I’ve basically been a canary in the coal mine for a few positions on this forum and maybe I’m too cautious. But watch this one carefully.
my reasoning:
-VTIQ and Nikola agreed on a sale price of 3.3 billion. THEY agreed that’s what it’s worth.
- the sale gave VTIQ 53 million shares valued at $10, which have not been exercised yet (not public but will be)
- Nikola has Only $480k (!) On preorders. Much of which are not guaranteed.
- they have no revenue. None.
- they do not plan to produce trucks til 2023. Tesla Went public with a car already on the road.
- after today, the public has bought enough to value NKLA at ~ 33 billion! All based on 23 million public shares.
- basically you are buying a company plan?/dream?
I don’t know what your definition of an over valued company is, but I believe this is the poster child.
This thing could FOMO to heaven returns. I’m staying out.
I will say I rode the wave from 8 to $34 and missed out on a lot today. But, I will sleep at some point tonight.
Nikola Tesla, in heaven, might be proud of the Company that used his last name, but I bet he’s really wondering how the company that used his first is gonna make him proud. Lol.
Please be careful and plan for the reversal