. Everything he does is the best and most amazing thing ever. I can't stand to hear him speak for more than a few minutes. Having said all that, the Bible says to always look at the fruits. Look at his children, grandchildren and ex-wives. They all seem like great, successful people that adore him. The fact that his ex-wives said nothing is pretty amazing. I also think being a famous Billionaire is a little different from the average man. So many say, "I would never cheat". You wouldn't. But you also don't have women that are solid 10's throwing themselves at you on a daily basis. You don't actually know what you would do. You also don't know what arrangement his wives agreed to being married to a famous powerful man like Trump. I don't believe he was an abuser, he didn't need to be.
Here is something to really think about. The media, Republicans and Democrats all have been trying to destroy Trump for years. Do you trust the media? The Government? Politicians? I sure as hell don't. I believe, I know, they want to keep things EXACTLY the way they are. The system is completely broken. Our government is corrupted by money and special interest groups. Blackrock is making billions on the Ukraine war. They will make billions more rebuilding it all. Just like Iraq with Haliburton. Why do you think Cheney is supporting Kamala? Most politicians are worth a couple million when they get in office. They are easily bought. Trump is worth hundreds of millions. He doesn't care about money. He's the only president in decades that has lost money to be president. Also, every racist, fascist quote you have ever heard about Trump, please look them up. Read the entirety of the transcript. Every single one is out of context or edited. I'm not brainwashed, it's just true. If you actually take the time to find the original transcripts you will see they are lying to you. I'm not brainwashed, my eyes are open. Covid changed everything for me. When PA,NY,NJ and MI all put covid patients in nursing homes to KILL old people, that broke me. When I saw Cuomo do that and he had medical ships sitting in the harbor empty, I realized they would kill as many of us as necessary to accomplish their goals. It made wonder if our government allowed 9/11 to happen to start the war, and every single war we've fought since WWII. How much American blood and money were wasted on all of those useless wars? Look who profited.
I truly believe Trump and the amazing people on his team will truly change this broken system. I want them to completely gut the government and almost every three letter agency. The deep state is real, and I hope they burn it to the ground. We deserve better food, drugs, medical care and our privacy.