Fwiw, my “inexperience” is that 3 of my 4 leupold scopes failed under relatively gentle use, as acknowledged by leupold. Same with 2 of my 3 vortex scopes. All failed in PRECISELY the same manner as illustrated in the drop tests here. All have been replaced by scopes that happen to have fared well in the drop tests, and “magically”, with zero other changes, those guns started shooting better groups more consistently and have not required rezeroing or chasing a zero. I also see the inconsistency of the drop tests (blasphemy here, I know), yet when my experience aligns so closely with something I have a hard time discounting it UNTIL I HAVE A BETTER OPTION. I dont see a better option, but the “actual scientific ways” the manufacturers are apparently (?) testing them clearly hasnt worked for me.
Guess I dont quite see why anyone thinks its odd or cultish that I wont buy a leupold scope without some objective confirmation that it’ll behave differently than the others. (Imagine my “shrug” emoji here)
Edit: ESPECIALLY coming from someone who has “sworn off” a certain rifle because of problems he’s had that others havent. Pot calling the kettle black, much?