The New Leupold Mark 4HD?

Prior to this release I had NOT made the correlation that the "X"HD in the names were just the zoom ratio of the optic.

Or does it also imply quality teir?
Mixture of both?
Why is marketing universally my least favorite dept at every company?
Even HT has plenty of threads on leupold failures and wondering zeros.
I do hope the new mark 4’s work, I’m just not planning on it.
Amazing how every scope thread turns into a drop test thread now.

It’s amazing that whether a scope actually holds zero is talked about in scope threads?

Also- you haven’t responded to this, post #35

It’s amazing that whether a scope actually holds zero is talked about in scope threads?
I’m not talking about the post or two wondering if it will pass the drop “test”. I’m talking about the other 99 posts talking about if the drop “test” is a valid “test”.

One is talking about the scope. The other is an entirely different discussion.

Also- you haven’t responded to this, post #35

I’ll get right on it.
I’m not talking about the post or two wondering if it will pass the drop “test”. I’m talking about the other 99 posts talking about if the drop “test” is a valid “test”.

One is talking about the scope. The other is an entirely different discussion.

Thank you, I understand. The reason is because it’s always whether or not “dropping” is legitimate.

More to the point to you- why are nearly all of your responses passive aggressive, snarky, and/or most often not in anyway educational or helpful- just “sniping” the person you quote with no real interest in an actual conversation.
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Amazing how every scope thread turns into a drop test thread now.

It’s all they know how to talk about thinking it’s something innovative.

This forum provides some serious value to the community in the way of the 223, 6mm, and 6.5mm bullet/hunting threads, but the drop tests that an actual optical engineer has weighed in one and pointed out the flaws in it are just silly.

The whole basis of a lot of it being fudds that can barely shoot or know their way around a rifle showing up to hunting camp and their rifles being off… come the **** on. Yeah big surprise that Elmer’s rifle he “sighted in” off of a lead sled 2 years ago with an entirely different type of ammo didn’t cut the center out of the target. If people understood that just your hand position and pressing the trigger differently can seriously change the rifles POI it would blow their minds.

Lots of people with a clue shoot a lot of scopes that are only talked about here as not holding zero without any issues what so ever.
Those of us who have been using USA made Leupolds for 40+ years don't need to be told about their reliability, because we already know. With that in mind, I wouldn't mount a modern Leupold on any of my rifles.

As a footnote, I have used traditional non glass bedded wood stocked rifles for 50 years. I never expected them to hold exact zero from one season to another, but some will. I typically attribute changes to the stock.
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It’s all they know how to talk about thinking it’s something innovative.

This forum provides some serious value to the community in the way of the 223, 6mm, and 6.5mm bullet/hunting threads, but the drop tests that an actual optical engineer has weighed in one and pointed out the flaws in it are just silly.

The whole basis of a lot of it being fudds that can barely shoot or know their way around a rifle showing up to hunting camp and their rifles being off… come the **** on. Yeah big surprise that Elmer’s rifle he “sighted in” off of a lead sled 2 years ago with an entirely different type of ammo didn’t cut the center out of the target. If people understood that just your hand position and pressing the trigger differently can seriously change the rifles POI it would blow their minds.

Lots of people with a clue shoot a lot of scopes that are only talked about here as not holding zero without any issues what so ever.
Couldn't agree more.
Those of us who have been using USA made Leupolds for 40+ years don't need to be told about their reliability, because we already know. With that in mind, I wouldn't mount a modern Leupold on any of my rifles.

As a footnote, I have used traditional non glass bedded wood stocked rifles for 50 years. I never expected them to hold exact zero from one season to another, but some will. I typically attribute changes to the stock.
This is a really good point and is my answer for why I’ve never thought much about shifting zeros over the years. I always hunted with wood stocks in factory bedded (using the term loosely) actions.

It’s only in the last 6-8 years I’ve used rifles with composite stocks that are pillar bedded and I can take them apart and put them back together and not expect zero shift. But it’s still there.

I have two hunting rifles that I’ll be cycling out scopes on as discretionary spending allows.
Calling you a liar? Jeez almighty dude calm down.

Never said you lied. But do I think your tests are the be-all end-all like a lot of people here seem to think? No.
Don’t think the tests are “be-all end-all” but I do think it is amazing to have someone dedicated to testing to what most of us would consider the extreme end of drop tests and showing what holds and what doesn’t, there are page sponsors whose scopes have failed the test. If there was a hidden bias it would be known. Hell heard one of the greatest scopes ever were the old leupold fixed 10x.

On top of this let’s be honest lots of resources on this forum, drop tests are just another resource. I form own opinions on stuff and use my real world experience, still have a Vx-5 on one rifle but I sold off about 3 other leupold that had what I would call unexplainable zero shifts… and 3 other leupolds I just didn’t have faith in anymore