Texas school shooting

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100% correct. Excellent post.

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

For example:

Thurston High School.
Columbine High School.
Heritage High School.
Deming Middle School.
Fort Gibson Middle School.
Buell Elementary School.
Lake Worth Middle School.
University of Arkansas.
Junipero Serra High School.
Santana High School.
Bishop Neumann High School.
Pacific Lutheran University.
Granite Hills High School.
Lew Wallace High School.
Martin Luther King, Jr. High School.
Appalachian School of Law.
Washington High School.
Conception Abbey.
Benjamin Tasker Middle School.
University of Arizona.
Lincoln High School.
John McDonogh High School.
Red Lion Area Junior High School.
Case Western Reserve University.
Rocori High School.
Ballou High School.
Randallstown High School.
Bowen High School.
Red Lake Senior High School.
Harlan Community Academy High School.
Campbell County High School.
Milwee Middle School.
Roseburg High School.
Pine Middle School.
Essex Elementary School.
Duquesne University.
Platte Canyon High School.
Weston High School.
West Nickel Mines School.
Joplin Memorial Middle School.
Henry Foss High School.
Compton Centennial High School.
Virginia Tech.
Success Tech Academy.
Miami Carol City Senior High School.
Hamilton High School.
Louisiana Technical College.
Mitchell High School.
E.O. Green Junior High School.
Northern Illinois University.
Lakota Middle School.
Knoxville Central High School.
Willoughby South High School.
Henry Ford High School.
University of Central Arkansas.
Dillard High School.
Dunbar High School.
Hampton University.
Harvard College.
Larose-Cut Off Middle School.
International Studies Academy.
Skyline College.
Discovery Middle School.
University of Alabama.
DeKalb School.
Deer Creek Middle School.
Ohio State University.
Mumford High School.
University of Texas.
Kelly Elementary School.
Marinette High School.
Aurora Central High School.
Millard South High School.
Martinsville West Middle School.
Worthing High School.
Millard South High School.
Highlands Intermediate School.
Cape Fear High School.
Chardon High School.
Episcopal School of Jacksonville.
Oikos University.
Hamilton High School.
Perry Hall School.
Normal Community High School.
University of South Alabama.
Banner Academy South.
University of Southern California.
Sandy Hook Elementary School.
Apostolic Revival Center Christian School.
Taft Union High School.
Osborn High School.
Stevens Institute of Business and Arts.
Hazard Community and Technical College.
Chicago State University.
Lone Star College-North.
Cesar Chavez High School.
Price Middle School.
University of Central Florida.
New River Community College.
Grambling State University.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology.
Ossie Ware Mitchell Middle School.
Ronald E. McNair Discovery Academy.
North Panola High School.
Carver High School.
Agape Christian Academy.
Sparks Middle School.
North Carolina A&T State University.
Stephenson High School.
Brashear High School.
West Orange High School.
Arapahoe High School.
Edison High School.
Liberty Technology Magnet High School.
Hillhouse High School.
Berrendo Middle School.
Purdue University.
South Carolina State University.
Los Angeles Valley College.
Charles F. Brush High School.
University of Southern California.
Georgia Regents University.
Academy of Knowledge Preschool.
Benjamin Banneker High School.
D. H. Conley High School.
East English Village Preparatory Academy.
Paine College.
Georgia Gwinnett College.
John F. Kennedy High School.
Seattle Pacific University.
Reynolds High School.
Indiana State University.
Albemarle High School.
Fern Creek Traditional High School.
Langston Hughes High School.
Marysville Pilchuck High School.
Florida State University.
Miami Carol City High School.
Rogers State University.
Rosemary Anderson High School.
Wisconsin Lutheran High School.
Frederick High School.
Tenaya Middle School.
Bethune-Cookman University.
Pershing Elementary School.
Wayne Community College.
J.B. Martin Middle School.
Southwestern Classical Academy.
Savannah State University.
Harrisburg High School.
Umpqua Community College.
Northern Arizona University.
Texas Southern University.
Tennessee State University.
Winston-Salem State University.
Mojave High School.
Lawrence Central High School.
Franklin High School.
Muskegon Heights High School.
Independence High School.
Madison High School.
Antigo High School.
University of California-Los Angeles.
Jeremiah Burke High School.
Alpine High School.
Townville Elementary School.
Vigor High School.
Linden McKinley STEM Academy.
June Jordan High School for Equity.
Union Middle School.
Mueller Park Junior High School.
West Liberty-Salem High School.
University of Washington.
King City High School.
North Park Elementary School.
North Lake College.
Freeman High School.
Mattoon High School.
Rancho Tehama Elementary School.
Aztec High School.
Wake Forest University.
Italy High School.
NET Charter High School.
Marshall County High School.
Sal Castro Middle School.
Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School
Great Mills High School
Central Michigan University
Huffman High School
Frederick Douglass High School
Forest High School
Highland High School
Dixon High School
Santa Fe High School
Noblesville West Middle School
University of North Carolina Charlotte
STEM School Highlands Ranch
Edgewood High School
Palm Beach Central High School
Providence Career & Technical Academy
Fairley High School (school bus)
Canyon Springs High School
Dennis Intermediate School
Florida International University
Central Elementary School
Cascade Middle School
Davidson High School
Prairie View A & M University
Altascocita High School
Central Academy of Excellence
Cleveland High School
Robert E. Lee High School
Cheyenne South High School
Grambling State University
Blountsville Elementary School
Holmes County, Mississippi (school bus)
Prescott High School
College of the Mainland
Wynbrooke Elementary School
UNC Charlotte
Riverview Florida (school bus)
Second Chance High School
Carman-Ainsworth High School
Williwaw Elementary School
Monroe Clark Middle School
Central Catholic High School
Jeanette High School
Eastern Hills High School
DeAnza High School
Ridgway High School
Reginald F. Lewis High School
Saugus High School
Pleasantville High School
Waukesha South High School
Oshkosh High School
Catholic Academy of New Haven
Bellaire High School
North Crowley High School
McAuliffe Elementary School
South Oak Cliff High School
Texas A&M University-Commerce
Sonora High School
Western Illinois University
Oxford High School
Robb Elementary School
Nice copy and paste. I will be here waiting to read your excellent suggestion for stopping School violence.
The teachers will just be the first ones to die.

Training only goes far when you're getting shot at.
What a bunch of defeatist crap. By your logic we should quit trying any solution because there is a chance it wont work.

For someone who sings the libertarian tune so much Buzz you sure seem to have strong "ideas" about how other people should be allowed to protect themselves and their family.

The correct answer is not simple. There is no "one solution" that we as humans are going to generate. What we have to decide is are we going to trade a measure of freedom for a "guarantee". I think we (as a country) are, indeed. I personally dont think it is the right answer.

There is only one solution to the problems in this world, and Jesus has already told us how this ends. So pray. Pray for our children. Pray for our country. Pray for the victims. And, yes, pray for the people who commit these disgusting crimes. I believe that only God can speak to a heart so troubled.
The teachers will just be the first ones to die.

Training only goes far when you're getting shot at.

So what’s your solution then? You sure are knocking down everyone else’s suggestions.

And to say teachers will be the first to die bc training only goes so far when getting shot at. That in itself can be applied to a situation where a gunman is receiving returning fire. You “assume” it will play out only one way which is your scenario but that’s not true. You can’t know what would happen. No one does or could. I am also not saying that this is the cure all.

What I do know is that changes need to be made to secure schools. That we can all agree on. Limiting mag capacity and banning certain firearms isn’t the answer. It’s not even a step in the right direction. And the fact that certain political figures jump up and start pushing agendas or narratives before the blood has dried is grotesque and shows how little they truly care about the victims.

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Our founding fathers allowed automatic weapons and cannons for a reason, because it is what our military had at the time and the same should be applied now.
This is a tragic incident but we don't blame vehicles when people run over people on purpose, we blame mental health and the person. When it comes to a shooting though people want to blame the gun for some reason.
Also what exactly do you propose we change, I would love to hear an actual change that doesn't infringe on others rights but keeps our classrooms protected like we protect our banks, politicians, and celebrities.
Um for the record schools are more secure than a shit load of banks! My banks has cameras. . . No guns, no bullet proof glass, no buzz in or intercom. Jus talk right in and say hello to your friendly banker! This school district had 4 paid security officers, they had locked outside doors and the requirement you check in at the front office. . . Doesn't matter when you just shoot the glass out and waltz right in!
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Curious where you're getting firearms within a couple days with a couple clicks of a mouse?

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until Walmart stopped selling "black guns" I could be in and out in 45 min with a new AR. I could head to a number of stores (Cabela's, bass pro, local gun shop) and as long as the internet is up and running a few clicks through the system and I'm walking out in under an hour with a new long gun.
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So what’s your solution then? You sure are knocking down everyone else’s suggestions.

And to say teachers will be the first to die bc training only goes so far when getting shot at. That in itself can be applied to a situation where a gunman is receiving returning fire. You “assume” it will play out only one way which is your scenario but that’s not true. You can’t know what would happen. No one does or could. I am also not saying that this is the cure all.

What I do know is that changes need to be made to secure schools. That we can all agree on. Limiting mag capacity and banning certain firearms isn’t the answer. It’s not even a step in the right direction. And the fact that certain political figures jump up and start pushing agendas or narratives before the blood has dried is grotesque and shows how little they truly care about the victims.

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I told you.

Offer thoughts and prayers, build caskets, and bury the dead.

That's all we've ever done and all we'll ever do...what changes after Sandy Hook and Columbine helped prevent this one?

Nothing special about this one, just another to add to the list, just like the next one will be.

I'm not arguing with you that firearm restrictions are the answer. That's not a practical solution any more than arming teachers.

There is only one solution to the problems in this world, and Jesus has already told us how this ends. So pray. Pray for our children. Pray for our country. Pray for the victims. And, yes, pray for the people who commit these disgusting crimes. I believe that only God can speak to a heart so troubled.
Yip, we’re treating symptoms of a major “heart” problem.

If anyone goes back in my criminal record, they’d be shocked at where I was headed at 16-19 years old. God changed my heart, and that’s what changed my behaviour. I’d never consider doing the things I was doing back then, and not because they are against the law, but against my fellow man. That’s what God n Jesus changed in me.
Reroute the $40 billion from Ukraine and spend it on better school security. If that isn't enough, cut another 10% from the defense industry and use that for more school security.

When a nation spends $5 trillion a year, don't tell me there isn't money for school security.
Un until Walmart stopped selling "black guns" I could be in and out in 45 min with a new AR. I could head to a number of stores (Cabela's, bass pro, local gun shop) and as long as the internet is up and running a few clicks through the system and I'm walking out in under an hour with a new long gun.
And your point is?
maybe, but it could change the fact that schools are thought of as gun-free zones by the murderers looking for a soft target.
Yep, what a great point.
If people are instilled with the understanding that defending one's self is an inherent personal freedom it may go a long way to preventing these events. And those that propagate this evil would know that others aren't going to allow it!
Disagree. IF the perception of schools as soft targets was changed through having armed faculty or guards on campus they would be less attactive targets.
This school DID have armed guards, so did the store in Buffalo.

How did that work out?

Look, get it through your head...these people that do these things, they don't care that they're going to die. Its highly doubtful an armed guard or faculty is even a consideration for someone hell bent on mass murder...they most obviously are not into making rational decisions.

Good grief...the lack of critical thinking on these threads is staggering.
Cherry pick the one case in a Church...lipstick on a pig.
There are others, too, but that one case has stimulated other churches to arm themselves. I know of one personally. At Easter this year, I noticed guys with wired mics, and baggy clothes posted throughout the church. And at regular service, I see these guys wandering around.

That’s how guarding schools would likely work…things would begin to change.
Yep, what a great point.
If people are instilled with the understanding that defending one's self is an inherent personal freedom it may go a long way to preventing these events. And those that propagate this evil would know that others aren't going to allow it!
People that commit these acts are not going to think about anything, including what you think, what I think, or an armed teacher or security guard think.

They don't care...the absolute best case scenario for them is life in prison. They're insane, they don't care anymore.
Maybe teachers and administrators should be allowed to discipline out of control kids? Maybe parents should be parents and not constantly coddling and rubbing sugar on their behinds scared to hurt their feelings.

This has nothing to do with guns, mental illness, or whatever anyone wants to blame. This is strictly a symptom of piss poor parenting, schools/LEO being handcuffed, and an everybody is a winner you can identify as whatever you want society.
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