Texas school shooting

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Feb 12, 2022
Has it been tried?
23 years of mass school shootings and all the public gets is lip service of we need to prevent this by gun control or mental illness awareness. And here we sit another mass school shooting and it will continue, unfortunately.
Of course not. Why would we try anything?



Aug 10, 2018
Again, focusing on the what.

No one seems to give a shit about why these people kill. The how becomes secondary.

Prevent the killer, prevent the killing.

People saying lock school up are tacitly admitting the physical object is related to the event - the same way some will blame a murder on the gun.

Prevent the killer, prevent the killing.

Keep saying it over and over until it sinks in.

If you want a place to start: fathers.
I understand what your saying and I ask, How does anyone predict human behavior? Let alone prevent someone's actions?

I agree Father's are important for a healthy household, however I don't see it as a prevent all. There are some real dirtbag Father's out there too, and to say all the shooters involved in mass shootings grew up in a home without a father figure is probably inaccurate.


Jun 12, 2019
Your claim that mental illness is somehow cool or fashionable is so ridiculous it's hilarious.

Garbage like that is part of what's wrong with the state of mental health and treatment for in this country.
I would not say it is totally "ridiculous" people who literally make up genders and terms and scream them at other people are deemed "cool" and "fashionable" by a large segment of the population and even cheered on by them. Tell me there is not a mental illness involved in that? Now is it related exactly to shootings probably not but there are A TON of instances when someone clearly is mentally unstable and people expect it to be accepted as normal.


Oct 4, 2018
God didn't give you any right to own a firearm. He gave you the opportunity for life, the rest of up to free will.

Historical Jesus and what has become a modern-day nationalist, pro-death penalty, anti-immigrant, anti-help-the-poor, pro-gun Republican Jesus are two COMPLETELY different figures.
NO. You dont get to tell me what my Jesus is and then blast him. God gave us free will, as you mention. To such a degree that he let us torture and kill his son. I dont see anyone here saying Jesus would have run into the building guns blazing. I dont see anyone here saying Jesus would hang someone, take from the poor, or any other of your lame straw man arguments. You can have an opinion on how we, as free will wielding people, should structure our societies and address problems. You dont get to assign a bunch of political talking points to an entire group of people and then blast them for it. THAT, sir, is called stereotyping and underlies many of the problems that have produced the division in this country. Try engaging to learn about someone before you open fire.
Feb 12, 2022
I would not say it is totally "ridiculous" people who literally make up genders and terms and scream them at other people are deemed "cool" and "fashionable" by a large segment of the population and even cheered on by them. Tell me there is not a mental illness involved in that? Now is it related exactly to shootings probably not but there are A TON of instances when someone clearly is mentally unstable and people expect it to be accepted as normal.
No mental health professional is calling trans or gender non comforming people "mentally ill"...

That goes back to my point about stigmatizaton and treatment.

Making mental health a joke (man, the weather is so bipolar!) or a bogeyman (that trans woman has some major mental illness!) is part of the problem.


WKR & Chairman of the Rokslide Welcoming Committee
Classified Approved
Feb 2, 2020
Scottsdale, AZ
Certainly falls into the definition of cowardice in my book.

Inexcusable lack of action when that was part of the job description you signed up for.

And of course, with the obligatory excuse of "...with the benefit of hindsight..."


Jun 15, 2017
San Antonio
No mental health professional is calling trans or gender non comforming people "mentally ill"...

That goes back to my point about stigmatizaton and treatment.

Making mental health a joke (man, the weather is so bipolar!) or a bogeyman (that trans woman has some major mental illness!) is part of the problem.
That's the problem, they are mentally ill and instead of saying so they're being coddled to believe it's ok and normal. Be as gay as you want, nobody cares, but men can't have babies FFS.


Jan 12, 2022
Isn’t that what happened? An active shooter entered a classroom and barricaded himself in with hostages? That changed the scenario and tactics.
Except that there were kids inside the school calling the police station to beg for help the entire time, and reports are emerging that it was the cops who locked the shooter in the room with the kids in the first place.
May 26, 2022
Your claim that mental illness is somehow cool or fashionable is so ridiculous it's hilarious.

Garbage like that is part of what's wrong with the state of mental health and treatment for in this country.
I am not disagreeing with you but there is literally a movement on TikTok to make up having mental disorders for attention. Its insane how deep the rabbit hole goes on these new apps and what its doing to the younger generation:



May 27, 2022
Put me down on the 2A extremist list.
Not a constitutional right to drive a Prius.
Exactly. what anti-gunners don't realize is that the constitution was written with things that the government can't take away from us...these were written guarantees. The government didn't give us those rights...they were guaranteed by our forefathers to not be taken away from us.
Feb 12, 2022
I am not disagreeing with you but there is literally a movement on TikTok to make up having mental disorders for attention. Its insane how deep the rabbit hole goes on these new apps and what its doing to the younger generation:

Another part of the problem...

I'm certainly not trying to say I have the answer to mental health issues and treatment...

But I do know that using it as a joke/bogeyman/excuse/etc is definitely not helping.
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