
Lay down, they numb your sack, tiny little slice, pull out travel tube and cauterize it, glue up slice and send you on your way. 30 minutes, no initial pain, I actually fell asleep during the procedure. Awkward part is the 19 year old smoking hot nurse that grabs your wiener and holds it to the side while prepping your balls. There is pain for a few days after but not horrible and you can still function. Second awkward part is taking a cup of your man juice in 6 weeks after for them to inspect and make sure there are no more swimmers. No bloody nut job for me. And all the awkward and pain is forgot about when you nut without worry of making another money sucking machine with the wife. Aka, suck it up, it ain’t that bad and is so worth it if you’re done having kids.
19 yesr old smoking hot nurse or medical assistant. Find it hard to believe that 19 year old is a nurse. Simply due to the amount of schooling needed to become a nurse.

I had a 70 year old nurse.
I had mine done by a urologist, just go to your regular doctor and ask for a referral. My guy does over 500 every year. He used the “robotic” method vs the old school scalpel method which was awesome because I had zero swelling. Just wore a jock strap for 3 days and iced a couple of times the 1st day. Only part that was uncomfortable was the shot on either side, just feels like pinching your sack with your fingernails. In a month or so go to the office with your “sample” and they test to make sure there are no swimmers. Good to go after that. Seems to have worked, 100’s of shots down range and no new rascals. Also my insurance paid 100% which was nice. Good luck!

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Mine was pretty easy. Two numbing shots and two little incisions with no stitches. I did have to get a second shot on the left side because it wasn’t completely numb. Once the doc reached in there with that little tool and hooked the tube it made my toes curl. He saw it and quickly stuck me again. Just iced down for a few days and took some ibuprofen when needed. Left side hurt a lot more because of that. That’s was 6 years ago after my last kiddo was born.
Well just got home from mine and it wasn't bad at all. I've had teeth cleanings that went worse and more painful.
I definitely built it up to be way worse.

Didn't take the pre-op med for anxiety.

Only had one prep nurse that was with me from call back until she walked me to the check out counter afterwards. She was fairly attractive(not enough to feel embarrassed about presenting the goods too her) and chill about everything. Didn't feel awkward getting down to the winnie the pooh state in front of her.

Doctor came in started some music and asked if I watched the UK ball game last night and chatted about that most of the procedure.
He's retired Army and said he's probably done well over 10k at this point. Super smooth. Barely even felt the deading shoots. They stung but I've definitely had worse pain.

Currently trying to keep a toddler and dog out of my lap and icing these bad boys down.
Plan is to do nothing until I go back to work Monday so hopefully that does the trick for recovering.

Thanks OP for starting the thread and glad I resurrected it after a year.
Also thanks for everyone sharing there stories, including the horrors.
You know that feeling of discomfort you have about 20 minutes after you get kicked in the nuts really hard? It feels like that for a couple days. Not terrible, just some mild discomfort. That was my experience anyway. Way less painful than having another kid when ours are all in their teens and 20's!
I had a buddy get it done not long ago. He's about my age, which is about the OP's age. Anyway, he gets snipped, burned, etc. Everything seems fine till about a month later, then complications, now he has no penis. The risk is a little greater than zero here.
This post was a joke, which I meant to come back and say a long time ago, but forgot. My apologies to anyone who put off the procedure due to fears of losing a valuable team member.
19 yesr old smoking hot nurse or medical assistant. Find it hard to believe that 19 year old is a nurse. Simply due to the amount of schooling needed to become a nurse.

I had a 70 year old nurse.
I apologize for not asking her age or schooling history. It was a simple guess from someone that knows absolutely nothing about her or the age in which someone can become a nurse. Didn't realize not providing that factual information was going to ruffle someone. Was just laying out my scenario; an interesting part of the process that I wasn't expecting.
I apologize for not asking her age or schooling history. It was a simple guess from someone that knows absolutely nothing about her or the age in which someone can become a nurse. Didn't realize not providing that factual information was going to ruffle someone. Was just laying out my scenario; an interesting part of the process that I wasn't expecting.

It's ok. That guy thinks everything posted on the internet has to be true.

I had a 19 year old looking nurse too. I was nervous and it was cold in there.. Not my finest showing moment if you know what I'm saying. But I'm a happily married man so I wasn't all that concerned about showing off.

The doc and I talked about how he got into the business during the entire procedure. It was fine. The valium was a healthy dose, so I'm told, but it never really got to me all that much. I tend to tolerate drugs pretty well, one of those take 2 ambien and stay up all night guys. But yall should have seen the guy who came out before me, he was on a different planet. I've never seen somebody in a wheelchair with a bag of ice on his nuts look so dang happy!
I apologize for not asking her age or schooling history. It was a simple guess from someone that knows absolutely nothing about her or the age in which someone can become a nurse. Didn't realize not providing that factual information was going to ruffle someone. Was just laying out my scenario; an interesting part of the process that I wasn't expecting.
Trust me. No feathers ruffled. I was just bummed that I didn’t get a hot nurse/assistant.
It's ok. That guy thinks everything posted on the internet has to be true.

I had a 19 year old looking nurse too. I was nervous and it was cold in there.. Not my finest showing moment if you know what I'm saying. But I'm a happily married man so I wasn't all that concerned about showing off.

The doc and I talked about how he got into the business during the entire procedure. It was fine. The valium was a healthy dose, so I'm told, but it never really got to me all that much. I tend to tolerate drugs pretty well, one of those take 2 ambien and stay up all night guys. But yall should have seen the guy who came out before me, he was on a different planet. I've never seen somebody in a wheelchair with a bag of ice on his nuts look so dang happy!
Everything on the internet is true. Duh.
My nurse was someone I’ve known personally for close to 30 years! Cut a lot of wild game animals for her family over the years. She left the room when I took my skivies off and the gown on. Sat on the “operating” bench and then she came in and told me to scoot forward till my junk was hanging off. Proceeded to rub my sack down with what I presume was iodine. Doc came in and got to work. Talked the whole time about meat processing and raising cattle since he used to raise cattle to sell.
Its really no big deal. Just get it done on a Thursday or Friday and don't do anything until Monday. You'll be fine. I think the actual procedure took less than 5 minutes.
Had one 15 years ago in the military. It was out patient and they gave me a pain killer to take 30 min prior. They proceeded to numb me up in office and he started and I felt him clamp the vas diferens to cut it and about came off the table. He numbed me again and 30 min later proceeded and I felt it as well. Short story doc Said I didn't numb and needed to do it under general surgery and I told him hell no your in there finish it and so he did. It wasn't pleasant but it was quick and recovery time was a few days and sore for a week or 2. Best decision I ever made after my 3 kiddos.
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So is there a review system for these doctors? We got reviews on every piece of gear to exist, I feel like we need a spot to get reviews on if a doctor is good at vasectomys.
Urologist here. Go to a urologist who’s been out of residency for 5+ years and you’ll be fine. It’s not a hard procedure once you’ve done a few thousand. All of the complications I’ve ever heard of were when someone had it done by a GP.
March madness coming up… make your appointments everyone
Just went through this last month:
If the doc offers you meds, I’d take em. Feels like getting punch in the balls twice. The second one is worse with the anticipation.

follow the urologist instructions, do nothing for 2-3 days, sit in bed or on the couch with ice packs. Wear a jock strap, the support really helps. Wait for a week before sex, wait till you are completely pain free before resuming high intensity activity. Day 4-5 you’ll feel pretty good, and by 2 weeks you’ll be completely back to normal