SWFA website updated; More to come in 2024

So what's the "fix" for those of us that don't want a big, honkin' windage turret? Can it be replaced with a normal windage dial for sighting in?

Also regarding the weight of the 3-15x42, I emailed SWFA last night about it. They responded promptly this morning apologizing for not having it on the specs. It is 22.7 oz's and is now on the listing.

The scopes are Made In Japan per SWFA.

I wish SWFA well. I don't think it's a particularly good look to just bash on them. They've obviously had their issues, but I get the feeling they're trying, and these scopes really do fill an important niche. I'd prefer a 3-9X or 2-10X HD, so will wait for either of those. I used to talk with, and buy from the SWFA guys at gun shows back in the late 80's and early 90's and they were always super professional.

I have a feeling we'll be seeing more models as time marches on...
Thanks, but I probably wasn't clear enough. Yeah, I understand those rubber caps. What I'm talking about is what DIAL to replace the large windage turret? Not a "fix" to keep brass from hitting the OEM windage turret.
You can’t get a shorter knob to work because the internal post the knob mounts to protrudes way out there as well. Some have hacked it off shorter but then the knob is totally useless.
Thanks, but I probably wasn't clear enough. Yeah, I understand those rubber caps. What I'm talking about is what DIAL to replace the large windage turret? Not a "fix" to keep brass from hitting the OEM windage turret.
Those rubber caps replace the turret, not cover it. If you want a turret, you use one of the included ones. If you don't want a turret, you remove it and can make a cover for the housing from one of the rubber caps or otherwise. If you want a different turret entirely, you'll have to choose another scope or make one yourself.
You can’t get a shorter knob to work because the internal post the knob mounts to protrudes way out there as well. Some have hacked it off shorter but then the knob is totally useless.
Thanks - I'm clear know.
With the new ones, a person could cut the windage post of. Take one of the thread caps and cut it off to length, then use a two part epoxy to close the end of the cap.

Or, if someone wants tey could 3D print or mill a threaded cap out of ABS.

Lots of nicer options than the rubber cap having those threads there.
You can’t get a shorter knob to work because the internal post the knob mounts to protrudes way out there as well. Some have hacked it off shorter but then the knob is totally useless.

Not totally useless.. on the old ss style you can fit a rubber cap on without cutting anything. You can also cut the brass post to make it a touch shorter. On either length can then dremel in a slot with a thin disk to then be able to turn it with a coin, screwdriver, case head, etc..

Shown below is factory brass post length, but did cut a slot to turn in field if needed

Not totally sure what windage looks like on the new ones but assume it's somewhat similar, the post will just have a threaded hole in the middle

The HD models are produced by LOW and it looks like they’ve discontinued most of the HD models with the exception of the 1-6HD and the 3-9HD. The non HD models are produce by Kenko. I have a now discontinued 10x HD and am curious to see if the glass on the new 10x, will be as good as the glass on the discontinued 10x HD.

Not totally useless..
If you cut the post off then the knob cannot be re-mounted therefore it becomes totally useless as to its original form. I didn’t say there wasn’t a work around to continue to be be able to adjust it.

The original 3x9 knob’s appear to be shorter than what’s supplied on the scopes just released. But if the new ones follow the form of the old 3x9 type knob mounting, then just removing the knob will reduce the length more than the old 3x15 knob and post.

3x9 HD
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Blows my mind how many people are just going to forget about the almost total lack of existence and support SWFA has had for the past two years. I'll stick with companies that actually have a robust enough business to keep things in stock reasonably in case something needs fixing or replacement. I have a "waitlist" 6x MQ sitting in Neverland also that will be turned down quickly if they reach out. Zero chance I would send these guys another dollar.