Trespassing? Worth shooting a snowboarder?

Call the cops? What a novel idea - and one this guy should have considered before waiving a gun in a trespasser’s face.

Lets go with that. At least around here I wouldnt expect to see a cop for 30-45 mins and thats IF they even showed up

Hows that work when you have guys blasting through you property? Sometimes a lil shock an awe works pretty good.

Still never saw that gun pointed at him
Pretty funny. I didn't think there'd be any crotchety old dudes still spending time up there as much of a shit show it has become. I won't go up there anymore. It's a zoo. And, too many people around here and elsewhere don't seem to care about private property rights. 've dealt with trespassers and it's a pain

I'm on that old guy's side. Except I probably wouldn't have pointed the gun and would have thrown empty beer bottles at him instead
I'm also partially on the old guys side. Trespassing in a lot of areas has become almost commonplace. You pay for it, pay taxes on it and I'll use it for my recreation. Obviously there are more appropriate ways to handle situations, but I would also for sure have a gun handy...especially on my own property. Law enforcement call would be first, confronting the trespassers for sure, putting up signs. If someone is an idiot and tries assaulting me I'd have no problem brandishing a firearm at that point.
Cool, how often do people trespass on your acreage? What do you say to them when they trespass?
There are a lot of unknowns in this situation. My point is that the landowner was overly aggressive right out of the gate. He assumed mal intent before assessing the situation. I can understand that he is frustrated, especially if this is a chronic problem for him. But if it is a chronic problem, what steps has he taken to prevent it from reoccurring. If all he has done is sit on his porch and yell, then he hasn't done anything.

Has he posted his property at the common access points where trespassers are entering? The snowboarder said he never saw a sign. maybe he was lying maybe he wasn't. He could talk to the ski resort and ask them to put additional signage at the point where users are leaving their property.

I'm sure it isn't the first time that this guy has dealt with trespassers, but it probably is the first time this snowboarder trespassed on his property. The landowner treated him like he was perpetrator of all the previous offenses.
It could have been their 10th run of the day. It looked like a pretty good path had been formed going through there, and there were at least a couple others at the bottom that this guy was most likely with.
And we don't know, which makes all of our internet opinions worthless.
Pretty sad reading some of the posts.

He should move if he doesnt like folks trespassing..really? Wtf?

And how dare a landowner have an opinion on who can go on his land. Not like he bought the dirt or pays the taxes on it every year....oh wait, he did..

Yall got a spare car, if I hop in without asking an take it for half the day is that alright? I wont crash it, cost a hell if alot less than property does. Whats the harm right? You are a selfish asshole if you say no.....

I bet if a bum set up a tent in your front yard, most folks on here would have the cops there asap.
Right on.
I'm going to backpedal on my earlier statement. I looked it up and I was wrong about the landowner's responsibility to post their land. The rule I was thinking of basically only applies to unimproved land if it's in the middle of nowhere; not applicable to a cabin area adjacent to a resort. I think the boarder was tresspassing, independant of a fence or signage.

I still don't think it's good practice to engage this type of trespasser with a firearm and in a provoking/escalating manner.

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Not gonna lie, seems staged
I thought the same thing until I put my PI hat on and started doing some internet sleuthing...

I'm pretty sure I've identified the trespassing snowboarders route, the lawn chair gunslingers location, and quite possibly his name...

Trespassing Snowboarder.jpgOld Prospect Ave.jpg
A guy I know worked with the landowner in the PNW several years back. Said he was a nice guy but a little annoying. Not sure how he ended up in Utah with those pants but looks like he now owns property adjacent to Brighton.
i skied brighton a few weeks ago with my daughter and we came upon a few cabins in the woods that was kinda sketchy but was within the resort area. The snowboarder knew he was trespassing, the old man maybe shouldn't be out with a shotgun but I certainly understand his frustration. If the snowboarder had gotten hurt on his property the old man could likley be sued because that's the world we live in now. Having a gun out in a situation like that is pretty problematic given how the world is now also.
Trespassing is a misdemeanor.

A weapon is used to defend your life or the life of another. A weapon is never to be the exclamation point at the end of your sentence. If it is, you're going to end up eating your words.

Post your property and get a dog.
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