Trespassing? Worth shooting a snowboarder?

The old adage pertains to every situation. You don't point your weapon, loaded or not, at anything you don't intend to destroy. Secondly, you better be able to prove self-defense if you do pull that trigger, whether you hit that other person or not.....and if you can't you are going to prison for a while, and you will have a massive defense lawyer bill that will literally break your finances. Same for brandishing a most cases you are getting charged. You can shoot a trespasser within your home, but not outside it in most states unless it's in self-defense. Even then, you are likely going to have a trial. Lastly, taking a human life for any reason is going to have a very negative impact to your life mentally, and that's a proven fact. Enough of the tough talk......don't be stupid when it comes to guns and anothers life.

Wyatt Earp's words to his younger brother from don't ever want to have to kill a man....not ever!
Nah, I'm not really into the whole "this is my property and I'll kill you" attitude.
It would take a lot for me to act violently towards another human. And this certainly ain't it.
The guy with the gun comes across as a raging piece of sh*t. The snowboarder is like "I'm sorry, I didn't know, I won't do it again. I didn't see a sign..." All totally reasonable, normal, and even kind responses to a dude acting like total f*cking lunatic. Hope that guy burns in hell.
And he's just camped out there in a chair waiting for people to go by. My god. Disgusting. Get a f*cking life loser.
There’s a property down the road and one day a few months ago I watched half of a big tree break off and fall behind their house. Of course I went over to make sure nobody was hurt, but I stopped at the gate - these guys are a few clicks off of zero and make a big deal about everyone knowing their property boundary and showing off what they are packing. :-)IMG_0813.jpeg