Thoughts on BRO guys?

I like the guys but FFWD through most of the yapping and watch the hunts, pretty good footage and worth watching. Seems there were a number of bad shots on the shows this year. I respect their brutal honesty in showing them, and I've made a couple bad shots in my day for sure so I'm not going to judge. But I think this is also why I have no desire to film myself, the last thing I need is to add more anxiety and pressure to an opportunity or try to force a non-opportunity for the camera. On a tangent, the thing I couldn't believe was when the windy guy on Hushin' was practicing with his bow at 100 yards, couldn't hit the target, and then proceeded to talk nonsense about how to take a frontal shot. Frankly a lot of these guys need to shoot more and film less, and in general learn their way around a bow better before they give any advice or take shots with little margin for error. I just don't see how someone who is so into hunting can neglect one of, if not THE most critical skills, and then have the audacity to give poor, uninformed advice to the even less experienced masses. I guess for every Dudley there are dozens of duds and unfortunately many can't tell the difference.
I’m glad they do it. This time of year for me is absolutely crazy and stressful at work. I look forward to disconnecting a little bit and watching in the evening. Good stuff. I like how they sleep in and hope many others follow that style!!!!!
The bull did move a foot. Which is why 25 yards is too far for a frontal. Add to that the quartering to angle and you get 3” of penetration in the shoulder. I’ve been following them for years. Bought uncommon ground on dvd at the full draw tour years ago. Have some BRO merch. I’m not condemning him for making a bad shot. I watched the uncut portion of the next two episodes (with them talking about getting blasted for the shot) hoping they would acknowledge Trevor had made a mistake. They circled the wagons and brushed off the critical comments as people being negative towards them. With the platform they’ve got they need to be doing it smarter and cleaner than the next guy. They’re bringing droves of new hunters into the fold and I think that not calling that shot a mistake is doing their less experienced followers a disservice. I’ll take a frontal shot inside 20 yards, facing dead on. That isn’t what happened here. He tried to force a marginal (at best) opportunity and the results spoke for themselves. I don’t think they’re unethical. I know it kills them to lose animals. They follow up on blood like nobody I’ve seen. I honesty believe that if Trevor could have that arrow back he would take it. Why couldn’t they come right out and say that. To glance over it with generic statements like “if you hunt long enough bad things happen, learn from them and move on” isn’t quite there. I was disappointed with how they handled this.

We lost a bull this year. We spent a day and a half following up. My wife was repeatedly in tears. She made a bad shot. She apologized mightily and clearly explained what she had learned and how she would avoid it going forward. She manned up.

So you forgive your wife, but unsubscribe to them. Seems like a judgement to me. All I am saying. Again your choice, but wanted to give my opinion, since I know a few of them. Just wanted to tell others my own experience with them and how much they care about the animals. Didn't say it wasn't a mistake, just hindsight makes it easy to judge.
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So you forgive your wife, but unsubscribe to them. Seems like a judgement to me. All I am saying. Again your choice, but wanted to give my opinion, since I know a few of them. Just wanted to tell others my own experience with them and how much they care about the animals. Didn't say it wasn't a mistake, just hindsight makes it easy to judge.

I think you both have valid points, and it’s refreshing to see them articulated respectfully on the Internet, thanks to you both for that, honestly.

I haven’t seen the video in question yet, but as things get bigger for them I could see how the pressure might be there. I could also see then having a ton of confidence. But I mean Trevor cried over that bull in Idaho last year because it didn’t die right away. Generally I give them the benefit of the doubt, they are putting themselves out there, which I agree does call for a high level of shot choice.

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I like the videos, but agree there is way to much “filler”. I don’t want to watch 35 min of a 50 min video walking and talking. But, I’m glad they’re making them and enjoy watching their tactics. They are a very “affectionate” group of fellas....

As far as marginal shots, its happening in all outdoor media. Watch any whitetail or even waterfowl video and you will see questionable shots. I absolutely believe its the pressure to have kills on camera. Shoot, if I was filming my whitetail hunts, i would have one kill shot on camera in three years. Not because I didn’t see deer or have shooters within bow range, but because I only had a comfortable shot on one this year.

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As I posted earlier, they are good videos that you can learn from. If you're going on your first time elk hunt, watch their videos and look at setups that fail, vs. those that work. Look at the shots that were right there but not taken. Ask yourself why? Also, look at where some of the bulls are hanging up, and then look at the position of the hunter. Was there anything that would have improved the setup? Why?

As for the wounding, it happens. Bowhunting has a huge learning curve that many don't want to admit. Elk hunting when ranges are many times unknown, varying, up hill, down hill, across a draw etc. really increase the chance for that.

Bowhunting elk is high level hunting. I can't think of many animals that I've hunted where things change so fast all the time like elk hunting does Bowhunting public land elk is just plain difficult.
Hate the fact that they showed everybody how effective multiple callers are.Ive used that method for 10 years.

Primos has been showing everybody this for almost 20 years.

Ya, having multiple callers will work. Or having a single caller with another hunter will work. Or solo will work too. Each adds a different dimension to the equation. But not everybody has or wants an entire crew to hunt with.
I actually like that they aren't afraid to include a prayer. I realize it's not for everyone but I like it. I do agree that the episodes have gotten too long. Much easier to keep up with 30 minute episodes than a full hour. My understanding is they gradually increase the time of each episode last year due to viewer feedback but I prefer the shorter episodes. They obviously can't please everyone but I'm glad they are putting this content out there cause the only hunting I have left this year is waterfowl so it helps to pass the time.
The episodes are too long now and I wish they would give the praying a rest. I liked it better when they were 30 mins approx.

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The bull did move a foot. Which is why 25 yards is too far for a frontal. Add to that the quartering to angle and you get 3” of penetration in the shoulder. I’ve been following them for years. Bought uncommon ground on dvd at the full draw tour years ago. Have some BRO merch. I’m not condemning him for making a bad shot. I watched the uncut portion of the next two episodes (with them talking about getting blasted for the shot) hoping they would acknowledge Trevor had made a mistake. They circled the wagons and brushed off the critical comments as people being negative towards them. With the platform they’ve got they need to be doing it smarter and cleaner than the next guy. They’re bringing droves of new hunters into the fold and I think that not calling that shot a mistake is doing their less experienced followers a disservice. I’ll take a frontal shot inside 20 yards, facing dead on. That isn’t what happened here. He tried to force a marginal (at best) opportunity and the results spoke for themselves. I don’t think they’re unethical. I know it kills them to lose animals. They follow up on blood like nobody I’ve seen. I honesty believe that if Trevor could have that arrow back he would take it. Why couldn’t they come right out and say that. To glance over it with generic statements like “if you hunt long enough bad things happen, learn from them and move on” isn’t quite there. I was disappointed with how they handled this.

We lost a bull this year. We spent a day and a half following up. My wife was repeatedly in tears. She made a bad shot. She apologized mightily and clearly explained what she had learned and how she would avoid it going forward. She manned up.

I echo this...well said. Everybody is entitled to their opinion, and I just happen to share/agree with this one. I still watch every episode, and enjoy their content, but I didn't agree with that particular shot at that range with the bull on high alert.
Grown men shouldn't cry and hug that much. I watched a few of them but I stopped because of that. It is kinda funny when somebody not included on their crew tries to high five or shake hands and they come in for the hug, you can see the awkwardness on the faces. But yeah stop crying.
I’ve liked their stuff for a while. Some of them are a bit quirky, but I think they are doing a good job to try and encourage more new hunters. That’s a good thing. They are entertaining that’s for sure.

Truth be told I never thought I’d hunt for elk. Just seemed like to big of a task. But after last years season I was also inspired. And though my season was kind of n epic fail, I was still inspired by them to get out and do it. I’ll be back in Oregon in 9 months and 7 days!

Some of those dudes ( like the dentist guy) are a bit to high strung for me, but all in all they do good shit.

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I like the praying and dont think the crying is over the top either. The length is about perfect also as I like learning about the prep work, camping, cooking, processing etc, etc. I hate videos that just show a couple calling sequences and a kill shot to keep it to 20 minutes.
We have all made shots we regret so I have a hard time judging these guys.
The BRO guys might not be perfect for everybody but I would personally love to hunt with them.
They take high risk shots on a regular basis. Period. The frontal and quartering too shot are highly effective but no matter how good of an archer you are they are much lower percentage shots. They're bound to have a higher percentage of wound loss. Whether you feel thats wrong, or just part of bow hunting is up to you. Just don't cry when the bull is lost or make excuses that it could happen to anyone when in fact if they wouldn't take those shots the bull would not be wounded and lost.

As far as the crew, seem like a nice group of guys. Unfortunately I know of 2 areas they've blown out after last year and know 2 areas they hunted this year will likely be blown out. Their run bugle run approach that everyone seems to mimick now will also be changing elk habits as we all saw in their Colorado spot.

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I was thinking of checking them out, but as the thread has worn on I'm reconsidering... crying, praying and hugging - oh my.
I like them. I will agree that the videos are getting long, but Land of the Free is anticipated and most people wouldn't be happy to wait for something for a year to get 15-20 minute episodes. I also like that the longer videos give you a feel for how hard it is versus only see them call one elk in and shoot it.

I will agree that this year has been astonishing the amount of wounded elk has come from it. I don't know if its that they feel the need to get some kills or what but it does seem like there has been more than I would have expected. I think part of its that Colorado was a grind for them, with limited chances, they were trying to make it happen. Right or wrong, that's what I think. Hell, even Dirk lost a bull.

Kody is a crier and I will say its a little weird but I will never fault someone for it. Some people are that way.

The thing I like about them is they have their core group of guys and they all mesh well. They feed of each others strengths and weaknesses and make things happen. I like how aggressive they are, its entertaining to watch. I hope they can weather the publicity and stick to their roots. Only time will tell.
I was thinking of checking them out, but as the thread has worn on I'm reconsidering... crying, praying and hugging - oh my.

This reminds me of that Summer's Eve commercial. I guess after watching BRO videos I should go do some man stuff like chopping wood, bashing a drum set, and towing a car with my teeth.
I was thinking of checking them out, but as the thread has worn on I'm reconsidering... crying, praying and hugging - oh my.

I'm not a crier, prayer, or hugger, and that stuff hasn't really deterred me from watching it. I think what I like about the show is that it isn't about 1 guy and how cool he thinks he is, blabbing on and on biggest bull yet with a bow diy otc, on a Tuesday, in whatever state.