
Will you take the vaccine?

  • Yes

    Votes: 159 49.4%
  • No

    Votes: 163 50.6%

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I'm in the same boat as ss13 as far as status. I apparently was exposed during deer camp two weeks ago, had symptoms begin 5 days later, got tested on Thanksgiving morning after finding out the night before that a fellow deer camp guy was positive. Friday night found out I was positive along with my wife, who got it from me. Our symptoms are pretty mild, like those of a head cold. Grateful for that. By the weekend we'll be out of our quarantine period. We will probably look to get the vaccine in the spring or summer if it's available for us unless future information/directives indicate not to.
I’ll be getting vaccinated. Almost 40,000 people have been taking it with extremely high efficacy and almost no side effects at all. In the military, we had a ton of vaccinations so I prolly already have a chip anyway 😆

I don’t even want to know what they put in my body when I was in the military.
Looking at the results of the poll, there's a roughly 50/50 split on who will take the vaccine and who won't. Since this is an online hunting forum and not a randomized sample, I'll assume that nationally the number of people willing to take the vaccine in the general public is higher. It will definitely be higher in more urban areas that have denser populations and are at a higher risk of disease transmission.
If you subscribe to the idea that we'll need roughly 75% of the population immune to have herd immunity, then it's pretty likely that just Willingly Vaccinated + Previously Infected will equal more than 75% of the population. But even with just 50% vaccinated, that would probably slow the spread considerably. It would also free up testing and contact tracing efforts to focus primarily on unvaccinated people- which would solve lots of the shortcomings in how we're dealing with things now. I think this will be just like the flu vaccine in that it will be highly encouraged but not mandated. HOWEVER, I do think there will be way more social pressure to get this vaccine and therefore will be a higher rate of vaccination

This is all just speculation on my part, but part of my job in the Army is to do Outbreak Investigations and make Public Health recommendations, so It's at least somewhat informed speculation.
Looking at the results of the poll, there's a roughly 50/50 split on who will take the vaccine and who won't. Since this is an online hunting forum and not a randomized sample, I'll assume that nationally the number of people willing to take the vaccine in the general public is higher. It will definitely be higher in more urban areas that have denser populations and are at a higher risk of disease transmission.
If you subscribe to the idea that we'll need roughly 75% of the population immune to have herd immunity, then it's pretty likely that just Willingly Vaccinated + Previously Infected will equal more than 75% of the population. But even with just 50% vaccinated, that would probably slow the spread considerably. It would also free up testing and contact tracing efforts to focus primarily on unvaccinated people- which would solve lots of the shortcomings in how we're dealing with things now. I think this will be just like the flu vaccine in that it will be highly encouraged but not mandated. HOWEVER, I do think there will be way more social pressure to get this vaccine and therefore will be a higher rate of vaccination

This is all just speculation on my part, but part of my job in the Army is to do Outbreak Investigations and make Public Health recommendations, so It's at least somewhat informed speculation.

Take it for what it's worth but when I got my flu shot I asked the pharmacist what he thought and he said most people that got the flu shot said they wanted the covid shot and that much more people were getting the flu shot. This is in semi-rural Pa.
CDC COVID Vaccine Playbook

Here's the CDC's Internal document for planning to distribute the vaccine. Keep in mind that this document is built around theoretical approved vaccines, so it doesn't tell you anything about how safe or effective different vaccines are.
What it does do however is show exactly how they plan to roll out the vaccination program, as well as giving tons of useful links to everything from local health agencies to sites that track bad reactions to vaccines.
It's a dense read but it has good info, the biggest takeaway is that the vaccine will not be available at all for the low-risk public until "Phase III", which is whenever there is a surplus of doses and vaccination sites.

They also have buried in their Appendices the list of patient data they want Providers to collect when administering the vaccine. Included is an optional category indicating that the patient refused the vaccine- therefore its a pretty safe bet that there is no intention of making this mandatory at the national level.

Also y'all lets not feed the trolls, I learned that lesson yesterday. Don't respond to someone that's not arguing in good faith
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I’m not a diva at all. The diva is the guy asking people not to talk to me. Imagine being so butthurt that you need to get on a forum and try to direct conversation away from somebody with an opposing viewpoint. But I’m the diva....
Friend, given that we're on an internet forum replete with all manner of keyboard cowboys and gals it's not really going to change your situation one way or another. Is it?
My .02 of advice is to just let it ride. Don't sweat the small stuff.
CDC COVID Vaccine Playbook

Here's the CDC's Internal document for planning to distribute the vaccine. Keep in mind that this document is built around theoretical approved vaccines, so it doesn't tell you anything about how safe or effective different vaccines are.
What it does do however is show exactly how they plan to roll out the vaccination program, as well as giving tons of useful links to everything from local health agencies to sites that track bad reactions to vaccines.
It's a dense read but it has good info, the biggest takeaway is that the vaccine will not be available at all for the low-risk public until "Phase III", which is whenever there is a surplus of doses and vaccination sites.

They also have buried in their Appendices the list of patient data they want Providers to collect when administering the vaccine. Included is an optional category indicating that the patient refused the vaccine- therefore its a pretty safe bet that there is no intention of making this mandatory at the national level.

Also y'all lets not feed the trolls, I learned that lesson yesterday. Don't respond to someone that's not arguing in good faith

It’s also best not to respond to people who equate traffic laws and weapons on airplanes with vaccinations. I learned that yesterday.
The problem here is you have the numbers wrong. With COVID, it's not just 1 out of 100 (maybe if you're only looking at mortality in young healthy population). However, at least double-digit percentage of people need to be hospitalized. This is quite significant b/c it comes as an opportunity cost to our healthcare system. Beds that could be used for other things (e.g. elective surgeries) are being filled with COVID patients, let alone the financial costs to this. With the vaccines we will have a very good handle on what the side effects are. For both the mRNA vaccines the topline results and side effects are published.
You are also making a logical fallacy with your above skittle analogy. As the skittles aren't of equal value. I'll take a 1/10 chance of having a sore arm and a little malaise for a day vs. a 1/100 chance of dying or giving it to someone with a 10/100 chance of death or serious morbidity.
Look, this thing isn't going to go away. We're getting herd immunity one way or another. I'll take my chances with the vaccine over natural infection.
I'm a strong believer in liberty, so do what you want. I'm just trying to provide some insight.
I see the incorrect association in my analogy. I guess i was trying to portray more of a "known" complication assessment we are understanding now with not treating covid compared to an unknown complication from a seemingly rushed vaccine.

With that said, again i like details (i am not in health care, i know metal/wood/plastic/carbon and how things break and how to keep them from breaking "mechanical engineering") so what does an mRNA vaccine provide that is more mind calming compared to others? A search on my end gets plastered with google searches saying "mRNA COVID-19 safe, take it, Biden approved, blah blah blah"

What I can actually get to says there are whole-pathogen, subunit, nucleic acid. Each has lingo further broken down and mRNA falls under a nucleic acid.

Again, i am not tied to my opinions and want to be wrong at times with some tin foil hat theories.
Only A+ blood types are pronouced a death sentence if they get it, regardless of how healthy they are.

At least that is what a liberal idiot at work says...

Haha, I have one of those too(idiot at work). He said he had the antibodies from the start. He also taught a really once popular NFL quarterback how to read an audible by playing Madden with him in college. The list goes on...
so what does an mRNA vaccine provide that is more mind calming compared to others?
I can't speak to why people believe they will be longer lasting than a natural immunity from catching COVID (which currently seems iffy), but they're regarded as safer by many because they don't use a similar or deactivated virus. Smallpox for example is vaccinated by giving Vaccina, the cowpox virus, which is similar enough to confer immunity but only causes a minor symptoms (usually). The flu uses an inactivated flu vaccine, which can still cause minor symptoms and sometimes they get it wrong and deactivate a virus in such a way that its not all that effective at producing an immune response.
What mRNA vaccines do is inject Messenger RNA into you, which tell your cells to make a single protein that is present on the virus. Your body then detects that protein and has an immune response to it. It's over my head as to why that's is more effective than a normal vaccine, but you can see why its regarded as safer.
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