The Rokslide Stock Traders Thread

Somebody help me out, here. I see the term "barcoding" coming up here and there. Just wondering if my assumption on the definition is correct... Is this describing a stock that has repeated and abrupt ups & downs, which make the price chart look like a barcode? Is this generally used to describe stock "manipulation"? Clarification is appreciated. Thanks!
CHK is trading again. Instantly down 66% to $23.10 and paused for volatility. Fire sale is happening right now.

It's going to be risky, like HTZ, i'll let it bottom out, then grab a position when it hits support twice. EDIT - MAYBE
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CHK is trading again. Instantly down 66% to $23.10 and paused for volatility. Fire sale is happening right now.

It's going to be risky, like HTZ, i'll let it bottom out, then grab a position when it hits resistance twice.

That one has been all over the place (down in the $9-13 range after the reverse split) ran to nearly 200% yesterday before coming down and then the bankruptcy filing crashing it again (but still over levels its been in the last weeks). Someone is pump'n that one and still seems inflated? Trade carefully.
Yep, Hopefully picking up some deals today. I wish I was down only $50 lol. Luckily cashed out larger holdings at end of day yesterday.
I am too, carefully shopping with the assumption of several more red days. I don't pay attention to the acct 'value' on these days.
I sold off most everything as well, I had very little left as of late last night other than little oilers.
Added to FET and GTE this am, when (if) grin, those hit $1-$1.50+ I want to be owning 10K shares.
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That one has been all over the place (down in the $9-13 range after the reverse split) ran to nearly 200% yesterday before coming down and then the bankruptcy filing crashing it again (but still over levels its been in the last weeks). Someone is pump'n that one and still seems inflated? Trade carefully.

The fluctuations are nuts. I am reading about people gaining $20k, then instantly losing it. Watching from the sidelines on this one.
The fluctuations are nuts. I am reading about people gaining $20k, then instantly losing it. Watching from the sidelines on this one.
I know I felt the same way but I tried to buy in the low 20s and couldn't

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I am too, carefully shopping with the assumption of several more red days. I don't pay attention to the acct 'value' on these days.
I sold off most everything as well, I had very little left as of late last night other than little oilers.
Added to FET and GTE this am, when (if) grin, those hit $1-$1.50+ I want 10K shares.

Nice, I’ve got a buy limit in for $.50 on GTE, it’s close.....
So for those of you looking for trade ideas, here is an example from 5/27. Here’s the price that day and now. Hypothetically putting $1000 in each, the results in 8 trading days

RNET 1.08-3.45 $3194
ENTX 2.00-2.01. $1010
SXTC 0.42-0.49. $1166
IDEX. 0.42-1.40. $3333
SQBG. 0.19-0.50. $2631


I figure if I do this with 10+ stocks and a few miss, I should still be pretty good. What a month this has been, wild!
So for those of you looking for trade ideas, here is an example from 5/27. Here’s the price that day and now. Hypothetically putting $1000 in each, the results in 8 trading days

RNET 1.08-3.45 $3194
ENTX 2.00-2.01. $1010
SXTC 0.42-0.49. $1166
IDEX. 0.42-1.40. $3333
SQBG. 0.19-0.50. $2631


I figure if I do this with 10+ stocks and a few miss, I should still be pretty good. What a month this has been, wild!


Forgot the picture
I’ve basically been a canary in the coal mine for a few positions on this forum and maybe I’m too cautious. But watch this one carefully.

my reasoning:
-VTIQ and Nikola agreed on a sale price of 3.3 billion. THEY agreed that’s what it’s worth.
- the sale gave VTIQ 53 million shares valued at $10, which have not been exercised yet (not public but will be)
- Nikola has Only $480k (!) On preorders. Much of which are not guaranteed.
- they have no revenue. None.
- they do not plan to produce trucks til 2023. Tesla Went public with a car already on the road.
- after today, the public has bought enough to value NKLA at ~ 33 billion! All based on 23 million public shares.
- basically you are buying a company plan?/dream?

I don’t know what your definition of an over valued company is, but I believe this is the poster child.
This thing could FOMO to heaven returns. I’m staying out.
I will say I rode the wave from 8 to $34 and missed out on a lot today. But, I will sleep at some point tonight.
Nikola Tesla, in heaven, might be proud of the Company that used his last name, but I bet he’s really wondering how the company that used his first is gonna make him proud. Lol.
Please be careful and plan for the reversal
I got out first thing this morning. I agree with everything you said. I’m still dumbfounded how it went as high as it did with no revenue but took the chance and sold with about 65% profits.
I bit the bullet at .52 we shall see what happens. COP (more or less a more steady long hold thete) and CDEV both have been great for me. As is bouncing in and out of SAVE but of course I was out of cell signal Thursday thru Sunday and didn’t wanna be sitting in it without watching it so missed the BIG upswing. All in good fun and getting an education on this stuff.

See any bears this weekend?
Just to confirm the day trading values apply if your account value is <$25k but if your portfolio is higher than that you're clear?

Or looks like as long as its only using settle funds in a cash account you're clear also?
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I could be wrong but have a feeling we will see a couple days of red. Good opportunities to load up. Didn’t quite pull the trigger to average down GTE. Will look to make a move in the am depending on futures