The New Leupold Mark 4HD?

Sounds like you are in a different version of the same fairytale. Ever single forum is littered with posts of Leupold failures yet you are still in the same cult of denial.

Like when a SWFA fails and someone posts about it on here yet they're still touted as the most reliable? Or when a huge "test" is posted by a major "tester" and the base group for the test with one of the rifles that happen to be the 223 Tikka with a SWFA has a POI like .3mil from center?
Fwiw, my “inexperience” is that 3 of my 4 leupold scopes failed under relatively gentle use, as acknowledged by leupold. Same with 2 of my 3 vortex scopes. All failed in PRECISELY the same manner as illustrated in the drop tests here. All have been replaced by scopes that happen to have fared well in the drop tests, and “magically”, with zero other changes, those guns started shooting better groups more consistently and have not required rezeroing or chasing a zero. I also see the inconsistency of the drop tests (blasphemy here, I know), yet when my experience aligns so closely with something I have a hard time discounting it UNTIL I HAVE A BETTER OPTION. I dont see a better option, but the “actual scientific ways” the manufacturers are apparently (?) testing them clearly hasnt worked for me.

Guess I dont quite see why anyone thinks its odd or cultish that I wont buy a leupold scope without some objective confirmation that it’ll behave differently than the others. (Imagine my “shrug” emoji here)
Edit: ESPECIALLY coming from someone who has “sworn off” a certain rifle because of problems he’s had that others havent. Pot calling the kettle black, much?
I wanted a Leupold Mk5 hd but went with the Nx8 due to so many reports of failure on the Mk5 on multiple forums. I haven't had 1 issue with my Nx8 since I have owned it. Same with with my Trijicon tenmile's they have been flawless. I really would like the Mk4 hd and will probably try one out because of the price, but I'm not holding my breath. One great thing about Leupold, if it doesn't work I can always send it back to get fixed and sell it for probably whatever I have in it.
It's not though, it's certainly not on snipershide.

I don't know you or your abilities or knowledge, but I have seen shooters and hunters at the range and I've talked to thousands of "rifleman" and 99% of the time when something is going wrong it's something caused by the shooter and not the equipment regardless of what brand has been on it.

What I know is that I've had a lot of Leupolds and I have never experienced this phenomenon and my luck isn't that damn good. I've sent older Leupolds back for canted reticles and a couple older Mark 4's and VX3's for not not tracking, but I have never ever had one lose it's zero. Never.
Google shows that yes, in fact there are numerous threads in Sniperhide about loss of zero from Leupolds.

I do agree with you that there are many factors in a system that can cause the loss. However, when one scope loses zero consistently, and is replaced by the another scope in the exact same system, torqued the same, and that new scope holds zero through the same abuse, then it’s clear that the original scope was the issue.

I would bet that many of the loss of zero people encounter are not the scopes themselves, but the rings or rails, or action to stock connections. Or, they could just be inconsistent shooting skills. However, there is still no shortage of incidents where it is the scope itself failing. Including in my personal experience.

We obviously have very different experiences with Leupold. I wish my experience was as good as yours.
This isn’t even remotely true. There are reports on all major forums of Leupold failures to hold zero. Most people don’t even recognize it’s a problem though. For me, checking zero and making a minor adjustment for years was just standard practice before hunting season.

I still see this every year with a huge number of hunters I know. Making a tweak to their zero after a hunt with it riding in an atv. Or making a tweak to their zero on their first range trip after or before hunting season.

Just because most people aren’t aware of the issue it doesn’t mean it’s not an issue.
He can’t believe what he posts, he literally just quotes people trying to get a reaction, that’s all he ever does… and he keeps quoting until someone reacts.

It’s not worth addressing
The idea that some people think Leupold isn’t impact testing their optics is also laughable.

I don’t know how many Leupold scopes I’ve owned but it’s a lot. I have never once had one not hold zero. It’s funny that this is the only thing that’s brought up and usually by people who have no idea that there are a lot of dynamics that can cause a rifle system to not hold zero or not be properly zerod in the first place.
You don’t shoot enough if you’re actually using newer model Leupold scopes in real world field use and they aren’t losing zero. Go actually use your equipment.
I had to rezero a tikka .308 w/ vx3i leupold last week. Fell out of the stand, hit a chunk of iron on the way down. Gouge in the barrel and a dent in the scope bell. It was like 8" off from zero at 100 yards. I honestly was impressed. The scope seems fine.

Stuff happens, even for the average box stand hunter I guess.

Man I really hope leupold decided to start putting good guts in their scopes. Literally everything else about them is fantastic on a hunting rifle. I know they'd never advertise it because it'd be all but admitting they haven't been doing it but I'd sure love to see it.
Like when a SWFA fails and someone posts about it on here yet they're still touted as the most reliable? Or when a huge "test" is posted by a major "tester" and the base group for the test with one of the rifles that happen to be the 223 Tikka with a SWFA has a POI like .3mil from center?
What does this have to do with you saying here is the only place that says Leupolds don't hold zero and the many, many threads on every other forum that proves otherwise? You are in your own cult of denial. Why are you changing the topic?
After reading 6 pages, my main question is why the members who hate the Rokslide “cult” so much continue to log in? If they hate it here so much and hate what’s going on and what we talk about and believe then why do they support it by logging in and participating? Why even acknowledge it? Why not just go somewhere else to be with other like minded people? Lots of forums out there to be a part of, so if we all suck so bad and Rokslide is so horrible maybe it makes more sense to ride off into the sunset?

It sounds Kinda like buying a Costco membership and then being pissed and complaining to the store manager because everything is only available in bulk but they don’t wanna buy in bulk. Why not just stop shopping at Costco? Plenty of other places to buy your groceries, and Costco didn’t ask you to shop there.

Anywho, that 2.5-10 FFP has a spec sheet that looks good. Hopefully it performs better than the rest of their lineup, I love lots of things about Leupold scopes on paper!
What does this have to do with you saying here is the only place that says Leupolds don't hold zero and the many, many threads on every other forum that proves otherwise? You are in your own cult of denial. Why are you changing the topic?

I'm active on a lot of forums and this is the only place where members run around with such hard ons for talking about Leupolds not holding zero like it's the only think they know how to say. The last few reported issues on the hide one MK5 issues have been about MK5 turrets being ****** up and not going past a turn or them turning but not dialing. They were certainly documented problems and not user error, but the holding zero just doesn't surface.
I'm active on a lot of forums and this is the only place where members run around with such hard ons for talking about Leupolds not holding zero like it's the only think they know how to say. The last few reported issues on the hide one MK5 issues have been about MK5 turrets being ****** up and not going past a turn or them turning but not dialing. They were certainly documented problems and not user error, but the holding zero just doesn't surface.
This is also the only forum where drop tests are conducted. Because this forum isn't a bunch of LARPers like the hide.