Thoughts on BRO guys?

I think their LOF 2.0 is crap compared to their older DVDs. Don't know these guys, and take their online content for what it is, something to watch while folding laundry and pass the winter days.

Id compare it to getting a set of Ginsu knives..... sharp and nice at first glance but after awhile realize they arent worth it :)
I been watching it on the dreadmill every morning. It's ok so far, just ok. The touchy feely kumbaya stuff is a little but much but ...hey it gets me through the dreadmill
I would like to know the number of bulls killed in general OTC units in September with a bow using a bugle tube.

I killed my biggest archery OTC bull (308") in Colorado in 2012 in one of the most heavily hunted and lowest success rate units (5-6%) using my bugle tube and diaphragm. I spent 45 minutes within 150 yards of this bull and his herd working him before I finally got a shot. In fact, every one of my bulls in the last 9 years was shot after using my bugle tube and bugling. But some of those have been in draw units. But I don't change my tactics based solely on which unit I'm hunting.

However, I've heard these guys bugle, and quite frankly they aren't very good.
I killed my biggest archery OTC bull (308") in Colorado in 2012 in one of the most heavily hunted and lowest success rate units (5-6%) using my bugle tube and diaphragm. I spent 45 minutes within 150 yards of this bull and his herd working him before I finally got a shot. In fact, every one of my bulls in the last 9 years was shot after using my bugle tube and bugling. But some of those have been in draw units. But I don't change my tactics based solely on which unit I'm hunting.

However, I've heard these guys bugle, and quite frankly they aren't very good.
I have heard enough elk that sound bad, doesn't really matter that much. Matter of fact that's when I really believe its an elk. You just never know.
The ones that sound so perfect, those are the ones that getcha
I have heard enough elk that sound bad, doesn't really matter that much. Matter of fact that's when I really believe its an elk. You just never know.

When my 12 year daughter walks in after hearing one of their bugles and says "that wasn't a real elk was it", then it's bad enough that I'm not interested in it. I've heard some pretty bad bugles before while hunting too. But it's not necessarily what they sound like that tells me they aren't real, it's how they play it out from there that convinces me they are a hunter. Except for the Primos bugles........those are obvious from the start.

And it all depends on what you're looking for. I'm looking for mature herd type bulls. Just about all of those have similar characteristics to their sound and their sequence. But more importantly is how we sound to a mature bull. Are they interested in some bad sounding raghorn......not really.
I'm looking for mature herd type bulls. Just about all of those have similar characteristics to their sound and their sequence. But more importantly is how we sound to a mature bull. Are they interested in some bad sounding raghorn......not really.

I'd say that's why they are shooting a lot of immature bulls. If you just want to shoot any bull then a lot of overcalling will get it done. If you're only looking for the bigger herd type bulls you have to have a few more tricks. Calling to locate being one skill of many. I watch, but that sort of elk hunting doesn't really get me excited. I'd rather watch Nate S. match wits with big bulls solo any day. Just more my type of hunting and the type of bulls I'm interested in.