Not specifically talking to you, Stupid, (that sounds far more insulting than I mean, but you picked the screen name!) just general info for folks.
99% of the time the only difference between a centerfire scope & rimfire scope, of the same make & model line, is that the CF will have it's parallax fixed at 100yds where the Rimfire will be 50. Other than that, construction is usually (not always) identical. For normal hunting distance, it's not an issue. Once you start pushing beyond 200yds, it can be a problem, although not usually enough to cause a miss.

Otherwise, the 5x Primary Arms Prism seems pretty good. Working well for Taudisio apparently...whacking water jugs at 600 yards.
StupidLightweight mentioned this earlier though, and I agree: These rifles can already be so lightweight, a little extra weight for 5x-7x optics for shooting at longer ranges isn't a bad deal at all. It adds some functionality for the bit of added weight.