Lots of talk about the sample size of one. The prior two similar tests on 24hrcampfire are consistent with these results. That's 3 for 3....
True. It should be noted that the SWFA 6x42 also failed on the campfire test, just like the Toric.
I feel like the test I did there was to much to ask of most scopes. 3 drops from shoulder height (~5 foot), directly on the scope - no padding.
It was a poor setup for the testing regarding the target. It was a 12x12 plate at 200 yards. It should have been at 100 yards, on paper/cardboard big enough to measure the miss. A true measure of change of impact would have been hard to measure on the steel.
Form's method is a better test all the way around.
Worth noting, both the 2-10 Toric and the 6x SWFA in those tests have been used and dialed with since. They have both been dependable and done a fair amount of dialing since.