The pushup challenge

I'm 80 in the hole today, worked all day then came home and had a date with my wife. Looks like I'll need to knock out 170 today.
We did something similar over the past few months, One burpee a day, then two the next, then three.. I did that for 100 days.. talk about annoying after day 50.. LOL It was cool though, I never thought I could do 100 in a row without stopping, but I did!

We do push-up competetions in the office for the month of September cause we are working every darn day. Our team had over 15,000 last year.. it was nuts! Loser had to buy pizza and serve it in dresses. :)
We did something similar over the past few months, One burpee a day, then two the next, then three.. I did that for 100 days.. talk about annoying after day 50.. LOL It was cool though, I never thought I could do 100 in a row without stopping, but I did!

We do push-up competetions in the office for the month of September cause we are working every darn day. Our team had over 15,000 last year.. it was nuts! Loser had to buy pizza and serve it in dresses. :)

Now there's a challenge. I can imagine after a month and a half I'd be rethinking whether a burpee challenge was a good idea or not.
60/20....and yes I've started alternating. I do my first set wide arm, and smaller # reps close hand...maybe i'll start integrating the alligator ones or whatever they are called and you cock a leg out.
You guys really want to make it tough - when you get to the bottom of the push up, you have to actually put your chest on the ground and lift your hands up off the ground. "Arm release" pushups really make sure you are doing the whole motion. Good job to everyone!!
I've been completely consumed with studying for my NR Paramedic test the past couple of days and I'm a day behind right now...

40+40+20 on 9/17