Texas school shooting

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I guess the answer to to trust the politicians to come up with more laws in the best interest of us peasants right? What could possibly go wrong?

Should we also ban swimming pools since more kids die from drowning? Or how about cars since so many die in crashes?
Firearms deaths outpace drownings in adolescents by about 6 to 1. And unfortunately, firearms passed MV crashes as leading cause of death in 2019.
Just a fact...a couple news cycles and we all forget.

Does anyone really care or continue to talk about the other one that happened 10 days prior?

The conclusion is, offering thoughts and prayers, do nothing to change future similar tragedies.

Reality is uncomfortable, I get it, but this wasn't the first and exactly nothing will change to try making it the last. Seen it over and over and over again.
How do we know nothing will change?

Nothing has been tried besides saying "thoughts and prayers"...
All my fellow gun owners act like all guns are created equal. "Guns don't kill people!" is the mantra. Sure guns don't kill people, but when they're used, a AR-15 or a Glock 17 sure do a more effective job than a bolt action .270 or a .357 revolver.

It doesn't pass the sniff test for me that a derranged 18 year old can get two highly effective weapons with a few clicks of a mouse with no barriers to entry. A few clicks and a few days later and he's ready to go.

I don't know exactly what I'm getting at. I know that there's already such a large supply of cheap guns that determined people will find a way. But generally speaking in this mass shootings, the kid just went and bought what he wanted with minimal inconvenience.

And I know I'll get flamed with the "what does SHALL NOT INFRINGE sound like to you?" Spare me. We all accept certain standards for what is legal and isn't with regard to guns. Where's your tank and rocket launcher? I believe even the conservative stalwart Antonin Scalia said it is, “not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.”

Call me a lefty loon I guess. Seems making it a little harder for a dumbass 18 year kid to buy two ARs and 375 rounds of ammo in a matter of a day wouldn't be the end of the world. I know, I know, if you give them an inch they'll take a mile.

No meaningful change will come from this tragedy anyway so everything I'm saying is pretty pointless.
Our founding fathers allowed automatic weapons and cannons for a reason, because it is what our military had at the time and the same should be applied now.
This is a tragic incident but we don't blame vehicles when people run over people on purpose, we blame mental health and the person. When it comes to a shooting though people want to blame the gun for some reason.
Also what exactly do you propose we change, I would love to hear an actual change that doesn't infringe on others rights but keeps our classrooms protected like we protect our banks, politicians, and celebrities.
Firearms deaths outpace drownings in adolescents by about 6 to 1. And unfortunately, firearms passed MV crashes as leading cause of death in 2019.
Now eliminate the self inflicted deaths and that comes down drastically. You can't put all gun deaths in the same category. They need to be separated from homicide, accidental, and self inflicted.
All my fellow gun owners act like all guns are created equal. "Guns don't kill people!" is the mantra. Sure guns don't kill people, but when they're used, a AR-15 or a Glock 17 sure do a more effective job than a bolt action .270 or a .357 revolver.

It doesn't pass the sniff test for me that a derranged 18 year old can get two highly effective weapons with a few clicks of a mouse with no barriers to entry. A few clicks and a few days later and he's ready to go.

I don't know exactly what I'm getting at. I know that there's already such a large supply of cheap guns that determined people will find a way. But generally speaking in this mass shootings, the kid just went and bought what he wanted with minimal inconvenience.

And I know I'll get flamed with the "what does SHALL NOT INFRINGE sound like to you?" Spare me. We all accept certain standards for what is legal and isn't with regard to guns. Where's your tank and rocket launcher? I believe even the conservative stalwart Antonin Scalia said it is, “not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose.”

Call me a lefty loon I guess. Seems making it a little harder for a dumbass 18 year kid to buy two ARs and 375 rounds of ammo in a matter of a day wouldn't be the end of the world. I know, I know, if you give them an inch they'll take a mile.

No meaningful change will come from this tragedy anyway so everything I'm saying is pretty pointless.
Curious where you're getting firearms within a couple days with a couple clicks of a mouse?

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Curious where you're getting firearms within a couple days with a couple clicks of a mouse?

Sent from my Pixel 6 Pro using Tapatalk
I order guns online all the time and they're at my FFL in a few days. Go there, pick it up, and enjoy. Getting a gun picked up from an FFL isn't exactly difficult or scrutinized.
Most don't even make the news:

Most don't even make the news:

Because the vast majority are in inner cities with handguns.
Our founding fathers allowed automatic weapons and cannons for a reason, because it is what our military had at the time and the same should be applied now.
This is a tragic incident but we don't blame vehicles when people run over people on purpose, we blame mental health and the person. When it comes to a shooting though people want to blame the gun for some reason.
Also what exactly do you propose we change, I would love to hear an actual change that doesn't infringe on others rights but keeps our classrooms protected like we protect our banks, politicians, and celebrities.

I don't have all the answers myself. I'm personally very conflicted on this topic. I've grown up around guns of all shapes and sizes. My father took me to NRA conventions as a kid all the time. I have a picture of my 9 year old sister with Wayne LaPierre when she stopped him and asked for a picture back around 2000. I saw Charlton Heston do his "From My Cold Dead Hands" speech. I've got a safe full of nice guns including an AR-15. So I'm in no way anti-gun.

Common sense measures like background checks and training for certain guns are fine with me. I know that this will never happen because common sense and politicians don't go hand in hand. Like I mentioned, nothing is going to come from this so what I'm saying is pointless.
Past history...Vegas, columbine, Sandy Hook, Buffalo, etc. etc.

Nothing leads me to believe anything will change.
How many gun laws are on the record? How many gun laws have been passed yet they don't stop crime. Doesn't stop crime in major cities, doesn't stop evil people from doing evil things. No one can bring up a change that actually solves the issue, and the changes that people do push solely hurt legal gun owners. The only thing that would solve this issue is having better security and armed security at these vulnerable gun free zones, these weak and evil people target these areas because there will be no resistance to stop them, but that is reserved for our politicians, money in banks, and celebrities I guess.
My 8 year old daughters went into lockdown at her elementary school due to a standoff and shooting right across the street. To say that I was freaked out is an understatement, as North Falmouth on Cape Cod is a quiet community. https://www.boston25news.com/news/l...ivity-near-school/4J4NNNWUB5BQZO6DYK4A3DBEZI/

Whenever this happens it immediately turns to finger pointing, and attacks on the NRA and the 2nd amendment, when in reality a lot can be done to protect our kids now without focusing on guns. The FBI has a school shooter assessment program that can identify vulnerability in a school security and then provide recommendations. This is free and every school governing body should get their head out of their ass and get this done. We should never have the mentality that this would not happen to our community, because it can. If we can print $40B for Ukraine, then by damn we can print money to have schools protected as much as possible, and I think no one would disagree on it's priority.

Yes, our country has a morals problem right now, and things are effed up, but that's not an easy fix. Focus on what we can fix, and if you are on a school board or committee, recommends actions like mentioned above and try to keeps folks off of the political soapbox, because it does nothing.
I order guns online all the time and they're at my FFL in a few days. Go there, pick it up, and enjoy. Getting a gun picked up from an FFL isn't exactly difficult or scrutinized.
But there is certainly more to it than a couple mouse clicks.

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I don't have all the answers myself. I'm personally very conflicted on this topic. I've grown up around guns of all shapes and sizes. My father took me to NRA conventions as a kid all the time. I have a picture of my 9 year old sister with Wayne LaPierre when she stopped him and asked for a picture back around 2000. I saw Charlton Heston do his "From My Cold Dead Hands" speech. I've got a safe full of nice guns including an AR-15. So I'm in no way anti-gun.

Common sense measures like background checks and training for certain guns are fine with me. I know that this will never happen because common sense and politicians don't go hand in hand. Like I mentioned, nothing is going to come from this so what I'm saying is pointless.
No I get it, we can find ways to stop tragedies like this from happening, but we already have background checks and to go around them is illegal. Also who do you think should offer these classes? Like I think it would be great if people were better trained and knew more about gun safety but I also don't think the government should be in charge of this because then they can exclude people or certain groups of people from getting firearms under the guise of "not passing this class".
Unfortunately this is not a problem that can be fixed by just banning guns or arming teachers.

Problem with banning guns or making more gun laws is they disproportionately affect minority communities. Which will lead to a no go zone.

There are some teachers that could probably handle themselves very well in an armed conflict. They are the minority. Most are grossly unprepared and have no desire to train. It could be done and done well though.

Armed security or SRO’s in every school sounds easy enough until it comes down to the funding and some of the social justice issues that you’ve already seen rise in schools where police make students feel uncomfortable.

Single point of entry and hardening school entry sounds easy enough, but in application it’s much more difficult to get everybody on board than most realize. Also funding becomes an issue very quickly.

Mental healthcare in America is trash. It needs needs to be scrapped and start over. There is no nice way to put it.

It’s gonna take a conglomerate of things to fix this issue which will never happen because no one‘s going to want to give a inch.
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Without the right to bear arms, we are sheeple to be led to the slaughter by the government. They are our only hedge to tyrrany. This is what makes us different from all those other countries we're so often compared to with regards to gun violence.

Confiscation IS the agenda and they will initiate with "common sense" gun buy backs to throw gun owners a bone for their freedom. Then they will prosecute those that refuse to submit to confiscation. According to one Dem that had the balls to be transparent, it could come to outright war on gun owners. How would they know who owns an assault rifle or even a semi-auto you may ask?


Oh yeah, the ATF has already digitized over 50M gun purchase records illegally. And then there are the concealed carry permit lists. Oh and suppressor purchase lists. Oh and hunting license records. Anybody that doesn't think the government already knows or has access to find you is naive and gullible.
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