Things to see and do in SW Montana

Apr 13, 2019
Headed out to SW Montana for the first 2 weeks of July with the fifth wheel. We've got a few nights booked at the KOA in Big Timber over the 4th and a few nights around Big Sky in a forest service campground, kind of winging it after that. Our group consists of my wife, 3 1/2 year old son, and new puppy, Possibly another couple with young children. I've been around Big Timber a little, probably planning to drive up to the Crazy Mountains and poke around and down into the Absarokee's, I've never been down the Gallatin Gateway or around Big Sky. Some of this trip will be doing double duty to get the lay of the land for archery elk this fall, but its 70% family vacation. Looking to poke around from Big Timber to Big Sky, West Yellowstone, to Dillon in the end.
The big question is are there any must see's you'd recommend? Not really the Yellowstone stuff, more off the beaten path. Looking for stuff like the ringing rocks, natural bridge, rodeos, cool lakes, drives, hikes, ghost towns, mines, etc. Thinking about renting a side by side out of west Yellowstone or Dillon for a day.
Any suggestions, I'm all ears (not looking for your honey hole ;))
Definitely find yourself a small town rodeo, bring your dancing boots because they normally are a great party. Red lodge is a nice town to check out in that area.
My advice...avoid Big Sky unless you like being in traffic and just want to drive up and back down the canyon. With a little one...Virginia City isn't a bad stop. Can take the little train tour...they have a kids fishing pond. place to eat, some ice cream and a candy shop. Depending on your kid the Lewi and Clark Caverns is kinda cool. Take the short tour of the Caverns. We did it last year with a 4 and 2 year old they enjoyed it.
For a little camera/optics shop, the one in downtown west Yellowstone is a good one - the owner does photography tours, rents swaros, and has prices as good as most online sources. I didn’t expect much, but came out of there with a lot less money. He’s a helpful/talkative guy and had good suggestions for what we were looking for.
I was in the Wisdom area a few years ago and did a hike up to Mystic Lake. Great hike and beautiful country!
We ended up spending a week around West Yellowstone after the big storm in ‘22 and it was perfect, about half the people you normally see in that area. We also spent a week around the Madison valley and Virginia city. We spent a few days around the crazy mountains at the beginning of the trip as well. Never a shortage of things to see or do out there. The Lewis and Clark caves are on my list, we actually had them planned into a trip last summer but we had to revamp our plans at the last minute.
Quake Lake Visitors Center, impressive amount of rock came down in the middle of the night.
Anaconda Pintler Scenic route and a close-up of the Anaconda smoke stack. Berkely Pit in Butte, and old town Butte, lots of history. Big Springs out of Island Park, kids can have fun feeding the fish.
Drop the 5th wheel and drive over the beartooth hwy. It's pretty amazing on top. Then go for a hike.
Add to the list:
Crystal park
Bannock and Virginia City Ghost Towns
Put the Elephant
Beaverhead County Museum
Garnet Mining in Sheridan
Berkely Pit and Mining Museum in Butte
Red Rocks NWR
Fish-just about any water, but Google up the pay to fish spring creeks.
Lots of Lewis and Clark Sites
Madison Buffalo Jump
Headed out to SW Montana for the first 2 weeks of July with the fifth wheel. We've got a few nights booked at the KOA in Big Timber over the 4th and a few nights around Big Sky in a forest service campground, kind of winging it after that. Our group consists of my wife, 3 1/2 year old son, and new puppy, Possibly another couple with young children. I've been around Big Timber a little, probably planning to drive up to the Crazy Mountains and poke around and down into the Absarokee's, I've never been down the Gallatin Gateway or around Big Sky. Some of this trip will be doing double duty to get the lay of the land for archery elk this fall, but its 70% family vacation. Looking to poke around from Big Timber to Big Sky, West Yellowstone, to Dillon in the end.
The big question is are there any must see's you'd recommend? Not really the Yellowstone stuff, more off the beaten path. Looking for stuff like the ringing rocks, natural bridge, rodeos, cool lakes, drives, hikes, ghost towns, mines, etc. Thinking about renting a side by side out of west Yellowstone or Dillon for a day.
Any suggestions, I'm all ears (not looking for your honey hole ;))
We did a similar trip last summer. My kids loved Chico Hot Springs south of Livingston. It was their favorite part of our trip and the adults loved it too. Find a dude ranch that will due trail rides. I know there’s one or two around west Yellowstone that will probably take guests not staying on property. I’d also recommend going to a rodeo if you can find one. Livingston has one pretty frequently, I think. Everybody shits on Bozeman, but my wife and kids really liked it, as well. Riverhouse barbeque was about the only restaurant in the Big Sky area that we really enjoyed. Good food and just a really great scene. My kids loved the summer activities at base camp at Big Sky but it got pretty expensive pretty quickly. There’s some good hiking trails for families around the Big Sky area.
TAC will be at Big Sky June 14-16. Likely too late to get a course time but the vendor show and other activities are great.

Museum of the Rockies (Dino Museum) is fun.

Lewis and Clark Cavens is a definite yes. Very cool.

Hyalite creek trail to Hyalite lake near Bozeman is a great hike. Lots of waterfalls. Full hike is 12 miles, but some of the waterfalls are close to the trailhead and accessible for kids.

Visit Georgetown lake and candy store in Philipsburg.

Big Hole National Battlefield
Virginia City is a must and if you have kids be sure and take them into the Candy store.
Bannack is cool historical ghost town type of place. They have a tour and you will learn a lot of history.

No matter where you go 4th of July weekend it's going to be busy.
We might be in the the area around that time ourselves.