TRT Anyone?

Is there anyone following along on TRT that uses only clomid/clomiphene for their treatment? If so, how is that working out for you?

I would be interested to see what/how it works. I have just been on straight test and the occasional ai as needed.

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That's kind of what I thought honestly. I'm waiting on labs currently but they really keep pushing to start on Clomid for 3 months, but I think I'm going to have to say I want to start with the injections or I'll go elsewhere.

I think it was mentioned before but without reading back through, is anyone having fertility issues while on injections long term? With or without hcg

I have been on injections for several years now. One thing my doc asked me was if me and my wife were for sure that we were done having kids. So, I am guessing just testosterone without anything else pretty much acts as male birth control in a way.

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Is there anyone following along on TRT that uses only clomid/clomiphene for their treatment? If so, how is that working out for you?

Not clomid alone but I just started on clomid and HCG with no test. . . Test was low but my LH (luteinizing hormone) was on the low end of normal so that is why we are trying things this way first. The guys I'm working through said when LH is low they like to try this first as it's a bit more natural and gets your numbers up with your own production instead of injecting testosterone.

Gonna try it for 10 weeks and check numbers, if they aren't where they want them (800+ test) then I will go to testosterone injections with HCG
Gotcha. Yeah, I'm waiting on labs but I think I'm going to push to skip the clomid part. I don't like the idea of wasting 3 months and a lot of money on Clomid.

Treatment at this place is $$$$
This thread has been very eye opening. I did not realize this was even a thing men dealt with. I haven't seen a doctor or nurse in 18 years. Last time was for a required physical for a new job. I have always taken pretty good care of myself through diet and exercise. I know that I feel better mentally and physically when I keep my weight in a certain range and get good sleep. After reading through this thread, I am now wondering how good I might feel if I have been living with low testosterone levels. I feel like I have always struggled to put on muscle and my sex drive is definitely not what it used to be. Now I am almost 40 so I know that is partly to blame. I am now very curious what my levels might be. I may have to look into this.

My biggest concern would be, what are the negative side affects?
This thread has been very eye opening. I did not realize this was even a thing men dealt with. I haven't seen a doctor or nurse in 18 years. Last time was for a required physical for a new job. I have always taken pretty good care of myself through diet and exercise. I know that I feel better mentally and physically when I keep my weight in a certain range and get good sleep. After reading through this thread, I am now wondering how good I might feel if I have been living with low testosterone levels. I feel like I have always struggled to put on muscle and my sex drive is definitely not what it used to be. Now I am almost 40 so I know that is partly to blame. I am now very curious what my levels might be. I may have to look into this.

My biggest concern would be, what are the negative side affects?
Glad it could help!

I listened to an interesting podcast today about TRT where they basically debunked a lot of the typical rumored side effects. All I can gather is once you start, it's forever, and fertility can become an issue.

Injecting is really easy and simple, and that's what scares away most people.

It's becoming pretty popular because the range for *good levels* is off the chart in terms of stupid. It's something like 274-900 is normal. Realistically, that's stupid.

Keeping peak levels as you age with TRT can really only benefit you, aside from the fertility issue people speak of.
This thread has been very eye opening. I did not realize this was even a thing men dealt with. I haven't seen a doctor or nurse in 18 years. Last time was for a required physical for a new job. I have always taken pretty good care of myself through diet and exercise. I know that I feel better mentally and physically when I keep my weight in a certain range and get good sleep. After reading through this thread, I am now wondering how good I might feel if I have been living with low testosterone levels. I feel like I have always struggled to put on muscle and my sex drive is definitely not what it used to be. Now I am almost 40 so I know that is partly to blame. I am now very curious what my levels might be. I may have to look into this.

My biggest concern would be, what are the negative side affects?
After having been through the discovery portion of "whats wrong with me", I encourage all my younger friends to get a " baseline" test earlier in life. Like was said above, 270-900 is a range set by insurance companies or conservative doctors and it may not be right for you or any of us for that matter. My guess is anyone under 500 may be having some low T effects but it probably varies from person to person. There are certainly things that need monitoring if your on T but it can be a life changing drug.
The ranges have been brought down slowly and steadily over the years. I've been looking at things that showed in the 80's normal was around 600-1500. . . Then dropped to 450-1200 and now the 250 to 900 range.

The place in working with said 800 is kind of the low end that they like to get guys too because that is the bottom end of where their patients feel the best.

It's insane that the "normal range" keeps dropping because the average levels keep going down nation and world wide. This is the equivalent of every decade increasing the "normal" BMI range or "healthy" weight range because we have more obese people so the average is higher.

What I've also found is, most general practitioners don't know nor care about properly treating hormones. My GP tested for total test and free test and said yep, I can give you a script for testosterone injections once every 2 weeks. Specialists I'm working with did a full blood panel to establish baseline numbers and make sure I didn't have any prostate cancer markers or other cancer markers that testosterone could affect. The. They explained all of my blood work to me and what we wanted to get numbers too, as well as what we wanted to watch.

Find someone that does this regularly, urologist, endocrinologist, or trt clinic. If you go the clinic route talk to people that have used that clinic and make sure that do a good job and aren't just pushing drugs!
My biggest concern would be, what are the negative side affects?

My creatine levels got too high so I had to stop as there was potential kidney damage. I have blood work coming up next week to see if stopping the injections (200mg/week) a month ago will result in lower creatine levels. I was only on TRT for a month before I stopped at the end of far I have not noticed any real difference in energy or anything.
The ranges have been brought down slowly and steadily over the years. I've been looking at things that showed in the 80's normal was around 600-1500. . . Then dropped to 450-1200 and now the 250 to 900 range.

The place in working with said 800 is kind of the low end that they like to get guys too because that is the bottom end of where their patients feel the best.

It's insane that the "normal range" keeps dropping because the average levels keep going down nation and world wide. This is the equivalent of every decade increasing the "normal" BMI range or "healthy" weight range because we have more obese people so the average is higher.

What I've also found is, most general practitioners don't know nor care about properly treating hormones. My GP tested for total test and free test and said yep, I can give you a script for testosterone injections once every 2 weeks. Specialists I'm working with did a full blood panel to establish baseline numbers and make sure I didn't have any prostate cancer markers or other cancer markers that testosterone could affect. The. They explained all of my blood work to me and what we wanted to get numbers too, as well as what we wanted to watch.

Find someone that does this regularly, urologist, endocrinologist, or trt clinic. If you go the clinic route talk to people that have used that clinic and make sure that do a good job and aren't just pushing drugs!
Completely agree.
Just got my 6 month labs drawn today. Going to see if everything is still looking good. I have been on 200mg per week for a few years now. Seems to be the set spot for me. Should get labs back towards the end of the week.

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A little late on the reply. Labs all look pretty good. Testosterone levels were 1390 3 days after my last injection. Estradiol levels were good. My doc said she is happy with this numbers I have if they aren’t causing me any issues. Guess I’ll keep trucking along a this dose.

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1390 woooo lol nice.

My blood results should be back tuesday, I guess they had to be sent off to Seattle. Pretty sure my estrogen is super high for some reason, can't wait to see. I don't plan to do the 3 month clomid bullshit the doc wants to try first, so I expect that to be a conversation the dr wont like.
A little late on the reply. Labs all look pretty good. Testosterone levels were 1390 3 days after my last injection. Estradiol levels were good. My doc said she is happy with this numbers I have if they aren’t causing me any issues. Guess I’ll keep trucking along a this dose.

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If you don't mind, what were your estradiol levels and free test?
I am wanting to say 27 on free t and low 40’s on the estradiol.

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I'm still waiting for my results 7 days later, but they said we have a lot to discuss when they got the first half of the results😂

Will keep it updated, hoping to get it done today.
If youre avoiding the doctor cause youre semi young let me tell you the tale of the guy who didnt go for ten years.... me.

Went recently, put on high blood pressure meds, two days later called because my bad cholesterol was DOUBLE the range even though I am an active fairly decent diet person.

Can you say heart attacks and strokes? Go to the doctor
Interesting, but sure not encouraging for someone who hasn't gone in a doc's office for nearly 20 years. That resulted in emergency surgery the next morning on a blood clot.