1) I have had a full tour of the Swaro factory in Hall in Tirol, Austria after an intro from another company in that region. Their plant, build process, pride in workmanship and QC steps are amazing. Top notch, but hey, shit does happen.
2) I used to work for UPS at night in college. The shit we used to do when trying to slam boxes out the back of fully loaded semis and onto the conveyer was equally, if not more amazing. When you're standing in a fully loaded semi with a wall of boxes in front on you, and a manager standing over you with a stop watch checking your productivity, you starting pulling on boxes and shit is falling and flying all around, hitting the metal floor from 7' up, stepping on boxes so you can reach higher... There is NO tenderness or love, just get boxes out the back of that trailer as fast as possible or get fired.
3) Years ago, my buddy's dad was a division manager for NASA during the moon launches. He used to say- You can't make anything 100% idiot proof, they have too much time on their hands and will figure out a way to break it or f*** it up.
Swaro's precision optics are susceptible to damage, just like a Porsche or Ferrari can have problem show up in the first day of use.
One thing for sure, send them back and they will make them right and triple check them. You'll have great glass. Bummer in the interim.