The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

Nobody really knows what the market will do in the next few months or year. It could be doubtful that it will ever see the Mar 23 lows, but looking at all the other big market recoveries from the past......they all eventually come back to at least the 50% retracement level. But that's all different for individual stocks versus indexes. And looking out even further........our country will eventually go bankrupt with all the borrowing, or they'll have to raise taxes to such levels that that will also bring the country to its knees. Regardless what you have your eye on, it's all timing.

I previously held that thought. But with the ability to just print more money, that won't happen. We'll just keep printing and devaluing the dollar.

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Carnival Cruise bookings are up to 200% over this time last year. They begin to cruise again on August 1st. It seems crazy as cruise ships were making headlines, not in a good way, at the beginning of the virus. May be a good one to get in on Monday a.m.
Grabbed this from Stockwits, I don't know this fella but always value his take.......

$CDEV gradually moving back up, today was difficult one but it happened for many reasons. The stocks rsi was very high (in the 70’s indicating an overbought stock, so the price had to correct itself...and it did pretty badly), the stocks beta is higher than average which means it’ll react much more when the market moves up or down, hence why our stock took a tough tumble, and lastly 3)oil In the Middle East has been dealing with tensions; but that will eventually ease up! I hope you’re all still in on this stock and today didn’t scare you to the brink of selling, the market can be scary sometimes but that’s the game. Investing is more psychological than it is smarts trust me ....I studied finance and constantly read up on the markets and even I struggle during moments like these to remain patient, but thankfully we’re gradually moving bulls! We’re not done yet :)!

Guess I was right. I'm guessing you dont value his opinion much anymore. Funny you knew you posted this, I mentioned it, then you claimed you never posted anything about "the1stockguru". Not a big deal but weird. Should have at least deleted this post 😁
I didn't 'know' I posted from him. I thought i had quoted MRDT, he's the young trader on ST that I actually watch due to his 178K shares that he hasn't sold......and I'm wondering if that's a quote MR.DT had taken from Mr. SG and I then lifted.

That said, I wouldn't delete anything, I'd issue an apology and if one is in order I offer it. I'm not too proud to admit my mistakes, hell I make a lot of them!
The main thing is that no one here is offering professional stock advice. I think a few fellas made that clear based on your posting to me.

This stuff is what it is and folks shouldn't trade money they can't afford to lose.
I thought i had quoted MRDT, he's the young trader on ST that I actually watch due to his 178K shares that he hasn't sold......and I'm wondering if that's a quote MR.DT had taken from Mr. SG and I then lifted.

That said, I wouldn't delete anything, I'd issue an apology and if one is on order I offer it.
The main thing is that no one here is offering professional stock advice. I think a few fellas made that clear based on your posting to me.

This stuff is what it is and folks shouldn't trade money they can't afford to lose.

Yeah I gotcha. Just kinda lazy on your part for calling me out about not doing my due diligentce before posting. Here I was right and you didn't even take a minute to look back at your post before calling me out. Weak.
I’m looking at JETS etf. It trades in a narrow range. When the airlines rebound this could be a solid one.
Also picking up more USO this week.
The other topic I am very keen on is Bitcoin. I know, I know...but the next halving of Bitcoin is set to post sometime in the next couple of days. Maybe tomorrow🎖. If you follow price History, each halving starts a price chasing war. I bought a small chunk. Just food for thought.
I’m looking at JETS etf. It trades in a narrow range. When the airlines rebound this could be a solid one.
Also picking up more USO this week.
The other topic I am very keen on is Bitcoin. I know, I know...but the next halving of Bitcoin is set to post sometime in the next couple of days. Maybe tomorrow🎖. If you follow price History, each halving starts a price chasing war. I bought a small chunk. Just food for thought.

Crypto is very volatile but money to be made. Buy BTC $5000 or lower and wait. ETH close to $100 and wait. It’s fun to have a trade to play on the weekends too......
per some of the above replies - the market does not seem to reflect the job loss and business loss the economy has suffered. Would think it would have a correction, but, I've been wrong about that since late March
I think we are all thinking that Mark S, but the returns right now are too great to stay out of it. Even If I do get caught with my hand in the cookie jar, I will still be ahead. I have no clue what this market will do in the next couple months, but I am going to keep making hay while the sun is still shining on this dogs ass.
Just loaded up on SW airlines (LUV) and Euronav (EURN). Long hauls.
HTZ will be added soon. Hopefully it’s short, but could be a long recovery
This week could be very dynamic
seems like another good time to get some great companies.

Disclosure: Carnival is my #1 client but I think their boats will fill up fast. I think their clientele loves cruising more than life itself. (bad joke) but you get what I mean. Ships are used to dealing with viruses and they'll take it to the next level to keep their passengers safe and the ships steaming ahead. IMO
Just loaded up on SW airlines (LUV) and Euronav (EURN). Long hauls.
HTZ will be added soon. Hopefully it’s short, but could be a long recovery
This week could be very dynamic

I thought I read HTZ was filling for Chap 11 or was it a restructuring? I thought there was some pretty bad news there last week?