The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

wow glad Ioaded up on JetBlue, delta, southwest, PBF at low yesterday. Sold half of delta and jet blu on morning high and invest in some tech

Should have bought more PayPal 3 days ago lol
This is what is idiotic. Here they are beating on people and making arrests because people aren't "social distancing", but then the airlines think they can (or are even allowed to) put people next to each other on a plane????? Big disconnect with logic here.

And here's a bigger disconnect.........the world is talking about the biggest recession to ever hit the world, yet our stock market is up near all time highs???????? Who's running this show? have any tips? You buying anything? Any insight on stocks or the market? We hang out here so we don't have to read all that shit in Zaps thread. have any tips? You buying anything? Any insight on stocks or the market? We hang out here so we don't have to read all that shit in Zaps thread.

Everyone trading on here knows the macro Econ fundamentals are lacking for a strong market.
For all of the problems going on ,the US is by far the most stable area for investments and the world knows this.

A lot of free money in the market last month and a half. If youre semi smart and have an exit plan minimal risk.

Funny people turn down free money. have any tips? You buying anything? Any insight on stocks or the market? We hang out here so we don't have to read all that shit in Zaps thread.

Other than all the others I've posted, none for now......because it's as if the computers are doing all this buying driving stocks up, but someone forgot to program this recession into their code.

I kind of forgot what this thread was for when it became a high risk penny stock trading thread. ;)
Longterm: I like Boeing. They cut the dividend but I'm still looking hard at it when it drops much below $125
1.) I like Exxon for the dividend. A strong company with lots of cash.
2.) Have been interested in HOG at $19. Harley Davidson has such brand loyalty from there customers. Don't know how many folks will have the disposable income to afford a big toy.
3.) Microsoft and Apple are doing well in my portfolio, but prices are too high at this moment.
4,) Thinking that Apple may be risky being they are so deeply imbedded in China. I struggle with owning it after this COVID-19 assault and the subsequent shutdown has taken us so far down. At some point it might be grossly effected if consumers turn against it.

Picked up more GPMT today. Long term hold for me. Didn’t get anything else today, too green of a day to be buying much. But at the same time that’s not necessarily a bad thing

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I’m buying options (puts and calls) still and having some solid success. I typically day-trade with the amount of volatility in holding paper overnight. I’ve had some nice wins with SPX, AMZN, TSLA 🤘🏼
I’m buying options (puts and calls) still and having some solid success. I typically day-trade with the amount of volatility in holding paper overnight. I’ve had some nice wins with SPX, AMZN, TSLA

I saw a post online from a guy who bought 10 Shopify calls that cost a grand total of $2500 back at the beginning of April. The screenshot he posted yesterday or the day before showed they were worth over $125k now. That’s a decent profit...

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***Let me list my disclaimer so I’m not blamed.......I don’t know shit about stocks and you should not invest in anything I list.

Now, that being said, take a look at EVERI. I’ve been picking up some in the dips. It “should” be one that begins to recover quickly once things take off.
You can't win, if you don't play :sneaky:

All the major indexes are up over 30% from the lows, many stocks up way more than that. Those are great gains for even a year let alone a couple months. Playing doesn't necessarily mean trading. But I'm definitely looking for more entry points below where they are right now.
All the major indexes are up over 30% from the lows, many stocks up way more than that. Those are great gains for even a year let alone a couple months. Playing doesn't necessarily mean trading. But I'm definitely looking for more entry points below where they are right now.
I'm not being a smart ass, but are you one that thinks you are going to get March 19th price entries again? With the Fed involved now and buying in, that isn't going to happen. I wish it would, as I would have tripled my initial buy-ins looking back.
I'm not being a smart ass, but are you one that thinks you are going to get March 19th price entries again? With the Fed involved now and buying in, that isn't going to happen. I wish it would, as I would have tripled my initial buy-ins looking back.

Nobody really knows what the market will do in the next few months or year. It could be doubtful that it will ever see the Mar 23 lows, but looking at all the other big market recoveries from the past......they all eventually come back to at least the 50% retracement level. But that's all different for individual stocks versus indexes. And looking out even further........our country will eventually go bankrupt with all the borrowing, or they'll have to raise taxes to such levels that that will also bring the country to its knees. Regardless what you have your eye on, it's all timing.