
I know this thread is about a year old now but I'm on deck to get mine Thursday and super nervous about it.
This thread has helped and not helped me feel any better about it.
The anxiety med they prescribe is Xanax, which the one time I've taken it gave me the exact opposite reaction it's supposed to have. I got cotton mouth something terrible and more anxious.
I asked for something different and told them the reason. Nope still going to give me Xanax. So this should be interesting if I have the same reaction as last time. Tempted to just not take it.
Is really necessary?
I had mine years ago. There were no pre-procedure meds and it's really not that big a deal. Guys build it up and when it's over you realize its pretty anticlimatic.

I believe the entire procedure lasted about 9 minutes.

Shot (worst part, feels like getting kicked square in the sack)
Cut and clamp or cut and burn depending on your doc

Rinse and repeat on the other side...

Follow the icing instructions for next 24 hours or so and you'll be good to go.

More than 10 years later I do get achy pain every so often, but nothing that can't be treated with ibuprofen. I had them looked at during a physical this year and everything was fine, just part of the 2% that can end up with chronic pain later in life after the procedure. Still worth every penny.
@sbaker0029 about a year and a half post op and still no kids with the club getting shot up every chance I get. I also have the occasional achey pain but nothing major at all and I really just ignore it. I didn't take anything pre surgery and got 2 or 3 MG of versed via iv just before the first incision. I think they have those offices as cold as possible to giggle. My wife even made the comment "dang baby are you cold?" I giggled because I was as high as a giraffes ass. Best decision I ever made to have it done. I'd do it every year if I had too.
I know this thread is about a year old now but I'm on deck to get mine Thursday and super nervous about it.
This thread has helped and not helped me feel any better about it.
The anxiety med they prescribe is Xanax, which the one time I've taken it gave me the exact opposite reaction it's supposed to have. I got cotton mouth something terrible and more anxious.
I asked for something different and told them the reason. Nope still going to give me Xanax. So this should be interesting if I have the same reaction as last time. Tempted to just not take it.
Is really necessary?
Only liberals take Xanax! You'll be good man, nervous or not it'll all be over in minutes. A short recovery and you'll be having a blast in the sheets without a worry in the world. You'll look back and think dam that was worth it. Mine was a friggin nightmare and it was still worth it lol.
When I got mine the Dr told me to stay off it for a week. Said he had one patient come back day after he got snipped and wasnt ... well patient. Tried to use it that night and not a good outcome.
For me it hurt a bit for about 10 days - every day getting better.
My brother just had it done 2 weeks ago. He said it was no more than a 3/10 on the pain scale at the worst point. 15 minutes, in and out. He was a little soar the next day but by day 4 he was out cutting wood.
I got one on September 8th this past year. No pre procedure meds and the shot was the worst part but not unbearable. I had to get three shots total because the local anesthesia didn’t fully numb me up on the left side.

IF YOU CAN FEEL THEM CLAMPING AND TUGGING ON YOUR VAS BEFORE THE SNIP, SAY SOMETHING. I almost kept my mouth shut on the left side and the doctor said it would have caused me to jump through the roof and the pain after would have been rough.

I had a elk hunt planned 5 days post vasectomy so I made sure to religiously ice for the remainder of days before hunting. I never had a problem but felt a little tender stomping on the ground on day 6. Everything was normal after that though. Still get a little throbbing in the right nut from time to time and noticeable scaring tissue inside the sac where the cuts were made.

I’d do the procedure every month if it meant not having any more kids haha.
Got one last summer. One of my nuts is still effing gigantic. Likely going to have the doc go back in. Guess I shouldn’t have been on the ATV, tractor, and walking around the property that much a day after..
Had it done last March, first 24hrs were rough but fine after that. The weirdest thing was how vibrantly purple they got, DR. Mentioned my skin type could have impressive bruising
Got one last summer. One of my nuts is still effing gigantic. Likely going to have the doc go back in. Guess I shouldn’t have been on the ATV, tractor, and walking around the property that much a day after..
You guys are really doing a good job of just using the pullout method!
You guys are really doing a good job of just using the pullout method!
It does NOT work, I repeat it does NOT work!

Doesn't matter how strong your pull out game is there is always that one Olympic champ swimmer who will set a world record.

Also thanks everyone for the comments and advice. I'm going no pre-op meds. Definitely don't want to go through the reaction I previously had to xanax plus @Chape1rm I ain't no liberal lol
The look on the dr.'s and nurses' faces when I asked them to position a mirror so I could watch was priceless. Even better when they realized I was serious 🤣.

It was cool to watch actually. My doc did the burn a small hole right on the seam method and used that to fish out the vas deferens on both sides. Cauterized everything and didn't even need a stitch. The hole healed up in about 2 days and the recovery was a breeze. I still think I wouldn't been just fine to go ice fishing the next day like I planned to, but my wife listened to the doctor and shut me down. I figured sitting on the hard deck had to be at least as beneficial as rotating frozen vegetables in my underwear on the couch.

The numbing injection isn't fun, but you've likely been hit in the nuts by a kid or dog harder that felt worse than the injection will.

10/10 would recommend, but sincerely hope I never have to get it done again. Going on 8 years now shooting blanks so I think it took (especially given how quickly my little Phelpses got the gold with Mamacake each time we wanted to get pregnant).
Not sure if I posted in this thread yet or not since it's old, but I had mine in 2017 and just recently the sensitivity is finally going away. Several years I had off and on issues. For example before getting sick from 'rona I knew I had it because my nut started aching terribly. Every time I get sick I know in advance , we call it the magic nutball prediction. The procedure itself wasn't anything, the 6 years of recovery sucked. I wouldn't do it if I had the option again.
I never took anything prior to the procedure. The only thing I was anxious about was the pretty nurse taping my pecker to my stomach. Shrinkage!
My wife was in the room with me. While we were alone she started rubbing me asking if I was sure I didn't want any more kids. When the nurse came in I was "standing at attention." I was embarrassed as hell and my wife was just laughing.
Just be sure guys because based on what a buddy went through a vasectomy reversal has a quite painful, swollen, recovery.

My vasectomy was no big deal.