The pushup challenge

Im on day five now It was a little bit of a challenge today after shoveling mud for 4 hours but im feelin good. This forum is motivating me!
March 3rd is Day 3 for me. Will be easy to keep track this month!!!

Interested to see how far I get, and how many pushups I will need to do at work with a vest and duty gear on to fit them all in on work days. A 14 hour day with travel time doenst leave much time at home for pushups.

Thanks for the motivation guys!!!
Day 26......260 pushups today and I can feel some amazing changes. I am getting a bit tired and worn down though. Combined with swimming my upper body is feeling great!!
Just a quick update. I did a total of 31 days on this challenge. Thats 4960 in the month, so I did an extra 40 just so I could say I did 5000 in the month. The OCD coming out in me!! Haha.