Utah Price Increase

Is there any data to show that fronting the fees affects applicants?
I think Colorado is the only state that’s somewhat recently changed and it increased apps. I think you get tons of guys who may have only done say elk in the fronting days, then once it’s a minimal app fee they start doing deer, antelope etc. The first 2? Years when there wasn’t a point fee on moose, sheep and goat they absolutely exploded on apps.
Is there any data to show that fronting the fees affects applicants?
I don’t know to be honest… for residents it wouldn’t be a HUGE deal. Most would be a general season deer, a LE and an OIL. 500-900 roughly depending on what they apply for (families with lots of kids I could see them just buying points instead of putting in for OIL) …. For a NR that can put in for all OIL that would be a large chunk to front all those tag fees up front ($10k+). I would imagine it would cut down on applicants per species.
I don’t know to be honest… for residents it wouldn’t be a HUGE deal. Most would be a general season deer, a LE and an OIL. 500-900 roughly depending on what they apply for (families with lots of kids I could see them just buying points instead of putting in for OIL) …. For a NR that can put in for all OIL that would be a large chunk to front all those tag fees up front ($10k+). I would imagine it would cut down on applicants per species.

Definitely true, for residents, fronting it wouldn’t be as much of an issue. For NR, I’d say it would most likely decrease applications, but who knows how much.

As a NR, I apply for every tag that I can in UT since it’s allowed. I certainly couldn’t if I had to front all of the tag costs.
This was inevitable. It's about as effective to pretend that systems can exist in defiance of the laws of economics as it is to jump off a building and pretend the law of gravity doesn't exist. We can cry corruption all we want, but this price increase was inevitable in the face of the astronomical increase in demand. There are more than a lifetime worth of applicants lined up to draw these tags, how could price not go up in response?
I'll be surprised if it actually affects draw odds significantly. The dollar amounts for those tags aren't too much to save up over the amount of time it takes to draw.
If you're absolutely appalled by the price increase, remember it's never too late to begin bullying and ostracizing influencers...

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We can all thank the Newbergs, meateaters and all the other how to idiots for the demise of western hunting
I think Colorado is the only state that’s somewhat recently changed and it increased apps. I think you get tons of guys who may have only done say elk in the fronting days, then once it’s a minimal app fee they start doing deer, antelope etc. The first 2? Years when there wasn’t a point fee on moose, sheep and goat they absolutely exploded on apps.
I don’t know to be honest… for residents it wouldn’t be a HUGE deal. Most would be a general season deer, a LE and an OIL. 500-900 roughly depending on what they apply for (families with lots of kids I could see them just buying points instead of putting in for OIL) …. For a NR that can put in for all OIL that would be a large chunk to front all those tag fees up front ($10k+). I would imagine it would cut down on applicants per species.
Interesting. I see it get brought up and I have never seen it as a major deterrent.

There are plenty of introductory zero percent credit cards available each year. Open one, put all your applications and fees on it. Make minimums payments until you get it all back. Doesn’t cost one a penny to do so.
As a resident. This is unfortunate…. All it’s going to do is push people away from Utah. Then other states will see this and push their NR tag prices up too.

What should have been done instead is make people front all there tag costs up front like other states. Then refund if not drawn….
You and I both know that our state won’t do that, ever. It makes way to much sense 😂

I don't know where y'all apply to, but I see people moan and groan every single year when Wyoming takes their money up front and refunds it when they don't draw. Game and Fish can't win.
Oh well. For now, I'll say at least I can hunt my own state for elk. Later, it will be at least I can still play golf. At the muni course, of course
We can all thank the Newbergs, meateaters and all the other how to idiots for the demise of western hunting
The only counter to this “not needing new hunters” is as anti-hunting groups try to ban things its in our best interest to have many hunters that can come together and fight anti’s. Look at CO Mtn lion hunting ban that was proposed and failed.
And while id love to draw every tag I want every year in multiple states I accept the fact that we all have equal rights at such opportunities and demand will always outstrip the supply and lottery draw is the just the best n fair system. So if rather have “Hunting” that cannot be taken away due to support of many more hunters on the landscape vs very few hunters but our rights and opportunities being take away by the anti groups.
Stupid question, is this a proposed bill or law of the (UT) land and a done deal?

It’s still bouncing around, looks like the Senate sent it back to the House. Last year it was sent to the Governor on 3/12/24 and signed on 3/20/24.

Maybe start calling/emailing some reps and senators in Utah to let your voices be heard?

I don't know where y'all apply to, but I see people moan and groan every single year when Wyoming takes their money up front and refunds it when they don't draw. Game and Fish can't win.
Utah (home) Colorado & Wyoming. Doesn’t matter to me if Wyoming takes my money, I know the tag $$ gets refunded if I don’t draw. People will moan and groan if it’s free, but they still want the tag.
The only counter to this “not needing new hunters” is as anti-hunting groups try to ban things its in our best interest to have many hunters that can come together and fight anti’s. Look at CO Mtn lion hunting ban that was proposed and failed.
And while id love to draw every tag I want every year in multiple states I accept the fact that we all have equal rights at such opportunities and demand will always outstrip the supply and lottery draw is the just the best n fair system. So if rather have “Hunting” that cannot be taken away due to support of many more hunters on the landscape vs very few hunters but our rights and opportunities being take away by the anti groups.
I’m sorry but I think that this talking point by hunting influencers is hog wash
I don’t think we’d see so many proposed bans if idiots didn’t post on social for clout and financial gain.
I really think if passed this will have an impact on tags sold in the next few years. The guys saying it will have no effect are looking at limited tags and I agree demand will outpace supply even at a higher price point on these sought after tags. However, at over 1k for a general nonresident deer tag I can't imagine that lesser units don't go undersubscrbed. Especially I'm less preferred weapon choices or after bad winters etc. General elk being even higher.

There's a large difference between targeted increases based on demand ( wyoming elk for instancd or their special draw) vs a 50% across the board.

Saving up for the tag fee for trophy species won't be the issue.....it'll be the $240(licenses) plus $32 app fee per species for .001% odds that you'll need the tag fee that is a sunk cost that's going to be hard to justify to anyone who doesn't have unlimited funds. At that price point most tag draw services and conservation groups are putting on raffles at similar price point with way better odds .
That’s ridiculous. I get it. They can charge what they want, that don’t mean I’m going to pay it. If this goes through, I’m out. There is no way their general deer tag is worth that. I get there’s some good bucks to come off those units every year, but they are not worth that kind of money. If they want to price all the blue-collar guys out, then they are certainly on their way to doing it.
Interesting. I see it get brought up and I have never seen it as a major deterrent.

There are plenty of introductory zero percent credit cards available each year. Open one, put all your applications and fees on it. Make minimums payments until you get it all back. Doesn’t cost one a penny to do so.
I think maybe 10% of people would think that far ahead and go thru the steps to pull it off. You’re going to need a good credit score and and some decent limits to pull it off. I mean if your a non-res with CO and Utah (with these prices) and New Mexico you would be up around 40K if you apply for all species.

I guess I know the game and I would be out on quite a few draws if fronting was required. I’m not jumping thru hoops to front 20k for Utah Moose, sheep, goat and bison when I know the odds. But I’ll throw 15.00 at them in an app fee only system when I’m already applying for other species.

Colorado example on mountain goat, apps went from 12,095 in 2017 (front the cost) to 33,411 the next year (app fee only).