If you were shipping some my way, it’s going to be interesting to run my mandrel in there for the 6x45. I’ll report back how it goes.Nope, They come ready to load, and there aren't any compatible dies made yet (or ever maybe). Primers and bullets go in less easily, and the primers shaved off tiny steel slivers with my Coax press. Wasn't a big deal, but I choose to take the extra step to wipe away the shavings, and they started filling up the primer holder on my press as well.
My neck mandrel doesn't even touch the mouth, so it's bigger, but holds the bullets really well.
If by some miracle the fired cases still fit in my case gauge, I may try neck sizing them if they aren't still holding the bullets with enough tension to survive recoil, and fire again. I was told that this was a possibility, but I'm thinking a 5.56 chamber might leave them a little bigger than a wylde. I'll try the Shaw wylde after this BCA 5.56.
*One more thing. The cocentricity is excellent. 10 rounds all but 2 are at or under 1 thousandth. Furthest one was 1.5 thou