Things you have noticed in the gym

While we're on the subject, ya'll ever had some rando, usually with a classic "dad bod", walk up to you in the gym and inform that they used to bench "three fiddy" when they were in High School?

Nothing screams " I peaked out in High School" more than than any story that involves peak lifting and high school. The Uncle Rico effect: "Yep, I used to be strong when I was in high school, but I don't think there's any benefit to being that strong so I'm not that strong anymore. I'm just here to remind that I used to be stronger in high school than you are now. If you ever have any questions, just let me know"
While we're on the subject, ya'll ever had some rando, usually with a classic "dad bod", walk up to you in the gym and inform that they used to bench "three fiddy" when they were in High School?

Nothing screams " I peaked out in High School" more than than any story that involves peak lifting and high school. The Uncle Rico effect: "Yep, I used to be strong when I was in high school, but I don't think there's any benefit to being that strong so I'm not that strong anymore. I'm just here to remind that I used to be stronger in high school than you are now. If you ever have any questions, just let me know"
Yeah, they’re usually the ones offering unwanted advice.
While we're on the subject, ya'll ever had some rando, usually with a classic "dad bod", walk up to you in the gym and inform that they used to bench "three fiddy" when they were in High School?

Nothing screams " I peaked out in High School" more than than any story that involves peak lifting and high school. The Uncle Rico effect: "Yep, I used to be strong when I was in high school, but I don't think there's any benefit to being that strong so I'm not that strong anymore. I'm just here to remind that I used to be stronger in high school than you are now. If you ever have any questions, just let me know"

It gets particularly sad when they speak about high school best times and they are over 60.
Started gyming 50 years ago and folks are without a doubt much softer today. Sweat?-no thanks, mostly but there are exceptions.
Anatoly is awesome.
The worst part of getting old is……well, getting old, unless you consider penis shrinkage, or maybe it’s belly expansion…..
A guy in college refused to wrap his thumb around the bar when he bench pressed. He dropped 315 lbs on his chest two different times because the bar slipped out of his hands. How do you not learn your lesson the first time?

Another guy did squats with a heavy chain around his neck because he thought it looked cool. The chain never touched the ground so it served no purpose. Just do a regular back squat.

People doing curls in the squat rack convinced me to build a home gym.
I’ve been to various gyms consistently since the mid 90s. Probably one of the weirdest/grossest things I’ve seen was an older guy in the hot tub shaving himself. Just standing there stark naked, swishing the razor in the hot hub water and tapping it on the edge of the tub without a care in the world. I quickly realized why no one else ever used that hot tub.
A guy in college refused to wrap his thumb around the bar when he bench pressed. He dropped 315 lbs on his chest two different times because the bar slipped out of his hands. How do you not learn your lesson the first time?

The ol' suicide grip on the bench press: classic indicator of the bro.
There was a trainer at a gym I used to go to. Seemed like a nice dude. One day I walk into the weight room and he’s got nothing on but a pair of boxers and there’s a couple people standing around him. Initially I think he’s doing some bodybuilding poses in the mirror and prepping for a show or something. Next thing I know, he’s in his birthday suit. He starts screaming wildly and running around the gym. This gym had these little glass cubicles where the trainers and gym managers would work. They went up probably ten feet. This dude runs inside of one of them while the staff members are trying to grab and retain him. He jumps up and grabs hold of the top of this cubicle and leaps over the top and down onto the ground. Just superhuman strength. There was a dog pile of like 7-8 people trying to restrain him in the lobby and they weren’t able to hold him down. The cops arrived and I didn’t stick around to see what happened next. Was sad to see him in that state. Psychosis is quite the phenomenon