TRT Anyone?

I think I was at 250-300 at age 33. Been on a little over a year now and I'm around 600 at my lowest point.

Get checked every 3 months.

Test levels being normal for men is very important to help prevent osteoporosis. Besides it's various other benefits.
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Do you guys get very sore in the injection spot for a couple of days?

When I did this before, I used to get super sore and wouldn't be able to lift my arm for a good 15 minutes as well. Not sure if I was using too long of a needle or too much product at once.
The only time I've been sore is when hitting a nerve. I inject in the upper thigh.
I'm using 1" 23 gauge needles and inject slowly. In winter I'll warm the solution a bit with warm water to thin it a bit.
Yes it is .6 he said. I'm not sure what our goal number is for testosterone, mostly just shooting in the dark and seeing how I feel as time goes on. Can't feel much worse lol.

Also, good point, I am starting with higher natural numbers then most. They say your T is highest in the early morning, I was tested around 2pm and was 554 I think. Interesting, I got tested 6 years ago at 8:30am and it was 405 if I recall.

How old are you? 554 isn’t even close to low. It is solidly in the middle of the normal ranges.

After reading this thread it sounds to me. That you as a former steroid abuser are trying to use prescription Test to have your levels raised enough that they increase your muscle development like when you were doing steroids and not actually due to a real issue.

I have never taken steroids but my test levels are under two hundred. With my research it is a probable contributing factor to my widow maker heart attack just 7 months after winning the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Pan Ams at 43.

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For me its to the point I have to force myself to really get anything done. My motivation level is so low even the things I love seem impossible to motivate myself to do.
It gotten to the point of me actually being mad at myself for missing out on things.

With heart disease on both sides I don't plan to live much past retirement anyways. If injecting myself with something that doesn't have tons of side effects makes the next 20 better and easier why not.

This is how I feel and already had a widow maker at 43.

Prior to my fathers father passing away a week before he turned 83 no male on that side of the family had lived past 43. My mother’s father passed away from a heart attack at 48 and it was his second.

My father had his first at 48 and died from one at 58. In his case I always chalked it up to lifestyle. He was a recovering alcoholic, smoked 2-3 packs a day and was pushing 300 most of his adult life. Granted he was 6’7 and I never saw him do anything athletic in my lifetime.

I never smoked, not a big drinker and was working out 4-6 days a week and win the BJJ Pan Ams 7 months before the heart attack. I was told by the cardiologist that put the stent in me I probably had a 95% blockage of the LAD artery when I competed. He also said that is why I am still alive because I was in such good shape from BJJ that I developed additional capillaries in my heart to allow blood flow through my heart and prevent the muscle from dying from scar tissue.

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How old are you? 554 isn’t even close to low. It is solidly in the middle of the normal ranges.

After reading this thread it sounds to me. That you as a former steroid abuser are trying to use prescription Test to have your levels raised enough that they increase your muscle development like when you were doing steroids and not actually due to a real issue.

I have never taken steroids but my test levels are under two hundred. With my research it is a probable contributing factor to my widow maker heart attack just 7 months after winning the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Pan Ams at 43.

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Not at all. I was having all the symptoms as well as some ED in my mid 20s, I only abused steroids for a year while out of the country and when I came off of them I went right back to all the issues I had before.

500 is low Imo and in the opinion of TRT doctors, the "scale" used to measure and determine what is considered normal is a horrible scale.
500 range sucks and is lower than an 80 year old in Afghanistan not subjected to all the chemicals we are. You really want to 1000 or a little more to feel the best you can. 1000 is nowhere near abuse and you aren't going to get "big" at that level. There are almost zero reasons not to supplement at older ages and dozens of reasons why you would want to. Quality of life is the issue.
Very confused. Picked up my vials and supplied today, came to $39.42 total for 28 days worth.

They screwed up the entire prescription though, it was supposed to be for 3 months, so the dr is working that part out, he's confused.

The confusing part for me however, they said my insurance saved me $173.00 on the prescription, but I never gave them insurance and told them I was paying cash. 🤔
Sounds like they gave you the cash price. You can also join GoodRX to see if you'd get any additional savings.
For syringes and needles, I've been buying BD supplies from good prices & fast shipping. I draw with a 1" 18 gauge, inject with a 1" 23 gauge.
Sounds like they gave you the cash price. You can also join GoodRX to see if you'd get any additional savings.
For syringes and needles, I've been buying BD supplies from good prices & fast shipping. I draw with a 1" 18 gauge, inject with a 1" 23 gauge.
It worries me because I need to know for sure it's going to stay that price. Going to call them when they open and ask about it
500 range sucks and is lower than an 80 year old in Afghanistan not subjected to all the chemicals we are. You really want to 1000 or a little more to feel the best you can. 1000 is nowhere near abuse and you aren't going to get "big" at that level. There are almost zero reasons not to supplement at older ages and dozens of reasons why you would want to. Quality of life is the issue.
Lol I'm all for people doing what they want. How many 80 year old men from Afghanistan volunteered to have blood drawn to check testosterone levels?

I get you're probably trying to make a point but this gave me a good laugh.
What are your levels staying at with 200/week? Mine wss 556 when i got my labs done 4 weeks ago, and my dr said if I want to switch from clomid to injections we'll start at 120mg/week. I was 556 before starting clomid

My levels actually were a lot lower when I got tested before, I guess abusing steroids has long term effects.
Im sitting around the mid 800's when i get my blood tested. Clomid didn't do anything for me but it did make me a bit crazy. I didn't like the way I felt on the clomid and test either. So im just taking test at this point.
The only time I've been sore is when hitting a nerve. I inject in the upper thigh.
I'm using 1" 23 gauge needles and inject slowly. In winter I'll warm the solution a bit with warm water to thin it a bit.
Wanted to update now that I have done a few. Zero pain and soreness using the supplied needles. They gave me a really small size and length, but I guess it's no issue accoriding to the doc because of where I'm injecting.
Wanted to update now that I have done a few. Zero pain and soreness using the supplied needles. They gave me a really small size and length, but I guess it's no issue accoriding to the doc because of where I'm injecting.

If you don’t mind it taking a little bit longer to inject go with the 1” 25gauge. They are insulin syringes but will hold 1ml. That’s what I use for my 200mg weekly dose. Pretty much painless. Maybe 20-30 seconds to inject. I just put an 18 on the syringe when I draw it up and put the 25 back on when I inject.

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I'd have to check when I get home to see what they gave me, I don't remember the gauge but they're very small in length at only 1/2" (pharmacy mistake)

I just pretty much use whatever they give and don't complain lol.
Sounds like a lot of guys are doing this with success. I have been kicking it around for years. Had a couple independent tests in the low 300's and a doctors test that was similar. Not out of range so primary care wouldn't go for it. That was years ago and I sure don't feel any better now.

I'm getting to the point where I am looking at it again.

My question is, how is it long term? Anyone do it for years and then stop? Or regret going on?
Sounds like a lot of guys are doing this with success. I have been kicking it around for years. Had a couple independent tests in the low 300's and a doctors test that was similar. Not out of range so primary care wouldn't go for it. That was years ago and I sure don't feel any better now.

I'm getting to the point where I am looking at it again.

My question is, how is it long term? Anyone do it for years and then stop? Or regret going on?
I would think if you doit long enough, your body wont be able to produce it naturally anymore should you stop, even with drugs that are meant to help bring it back. That's why a lot of bodybuilders are on TRT as well.

No reason not to do it if you need it IMO. Injecting is very easy, results are great, quality of life is much better, ect.
I would think if you doit long enough, your body wont be able to produce it naturally anymore should you stop, even with drugs that are meant to help bring it back. That's why a lot of bodybuilders are on TRT as well.

That is not correct. The amount of people that do TRT, stop, and then aren’t able to naturally produce testosterone, is quite small. Taking HCG while on test eliminates even that small percentage.