The New Leupold Mark 4HD?

Or take up Form and Ryan's offer and just turn up there and show us your reliable Leupold.
They won’t. They are complete trolls who come into these threads foaming at the mouth to “disagree”. None of these guys will actually show up and shoot, let alone risk their “leupolds that never lose zero” losing zero on film in front of their face.

There is a zero percent chance any of these trolls do anything in real life other than post here and blab nonsense.
He won’t. He’s blocked everyone who tells him he’s wrong, so he always thinks he’s right. Plus he’s trying to keep used market for Leupold’s high so he can dump his scopes.
And in the KRG Echo thread, just posted he wants one for a Ruger American.

Maybe Ruger + Lee-o-pold = 'Murica?

Either way, that combination helps me have useful context. I'm not in the habit of blocking, but I am in the habit of scrolling quickly when needed.
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They won’t. They are complete trolls who come into these threads foaming at the mouth to “disagree”. None of these guys will actually show up and shoot, let alone risk their “leupolds that never lose zero” losing zero on film in front of their face.

There is a zero percent chance any of these trolls do anything in real life other than post here and blab nonsense.

I’ve got zero interest in spending thousands of dollars and waste my time to travel over half way across the country to put an optic through a flawed test that any optic can fail. I could throw my shit on the ground in my yard if I wanted to. Why don’t you do it?

And in the Rokstok thread, just posted he wants one for a Ruger American.

Maybe Ruger + Lee-o-pold = 'Murica?

Either way, that combination helps me have useful context. I'm not in the habit of blocking, but I am in the habit of scrolling quickly when needed.

LOL no I didn’t. I promise you I have zero interest in that ugly ass stock that looks like it was drawn on a napkin by someone with autism and inspired by a squatted pickup truck. You don’t see me in that thread talking shit about it though and in fact you don’t see me in that thread at all, so who’s the troll?
The only scientific drop test I ever did was the unintentional hard fall of my rifle on a huge rock while crossing a river in southwest Virginia in 1979. The Redfield 3x9 definitely failed (as would most scopes). I sent it back to Denver and they repaired it for the standard $25 fee. I used it for another 20 years. My father graciously loaned me his model 70 to finish what turned out to be a successful hunt.

I was taught be be careful with my equipment and have always done so. I was also taught to check my zero before each season. I have never taken a rifle in the field that I didn't have full confidence in the zero. This was never a problem for me or anyone I ever hunted with. Seems like alot of rough handling for hunters on this forum. It always gives me peace of mind to check my rifle before the season.

I have a pre WWII model 70 with a 330 Weaver that has probably been zeroed for 40+ years. It is always dead on at 100 yards. Go figure.
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Those of us who have been using USA made Leupolds for 40+ years don't need to be told about their reliability, because we already know. With that in mind, I wouldn't mount a modern Leupold on any of my rifles.

As a footnote, I have used traditional non glass bedded wood stocked rifles for 50 years. I never expected them to hold exact zero from one season to another, but some will. I typically attribute changes to the stock.

Key comment for me here. Rifles, bedding and mounts got better and it is easier to pick up on wandering zeros and attribute them to something. Many of us accepted wandering zeros, but don't any longer. Optic companies hid their flawed scopes in the variability that was there - they can't do that any longer.
Like the AI PSR kit that cost more than most people’s entire safes full of rifles that I could have bought any optic I wanted to put on it but chose a MK5 and the zero wandered every time I turned the turrets to exactly where I told it to wander to…

Just because equipment advances doesn’t mean people do.
Like the AI PSR kit that cost more than most people’s entire safes full of rifles that I could have bought any optic I wanted to put on it but chose a MK5 and the zero wandered every time I turned the turrets to exactly where I told it to wander to…

Just because equipment advances doesn’t mean people do.

Oh OK you have the best of everything that's why you only shoot Leupold! We get it now. Thanks for explaining.
Oh OK you have the best of everything that's why you only shoot Leupold! We get it now. Thanks for explaining.

I don’t only shoot Leupold, that’s a stupid assumption. I’ve had far more S&B’s and NF’s than I’ve had Leupolds. Right now I have exactly 1 Leupold in my safe.

Just because I can understand that they work and not bash them which is the cool thing to do here doesn’t make me a fanboy or mean it’s the only thing I shoot.
You probably sold off your Accuracy international because you thought that it wouldn't group well or hold zero. It could never have been a problem with the Leupold Mk5. I'm sending the junk down the road and keeping the good stuff. I understand your rationale now. Makes sense.
You probably sold off your Accuracy international because you thought that it wouldn't group well or hold zero. It could never have been a problem with the Leupold Mk5. I'm sending the junk down the road and keeping the good stuff. I understand your rationale now. Makes sense.

More stupid ******* logic. People who make up shit to make themselves feel right are something else.

Yeah, I’m a total Leupold fanboy though and shoot nothing else. That’s why I ordered a Leica literally yesterday and last month a Zeiss LRP S3 that I actually sold a MK5 to buy because I hated the PR1 reticle and didn’t buy another MK5 instead because their illuminated tree reticles suck and that’s what I wanted for that rifle. Total fanboy shit.

No, I’m just not a retard.


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I wonder if certain users think if they complain about the scope evaluations enough, Form will stop doing them? Probably not.

I certainly hope the new Leupold Mark 4hd does not suck, but I wouldn't bet any money on them.

No, not at all. I actually find good entertainment in it. Like not even getting one of the test optics properly mounted in rings so that it wouldn’t slip and then failing the scope because of it. Or continuing to drop the “bonded” rifle that’s JB welded thinking that consistently abuse it isn’t having any effect on the “bond”.
No, not at all. I actually find good entertainment in it. Like not even getting one of the test optics properly mounted in rings so that it wouldn’t slip and then failing the scope because of it. Or continuing to drop the “bonded” rifle that’s JB welded thinking that consistently abuse it isn’t having any effect on the “bond”.
Ok. Keep complaining then.
Since people like to make ridiculous offers that nobody with any sort of life or value of their time would follow through on, I’ve got a more reasonable one for anyone to put their money where there mouth is.

Go to a NRL or PRS two day match with whatever rifle and optic you want to run. Before every stage perform the drop test with someone recording and then immediately shoot the stage in continuous video roll and let’s see how it plays out. If you guys truly have confidence in these drop test approved optics and confidence in the test itself it shouldn’t be an issue, right?