Take the kids along!

It's so awesome to see parents taking their kids out with them!! I see it so little where I'm at and catch shit for taking my kids in the hills all the time. It's truly amazing how much the kids want to go now even in crappy weather they're ready. Thanks for sharing!!

It’s so true kids are always willing to go outside even in the crummy weather! I truly believe they are naturally drawn to the outdoors!

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I love this!! The idea of pack goats is awesome. As I only have one child (5 years) old she is a trooper when it comes to hiking.


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I love this!! The idea of pack goats is awesome. As I only have one child (5 years) old she is a trooper when it comes to hiking.

Give a look into the article I did about it and see if it fits your needs. So awesome you are including your daughter as well! They sure love it our son is already asking to go camping aka "backpacking"... we gotta wait for the snow to clear up some!
Pics are awesome! Some of my best memories are of spending time with my family in the outdoors both as a child an as a parent. The time spent will never be forgotten by you or them!
Some of my favorites. Its not easy with a big family, but its necessary to share the love of the outdoors. FB_IMG_1578461053311.jpg20161209_075549.jpg20170513_155111.jpg20151226_151800.jpg
i have taken my kids with me since the moment they could walk. and it has created priceless moments. sure there are times i could not stay out as long or go as far but the reward was worth it. The hunts where i was "successful" when the kids were along were that much more memorable. because of this I flat out hate the words "I will take them when they are old enough"... if you dont get them into it now you will lose them to video games, youtube and other influences. one of my best friends waited too long and now his kids have zero interest... take them now....they are old enough.


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Very inspiring. My kids are old enough now and It's my goal this year to take my two kids and wife outdoors hiking camping and hunting at least a couple times a month. They've never been and are excited to get outdoors. Can't wait for winter to be over and have my two kids to experience the outdoors.