
Had mine done the week before my 26th birthday, and it’s been just shy of 7 years now. The proceedfure was simple and quick. They gave me a Valium, and I was cool as a cucumber. I didn’t care for the dr. narrating the whole procedure though. Like, I don’t need to know what that tugging feeling on my insides is.

There was definitely some discomfort after sex, a deep aching in the bottom of my left ball, for several years afterwards. But, beats having kids, and I’m still free of those!
years ago knew a guy who thought he would take advantage of the day off after the early morning appt. for his vasectomy. He played a round of golf and enjoyed his "day off". When he pulled his jock down to sit and take a piss his nuts hit the water and were the size of croquet balls. LOL. Take it easy and watch t.v on the couch for a couple of days with the frozen peas.
Definitely follow the recommendations. My buddy the day after decided to go out and get hammered at a bar. Ended up doing some cartwheels and ****** himself up. Needless to say his wife got prego again and he had to go in for operation #2. Moral of the story is enjoy your whiskey from the recliner.
Did mine at the docs office. More smoke and burning flesh than I was expecting or would have liked. Recovery wasnt terrible but is was a solid week Until the pain went away. I told my wife that we needed to “drain the tanks” once a day for 30 days leading up to surgery. Doctors orders. I made it to day 7 before she got wise and did a bit of googling.
I was set up to have one done… no needle no pain ( that’s what they said anyway )

Went to the consultation and paid the 400$ consultation fee.

After talking to the doctor I told him how active I was as my job has me on my feet for hours on end. Going up and down rivers and mountains.

He told me I could get swollen down stairs from time to time. Depending on how much strain I was putting on my body and that I should carry ibuprofen where ever I go.

i couldn’t risk having something happen if I was guiding a client in the middle of the backcountry and had an emergency with my balls.

I had extreme anxiety after that and couldn’t bring myself to go through with it…

Best of luck
Just take the shot(s), it is no big deal.

I'm close to 20 years in, one of the best moves I ever made. Of course my weapon has been in storage for some time now. :D
got one in Nov, couple days just taking it easy wearing compression shorts, then no working out until the next week. didn't really ice. was back to the gym working out the next week.

little swelling for a couple days but no pain per say. everything working like it should.

procedure was 15min in and out
My brother just had it done 2 weeks ago. He said it was no more than a 3/10 on the pain scale at the worst point. 15 minutes, in and out. He was a little soar the next day but by day 4 he was out cutting wood.

I had the same experience in 2016.

The shot for the local anesthetic wasn’t terrible. Just a little prick (see what I did there?). They did my entire procedure from one hole. Just poked it in with what resembled a sharpened crochet needle and used the hook to pull each one out for treatment. The only sensation I had was a slight tug in my abdomen when they pulled out the right vas deferens (hole was on the left). No stitches.

In and out in probably less than 10 minutes. Drove home 2 hours and stayed on the couch for 2 days without much discomfort. Up and around on day 3 and cleaning storm debris on day 4.

I’d do it yearly if it was necessary. Best 25 bucks I’ve ever spent.

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I was set up to have one done… no needle no pain ( that’s what they said anyway )

Went to the consultation and paid the 400$ consultation fee.

After talking to the doctor I told him how active I was as my job has me on my feet for hours on end. Going up and down rivers and mountains.

He told me I could get swollen down stairs from time to time. Depending on how much strain I was putting on my body and that I should carry ibuprofen where ever I go.

i couldn’t risk having something happen if I was guiding a client in the middle of the backcountry and had an emergency with my balls.

I had extreme anxiety after that and couldn’t bring myself to go through with it…

Best of luck
The odds of that happening are stupid low. Your odds of emergencies related to kids requiring you to leave a hunt early increase with every rugrat you pop out, and I would wager are higher odds than you having a hurt sack while hiking post normal recovery.
Yeah you’re probably right. This is just what the doctor told me…

Spray and pray technique has been working pretty well for me over the years! It’s 80 % effective 😂😂😂
I had mine done over the summer, and I highly recommend avoiding my mistakes. Go to a urologist who does like 500+ per year. Not your family practice doc who got trained on it once several years ago and now performs them sporadically. I've been through some rough medical procedures, and that was up there.
No the doctor I was going to see didn’t use my insurance carrier.

For tax purposes I use an HSA so I can deduct my family’s max ($7500) a year from my taxes.

So usually use my HSA or I will pay cash.

The HSA can also be used as a retirement plan after you turn 65.
I too am a ...steer. I went to a facility literally called Dr. Snips. Vasectomys' are all they do. My experience was great, the local anesthetic was applied through a pneumatic air gun that shot the burst of numbing agent right into the targeted needles. Pretty slick actually. The procedure was painless and actually interesting to watch. My recovery was a little discomfort (2/10) for a day or two and just followed their recommendations on what I can and can't to. To anyone who has anxiety over this I would encourage you to go to a specialist who only performs this operation. I suffer from high anxiety, and this was a cake walk.