The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

Looks like BORR is getting ready to hit my stop loss.

EDIT. BORR hit my stop loss. Feels good to pull 30% off that one. Held that one for a long time.
Totally expected, it was way overbought and flying high. Pullback was imminent.

And good job on the profits :)
Totally expected, it was way overbought and flying high. Pullback was imminent.

And good job on the profits :)
Yea, I thought about holding onto it see if it would pull back then shoot back up, which it did but I have held that one from being 30% down and was like I am going to take what I can get on this one and be done.
All I can say is, somebody knows something about PGAS. average daily volume is 168K shares. Its been doing over a million the last 6 days and 2 hours into today is at 2.78 million
I’m sitting on 4,000 shares. Bought in at 5¢. Do you think it’s going to keep going before she falls? Personally, im holding.
Nope let all the talking heads keep parroting their BS like we rely on Russian oil.
Have other countries followed suit? Doesn't Europe pull a lot of oil from Russia?

If so and they follow, it will put more demand on less supply which will raise the prices across the world. Even at the low percent we get from Russia, not importing from them increases our reliance on less suppliers. Its going to have an effect, but to what level is yet to be seen.
Have other countries followed suit? Doesn't Europe pull a lot of oil from Russia?

If so and they follow, it will put more demand on less supply which will raise the prices across the world. Even at the low percent we get from Russia, not importing from them increases our reliance on less suppliers. Its going to have an effect, but to what level is yet to be seen.

They've committed to reduce their buying by 2/3, over the next year....
I’m sitting on 4,000 shares. Bought in at 5¢. Do you think it’s going to keep going before she falls? Personally, im holding.

I have a sell price set for 25% of my shares (which it hasn't hit yet) that would be equal to my original investment, then just waiting to see what happens with the rest
Im in that boat with you
If you guys are talking GTE, relax fellas. You've come a long way.
She hit 2.02 this morning, things really haven't changed other than MM's trying to scare folks into panicking. That, and Brent oil is still in the stratosphere and GTE is making serious bank on every barrel.
Most all O&G got the shakedown treatment today, disgusting, but not that surprising.

I'm holding 50K of PGAS since the last big run where I sold for profit (March '21?) I bought in at .08, but my broker recorded at .11. 'Pissed' is putting it mildly. I called TD about it, no wash sale or reason for the bogus buy-in #.
I'd like to hold for .30, need to catch up on DD.

As always, my thoughts only do your DD.....
If you guys are talking GTE, relax fellas. You've come a long way.
She hit 2.02 this morning, things really haven't changed other than MM's trying to scare folks into panicking. That, and Brent oil is still in the stratosphere and GTE is making serious bank on every barrel.
Most all O&G got the shakedown treatment today, disgusting, but not that surprising.

I'm holding 50K of PGAS since the last big run where I sold for profit (March '21?) I bought in at .08, but my broker recorded at .11. 'Pissed' is putting it mildly. I called TD about it, no wash sale or reason for the bogus buy-in #.
I'd like to hold for .30, need to catch up on DD.

As always, my thoughts only do your DD.....
I was talking cei. I chickened out a while back and took 25% on gte.